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Should America Invade Israel?



Why would you ask such an inane question? It doesn’t deserve an answer! Are you an anti-Semite? Do you know the meaning of that term? Apparently you don’t. Definition: A person who has a hostile, prejudiced attitude toward Jews. Sometimes you just can’t fix stupid.🤷‍♀️


Unlike you, I don't approve of genocide and apartheid. But you eat your fox news. Are you a McCarthyist? You are so dumb. A majority of semites are not jew.


“A majority of semites are not jew.“ That may be true, but I’m not the one advocating the invasion of Israel by the U.S. FYI, nowadays when the word anti-Semetic is used it’s mostly referring to the Jews. BTW, Israel is not engaged in genocide, unless you mean when the country is attacked it defends always.


If basic definitions mean nothing, then you're just a robot repeating garbage someone else told you to say.


If you talk about invading Iran, nobody calls you antisemitic. If you say hey, maybe Israel is not a good ally, all of a sudden we become antisemitic. You don't see a problem with that? Israel is murdering journalists and medics, with our help. Also, Israel's right wing government does not = all Jewish people. Is someone living in Israel who disagrees with what their government is doing, an antisemite? It's completely stupid.


Yeah, the invade Iran plan doesn't seem to offend anyone.. People are duped all the time.. Before it was "Communists" or "Terrorists"

Kill babies and their mothers (just don't call them sons of bitches - you know real issues)... It's a way for people to stay neutered. Justice isn't always expedient.

Remember, a majority of people were pro-slavery before they weren't. Civil rights, etc etc etc.... The weak people wait until everyone else gives them permission.


You beat me to it, I just read the breaking news. I'm sure Republicans (or right-wing or fascists) don't care what Israel just said, but I will quote this for the peace-loving, freedom loving people who appreciate (true) liberalism.

PM of Israel
"What is important about this meeting, and it is not in secret, because there are many of those - is that this is an open meeting with representatives of leading Arab countries, that are sitting down together with Israel in order to advance the common interest of war with Iran."




An article worth reading, if all of you anti-Israel folks care enough to get your noses out of the anti-Israel NYT.

A country, Israel, is bombarded with rockets, but when the country defends is “right-wing” and guilty of war crimes. We Republicans are called fascists. Y’all throw that word around just as racist is the word of choice nowadays. It’s easy to tag people with those terms who don’t agree with you...especially when you don’t know the definition of fascism or racism. A good example of facists in this country are the Antifa thugs...the new Brown Shirts!


No, we called Trump fans fascist because of his tactics during the campaign, and the cult of personality he built. I didn't think he was governing from a point of fascism at first, although he sort of is now when he continues threatening to shut down the government if people don't give him everything he wants.

I personally don't go around calling all right wingers racists, but just as there is a xenophobic wing in the democratic party that blames Russia for all their problems, there is a xenophobic wing in the republican party that blames Mexico and black people for all their problems. To deny this is disingenuous.

Were the protesters hurling bombs at Israel when they were shot? No, no they weren't. But you are gonna call this Israel defending themselves? How is anyone supposed to take you seriously. Further, you call it antisemitism to point out how screwed up it was. Again, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously? You're crying wolf like a little crybaby.

Now I'll move on to the other disingenuous thing. Do you think it's antisemitism to say that AIPAC is influencing politicians through legal bribery?


There you go...calling Trump “voters” fascists. So many of us aren’t fans as you call them. Anyone would have been better than “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone. Elections have consequences.” Obama who anointed himself King and ruled by edict. And there’s that rascist term again. So easy to throw it about, isn’t it? Anyone who voted for Trump is either a fascist, a rascist...or both!

And to your statement “there is a xenophobic wing in the republican party that blames Mexico and black people for all their problems.”...hogwash!

To your final question regarding AIPAC...Omar needs to be bitch slapped and drop shipped back to Somalia! Like no one else takes money from lobbyists!


Yeah, if it quacks like a fascist, it's probably a fascist. Notice I said Trump fans, and not Trump voters. But you immediately strawman me, saying that I am calling everyone who voted for Trump a fascist. You are a compulsively dishonest person.

