AmeriGirl26's Replies

I spent the first 8 years of my childhood without the internet, and learned to appreciate how far we came when it came to advancement in communication. It's not the title "Millennial" or Generation Y that bothers me. It's the fact that everyone out there labels those from my generation in a negative light. All they ever pay attention to are the whiny, spoiled, lazy, liberals born in my generation, and then lump all the rest of us in there with them, bringing about the stereotypes I loathe and despise that people have heaped on my generation. I don't appreciate being labeled like that. Yeah, I was 13.5 when the Year 2000 came around. Yes, I was born in the 80s. But I learned a long time ago that the universe didn't revolve around me, and society doesn't owe me anything. Yes, I live with my family, but that is due to economic reasons while I'm training to become a major contributor to society (and believe me, my job is going to be integral to the medical field). And no, I have never voted Democrap, and don't ever expect me to. One thing I'm hoping for [but not holding my breath on] is that we have a similar situation to what happened with Doctor Crusher on TNG, where she was away for a season, but then came back, so we only had to deal with the old blond doctor for that long. I hoping Alara might come back, but there's no way to tell if the actress ever will. There was a similar situation on "Stargate: SG-1" where Daniel "died," but later came back, and that was due to the actor wanting to leave because he didn't want to share the spotlight with his fellow cast-members anymore, but then, after a year of not being able to get work, or having lousy jobs available, he came crawling back to the producer, begging to be let back on the show. I hoping Alara might come back, but there's no way to tell if the actress ever will, but they did leave it open for her to do so. Ed told her the job was always open. Okay, I'll keep an eye out for them when the next full moon comes up in the sky, hehe. Both are bigoted, but the problem is, one side thinks the door of bigotry only swings one way, and that what they do doesn't count as being prejudicial against the other group. I dislike double-standards far more by comparison. The worst part is, the double-standard bearers get away with it all the time. Most people don't even remember her name anymore! How long has it been since she was in a film that people actually went to see? Not to mention the fact that the trannies are starting to steal the queers' limelight these days. It's not glamorous to have gay friends in Hollywood anymore, now that they aren't a rare commodity hiding in the shadows. Tranny is where it's at now, and the gays are getting very jealous and vicious with them behind the scenes. If he makes another episode about how messed-up their culture is, I'm gonna quit. I hate the Moclans, their culture is messed up and irredeemable, and I'm getting tired of the social commentary about them. Quit it, Seth! Here's a real question I'd like to ask, just how dead is her career that she has to go into politics and activism to get noticed? I've already seen news stories like that in the past few years, and yet they never went national. One was a gay coffee shop owner in Seattle that ran some Christian kids out of his shop because they wanted to pray in the lounge area. One of the kids filmed him on his cell phone camera yelling at them. Don't you just love the Left's definition of tolerance? Honey, there's an "ignore" button for a reason. You don't need to listen to them. They're just bitter because their old horse didn't win the race, and they've been throwing a 3-year tantrum because of it. America is doing fine, particularly if you walk out your front door (unless you're in a nasty neighborhood). Don't let these idiots get you down. Peter and Evynn Hollens, epic music, and Lindsey Stirling. Sometimes if I feel like it, I'll watch the "Worst Jobs In History" series again, or a documentary by Lucy Worsley. This had nothing to do with Christianity's attitude towards others. The Columbine massacre had to do with a small group of mentally ill teenagers that thought they could solve their problems by killing innocent, unarmed people, and got exactly what they deserved after it was all over. Just remember that the time will one day come when one has to choose what is right, and what is easy, and the easy path rarely is rewarding. Apparently this moron was playing hooky from 1st grade when they were playing the Schoolhouse Rock tape about the 3 Branches of the US Government. It makes sense that a former veteran of "All That" would be involved with the revival :). Who better to usher in the new generation than the previous one? The only issues they will be running into, are finding talented kids that are funny, and new material for the show. That's also why they fought tooth and nail to try to keep people like Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas off the bench. The Democraps have time and time again tried to pass laws that were unpopular with the people, so they found a way to circumvent the rules by having their stooges on the Supreme Court pass their crappy laws, regardless of what the people wanted. They know now that without a majority on the Supreme Court, all their evil plans are now kaput because they can't use the loophole to pass their lousy laws anymore. I always knew it was. The Democraps were not just covering up their own crimes, but trying to make up ones to "get Trump" and take him out of office. Didn't work. It's one reason he let them make fools of themselves by going on this wild goose chase for 3 years. Sorry, but you can't impeach a sitting president just because you don't like him. Doesn't work that way. If it had, we would have booted O'shithead years ago. Let's see.....on opening day of "The Last Jedi," he received no less than 3 million death threats for what he did to the SW franchise, and they've been mounting ever since. Convincing enough for you? Even Trump can't top that. Spaceballs :D. I love Mel Brooks' movies. Sadly, it was actually much more mundane how he died, though no less juicy. It wasn't an ark who killed him. It was doing it with one of his mistresses at a summer home. He passed on being able to hold up a tent. True story.