AlyCatPartDeux's Replies

I expect nothing less from Dabb than to use Deans storyline aka Malak Box 📦 for another character. Asshole. I’m still pissed that he dumped the Michael/Dean arc. Welp I’m hoping for a really original didn't see that coming twist for the season end but this IS Dabb so it will probably be boringly predictable. Because it’s Dabb. I’m expecting as I’ve said elsewhere, a Willow/Xander yellow crayon moment where at the last moment Jack will have a “flashback epiphany” - either by remembering (or Cas will tell him) the moment he witnessed Castiels selfless act in which in order to save Jack, made the deal with the Empty Entity. And it will touch Jacks little nougat loving non-soul? so deeply that he will let Chicago - Oops, right show, earlier episode- he will let the universe stay. And the Jack, Sam and Dean will go fishing right after Cas takes him snake shopping. Foreshadowed? Try sledgehammered. Great show! It’s not greedy and selfish if that’s what the leads chose to do. And they did. And made a damn good living out of it until they decided it was time to hang up the flannel. Enjoying something and wanting it to continue is not greedy nor selfish. The shame is that there was more to explore and stories to be told. What we needed was a decent Showrunner at the helm and a stronger stable of writers. I can’t help but think that Jensen was disappointed in the way his part in the Michael character ended. Another Dean storyline just dropped. And let’s not forget the Malak Box. If I were Jensen and I were toying with the idea of quitting? This would make me give it even more consideration. Jensen sounded slightly less than thrilled with how he went to Dabb to ask him what he, THE SHOWRUNNER, was looking for from him for Michael and he basically got no direction. So many opportunities wasted. That is what Dabbs showrunning has gotten us. It wasn’t all a wreck. We’ve had some fantastic episodes. I was just hoping for more. Especially knowing that we didn’t have many more years left. Now? Dabb at the helm? I’m not expecting much more than same old, same old. I pray he proves me wrong. It’s also another name for the wind.... or is that Mariah. Hmmm.... I’d love to see Jensen have the opportunity to work with a Showrunner who actually recognizes the talent they have at their fingertips. I’d love to see Jensen have an opportunity to really let it rip as Dean but thatsnever going to happen - sadly. These three episodes read so - meh. Let’s hope they are better than they sound. Typical. Take Deans storyline - Malak Box - and give it to another character. Thanks Dabb. I can’t stand him as a Showrunner. It’s not just me then. Good to know. I know Jensen has said he’d love to do a cowboy movie. Sadly those don’t seem to currently be much in demand. That’s a role I’d enjoy seeing him in. She sounds a bit silly. Like she’s trying to ride on the fame of Supernatural. Making her time on it more than it was. Almost as if she’s just repeating the things that have been said in the past. The crew, the family, being a part of, the guys are so nice, their chemistry! Oh and the chemistry, did I mention the chemistry?! If I remember Jensen and Jared didn’t have many scenes in Bloodlines. I can’t even remember one she was in with them. She’s coming across a bit phony but that’s just my read. In the majority of Supernatural fans minds - Bloodlines never happened. Doesn’t exist. Completely ignored as canon. It’s a shame because out of all the actors I did like (I can’t remember his name) Sam lite. Since Dabb hasn’t see a storyline he didn’t eventually rip off-uh, I mean artistically make his own - I’m waiting for Jack to go all evil and at the very last moment before he destroys the universe Cas will whip out the old yellow crayon type speech ala Willow and Zander on Buffy and save the day. Yay! Much rejoicing, tears and hugs all around and then just at the pinnacle of Castiels happiest moment the Entity from the Empty will swoop in and take him. That will be the end of the character but don’t worry because Jack will become the NuCas. Who’s going to die? Who doesn’t on this show? It’s gotten to be ridiculous and boring but that’s Dabbs showrunning for you. I wish someone would die and stay dead. No miraculous resurrection from a higher power. No finding just the right spell tucked away in the gruesome fleshy bindings of the Black Grimoire. No dying to make a deal with Death... That was cool the first few times Dean did it but now it’s just getting silly. Cosmic consequences anyone? More like - what cosmic consequence? Apparently Billie didnt feel as if AUMichael threatening to tear down the universe until he found God one so... or if she did she’s keeping it carefully under wraps cause she ever told Dean before sending him to his watery non death. “Splash”. God coming back seems a little silly after all this. I hope it’s Cas. For good. Character has long outlived his usefulness. On the last episode did they ever say where Nick got the syringe full of angel grace? Plot hole? It always felt to me that Jared was the one that would be okay with it ending. He has said repeatedly that he wouldn’t work as an actor on the regular whereas Jensen is just the opposite, intending to continue on with his career. Personally I would love to see Supernatural continue of for many years but if I have to be brutally honest with myself, except for here and there, the writing has been lacking for some time. And for the most it’s not the ideas - it’s the follow thru. How many times have they had choice, juicy storylines and either cut them short or wimped out on the follow thru? Poor Jensen. Learns to weld for the Malok Box episode and then the show, instead of really going for it (ugh, it could have been so glorious) just grounds out. And I’m waiting for it to become Jacks prison instead. Like I said before - something died in me toward the show when the killed Michael off so cheaply. If Jensen isn’t insulted with the way they handled his “new” character then I will be for him. You know what the crime is in the show ending at 15? It didn’t have to. They both look as if they have set themselves up well for the future. Though I don’t know how one walks from a situation where your the star of your own show and