Obama anointed himself king? Now you're just being stupid, not to mention pathetic.

Yes, lots of people take money from lobbyists, but not the candidate I voted for. How are you gonna bring what Ilhan Omar said into this? I'm asking if stating facts is antisemitism, irregardless of Ilhan Omar. Yes, she was smeared as antisemitic, but I wanted to hear how you can justify that. You didn't even try, coward.

However, I will say that I don't support "invading" Israel. Lol.

You are clearly a narcissist who will not acknowledge any point. I don't see what I have to gain by discussing anything with you.


I agree. We have reached an impasse.


I just got trolled huh?


If you are referring to me...the answer is no. I don’t troll, bait, whatever you want to call it. I was in a discussion with an unknown entity on this board...which I always say “Never again!” as it’s against my better judgement. To engage in political rhetoric with an unknown out there in cyberspace is a no win situation. It’s like debating with a wall...nothing changes. It’s the same as when it began...hence an impasse.


Nothing changes because you're too insecure in your views to back them up with reason and evidence when contradicted.


Ooooh, I like you. It's nice to see someone who isn't a drone saying "Orange Man Bad" and can actually see things as they are :)


Thanks! When you used the nomenclature, drone, to describe Trump haters I immediately thought of the Borg from Star Trek. They are of one mind; “Resistance is futile”, and part of the hive. They are so afflicted with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” which makes them unable to think outside the box when listening to the Trump hating media. So, they lob ad hominem attacks at those who refuse to engage them during their inane rhetoric.

It grieves me to quote a NAZI adage so I won’t quote it as per written. I will paraphrase it instead, but the idea is still apparent. Tell a lie long enough and often becomes the truth!


No, it doesn't become the truth, it becomes accepted as truth. Once again, you demonstrate lack of critical thinking skills.


Do you think it's antisemitism to say that AIPAC is influencing politicians through legal bribery?


Is it anti-Nazi to say Nazis are rounding up and killing Jews? Well that would depend on what you think about rounding up and killing Jews I guess. Let's say you didn't like it. Would you dance around the label anti-Nazi and insist it doesn't apply to you?


Is it anti-Nazi? Yes. Is it anti-German? No. Clearly your analogy is missing the mark. I invite you to try again.


No. Why would we invade one of our most important allies in the world? That's stupid and a betrayal of epic proportions.


Genocide isn't a betrayal of humanity? Go watch something besides Fox News.


They invaded us. Look up the USS Liberty.


Thrillhouse & Amerigirl,

Me thinks we have a troll here. 👹 Ignore is the best policy. Usually they’ll crawl back under their bridge.


America should invade itself, this is where all the real problems start.

First things first, we should stop considering "American" to refer to us. America is a pair of continents, not a country. From Greenland all the way to the ass end of Chile is a swath of countries that are ALL full of Americans.

This country is the United States. It has no other unique name. We are also like 4% of the world's population, so our political and runaway military power just overcompensates for that. This is why the U.S. becomes an empire, and is seen as a bully.

Far too much global meddling has been done by our government for decades and decades.... far too much manipulation and coersion of other governments. One of the most damaging things ever done was pushing the "War on Drugs" into other countries, using economic blackmail to force others to adopt it. This literally destroys lives, wastes resources, and CREATES a lucrative black market, fertile ground for cartels and mobs and terrorist organizations.

The U.S. has damn near ENTHUSIASTICALLY created most of its major problems.

Then there's the weird Israel relationship, which is caused by the Bible and overzealous Christians who believe in a Holy Land. Separation of church and state stops at the door of democracy, where religious influence seeps through in the beliefs of those who steer political actions.


Neat. You found a way to blame Christians. Maybe the Jews will throw some sheckels your way.


Blame them for what? There's nothing inherently "wrong" about a political ally relationship with Israel. The only bad part is the military industrial complex using Israel as an extension of military power and giving them weapons so they can be a proxy military base in the Middle East.