all the perks that go along with - working alongside your best friend, a beloved crew, respect, the attention, their own trailers, steady stream of No longer J2. No longer the lightening in the bottle Duo. Just another actor on some show? Maybe lead, maybe not. Maybe acting, maybe not. Unless they have something already lined up. I’m sure they won’t miss the constant travel and they will finally get the family, friends and down time they have missed out on. It will be so weird not seeing new Winchester adventures week to week. Call me skeptical. Didn’t Jared and Jensen have a talk with Dabb prior to Season 14. Their input and all that? Jensen was all charged up over playing an entirely new character... Jared excited about what was coming up for Sam... then after a lot of well, little for Sam and little to no MichaelDean it finally starts to get interesting when Michael reclaims his vessel. Then we get Rocky’s and Deans mind being the cage and then the Malok Box and Sam freaking out and how will they ever resolve it and fantastic acting and there was actually suspense and dare I say, excitement? Finally. Then Dabb screws Jensen over by handing off his one true vessel storyline and giving it a horribly lame ending. Jensen said at the Vegas con panel that he asked for direction from Dabb for the new character and basically wasn’t given any. That he got more input from Speight. That he felt he had finally hit his best stride with the character in the bunker scene where he was chained up and talking to Jack and Cas, and then they killed him. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but that didn’t sound like a happy Jensen there. Unless they both put their foot (feet’s?) down and rein in Dabbs stupid side characters and boring B plots then I don’t see much change or hope for the final season. Sorry to be Debbie Downer here. I think something in me finally broke regarding the show when Michael - for no logical reason whatsoever - left his one true vessel rather than completely taking him over once he escaped the hold Dean had. Blood and bones? Yeahhh, not so much. What say you Billie? Thought the Molak Box and “splash” was the only answer? Unless the fact that Dean having built it started the series of events that led to Jack killing Michael and.... my head hurts. Like I said. Lamest ending for the most fearsome world destroying hunter of God himself. AUMichael and Jensen deserved better than that. We did too. Me? I’m glad it’s ending. Overjoyed. Why you ask? Is it because of the lousy job that Dabb has done keeping the Lamborghini from driving off the cliff? No... Is it because I’m so tired of having Jensen’s storylines for Dean ripped out from underneath him and either unceremoniouslyended or handed off to another character? Could be, but not quite... Is it because these two wonderful actors who have given the show and us their blood, sweat and tears, sacrificing family time above and beyond the call of duty to bring us Sam and Dean week after week after week? That should be it but as much as I appreciate all they have done, it isn’t. It is simply this. 15 years. Fifteen years. It feels like it takes 15 years to do a damn rewatch. And there is so much goodness to be found that I have to start from the beginning. And it’s exhausting. But oh so wonderful. When they wrap for the last time and the lights go off and the sets are scavenged and Jensen arranges for Baby to be shipped back home to Austin we will have been left with a wonderful gift. A world we can revisit again and again where the Winchesters can live on forever. Unless of course they are killed off at the very end. But you know... :) Speaking of scavenging sets... I would love to know what the guys have their eyes on. Con question anybody??? Don’t know why it has to be such a big mystery. Clearly Jensen and Danneel have been setting themselves up with FBBC and its expansion. Establishing themselves in Austin. Plus he recently purchased a bed and breakfast. Who knows what else they have working or what other investments or properties they have. Same goes with Jared and Genevieve. To be walking away from guaranteed income they must feel good about where they are. And the possibility of new roles. Perhaps Jensen already has something lined up. Based on things they’ve said it’s clear that their families and time spent with them is important. Maybe they both felt they’ve lost enough in that category. Think of all the time the wives have lost already. Yes they’ve gained financially but you can’t rewind the clock. Plus the nonstop travel. I gripe to myself over my 40 minute commute to and from work every morning. I couldn’t imagine what catching a plane would be like - even a private one. Jensen said recently that his dad asked him if he was getting enough rest and how much flying he does. Jensen said on the average 4 times a week. I dunno. Last year I thought with the cut in episodes the boys would be good for at least 3 more but with the way they’ve been talking and acting - it’s seemed like more and more it was as if family was the final tipping point. And I love the show. Chuck knows I do. But for the most part the writing isn’t there. I think Dabb is a shitty Showrunner. Once again he takes Jensen’s - Deans - storyline from him and gives it to another. Once more he had a prime opportunity to do something interesting with Deans storyline and he grounds out. Once again just as things are really getting interesting - - he pulls out. Plotus Interruptus. Thank Andrew, you hack. How can you have a string of episodes 4? that are upping the interest and imagination only to follow up with 2 fairly boring and nonsensical ones. Especially to the plot where Dean is concerned. Ugh. Is this factual? Like official and has been said by Jared or Jensen, TPTB or the network itself? Cause if not I’m calling bullshit. Everyone is speculating - some theories more out there than others. The very head of the network said the show continues as long as the guys want to do it. Why if the J’s wanted to cut the episodes down would he have a problem with that? Can you link your source cause I have a hard time believing any of this. Disappointed is an understatement but it was Jensen’s storyline so I expected nothing less from Dabb and Singer.