AlyCatPartDeux's Replies

He was great as old Dean! Loved his interactions with Bobby. I liked Kevin but I’m tired of the whole bringing them back from the dead or whatever. If you want the drama of their death and the angst and consequences that come along with it then own it. Let us grieve and move on. Obviously this doesn’t apply to Sam and Dean but anyone else is fair game. Kevin, Bobby, Charlie...they had their time. Someone as powerful as Crowley, Michael, Rowena, Lucifer...those I could buy or even Amara gifting Mary back to Dean. Bringing back great characters from the past only to kill them all over again - example Gabriel. Such a waste. And then technically some of them aren’t even from our reality - example Zachariah or the AU versions - so do they really count? It’s cheap. I despised that Dabb killed off the Michael Dean one true vessel connection but while writing this I realized that he didn’t. Not really. He killed off AUMichael. So our Michael and Deans “there can be only one” true vessel love/hate connection still exists. Deans Michael hatred just like Celine Dions heart song will go on. :). So my Dabb hate can still live on too - just a tad less. Contd. Will this happen to Jack? Will that be the end of our baby Nephilim? Loved the fight between Cas and Sam. Poor Sam. He just wants to be happy. Just wants something good in his life to remain and not go screeching off into the night. Jared is really hitting those notes hard. The emotion that is punching out of Sam - the breaks in his voice, the way he’s delivering the words... like when he grabbed Dean in desperation grinding out “Why don’t you believe in us!” Ouch. Cas and his sex hair (see? I liked it so much I mentioned it twice. It just makes Misha look so much younger.) and some bad ass fighting? Yes please. I must say though everytime he breaks out his power - whichever that may be on any given day - it throws me right out of the story. My thoughts - one right after the other - “Can he or can’t he?” “Is he or isn’t he?” “Why didn’t he use that (whatever that is) on Dean, Sam, the AUs...”. Consistency? Missing consistency. THATS the real Big Bad on Supernatural and I don’t think salt rounds are going to be of any help there. How sad was it that nothing pulled Sam out of his “happiness” until Cas reminded him he’d be letting Dean down. Enjoyed the gentle ribbing Dean gave Sam upon return to the bunker. So overall to me this episode was interesting because it was different. I would have liked to have seen a more hard hitting one especially after these last five (except for last weeks Ouroboros). Seems like there was a lot of setting things up for the final run. Not sure how many were red herrings. In conclusion: I’m still pissed at Dabb. Jared as Justin was strangely hot. Rawrr! I’m still pissed they killed off Michael and gave Jensen’s storyline to Jack. You watch - the one who’s going to make the maiden voyage in the Malok Box will be Jack. Not because Michael returns (God no - Heaven forbid they ruin that cheesy death) but because Jack is going to change and won’t be able to (or want to as he will be convinced he is doing right by the world and the Winchesters) bring it under control. He will become such a danger to everyone that Sam and Dean will have to put him down. Reminiscent to the time Dean thought he might have to end Robo Sam. For the record Dabb - if you do this you will be on the top of my shit list forever. Poor Sam struggling with the deaths. We knew that was coming. Funny seeing him pulling a classic Dean W move. Keep busy. Keep hunting. You can sleep when you’re dead. Liking Castiels sexy hair. Finally it’s back! Somewhat. The whole visit to Donatello seemed a bit too drawn out. I get why they did it for the various reasons which made sense all to finish up with the not so wise advice of What Would the Winchesters Do. Clearly dudes soulless or he never would have said that to Jack. With his soul intact Donatello would have counseled What Would the Practically Codependent and a Touch Insane Winchester Brothers Foolishly Choose To Do and then DONT DO THAT! instead. Liked Deans idea of using the cakes. It’s not the snake it’s the bite. Foreshadowing Jack? I picked the Mayor right off. Do I get a medal for superior sleuthing skill or was everyone else there with me? We never did find out what type of monster they were but they did anvil it runs in family. How does this apply to our four heroes? The obvious would be Jack and his shared bloodline with Lucifer. She tapped in emotionally to her power. Did she really mean to do what she did to her father? If so then she gave into it and not necessarily in a good way. She let her emotion take her over. Sadly they do. Charlie needs to stay dead. Same with Kevin. Wish Naomi had. Adam would be interesting because he too sacrificed although the way it ended up for him was unintentional. I’d like to see him return as pissed and looking for revenge. And crazy if our Michael is still with him. The next Big Bad. I for one am glad they wiped out the AUHunters. Too bad the grumpy one was missing that night... Well Dabb thinks Claire *gag* is a fan favorite. If the fan fav that returns dies (for good) then I’m okay with it being her. :) Isn’t it supposed to be someone from early on in the series? I hope whoever it is that they keep it under wraps so that it’s truly a surprise. Please NOT BOBBY. That is the last character I ever want to see again. Some characters need to stay dead otherwise it just cheapens their sacrifice. Donatello again? Thank Chuck Michaels dead (or is he???) seeing as Dabb can’t seem to resist the Archangel hitching a ride with anyone on screen. AUMichael/Donatello would not have been pretty. It looks like Dabb may be carrying out another crash and burn of the Lamborghini. You were doing so well there for a while Andrew. If Sam and Deans importance and presence (mostly) don’t feature prominently in these last episodes and he hands off the save to the lesser characters (and yes, Im including Cas and Jack here as well) then I’m going to be hard pressed to continue watching the series. Oh Hell, who am I kidding - I’ll be here until the ugly end. I’m still pissed about the cutting short of the Purgatory and Demon Dean storylines and now I get to fume over the handoff and crappy end of Dean Michaels relationship. Jack says a lot of things. He’s what? Two? Not exactly a seasoned individual. As crafty as Michael is I could see him planning for an altercation between the two. But I also know what a crappy showrunner Dabb is and how he has this knack for taking a decent storyline and crapping all over it. So my moneys on Dabb. Sorry Jensen. You mean a dramatic twist like Jack killing Michael and taking his grace? Yawn. Sam and Dean. Anymore it almost feels like they are guest stars in their own show. *Grumble, grumble* Hated the ending. This (assuming he really is dead) is the ending our BIG BAD MICHAEL the BADDEST BAD ASS ARCHANGEL WHO DEFEATED LUCIFER... gets? So Michael discards his ONE TRUE VESSEL like so much trash. Please. Thanks Dabb for handing over Jensen/Deans storyline to anyone else. I’m surprised Maggie didn’t get a turn. That was a craptastic finish for DeanMichael. I have little to no interest in the baton being handed off to Jack. I’m still hoping the Malok Box is revisited. There is an episode upcoming titled Jack In The Box? I’d like to see that Michael has survived, is in Jack and Dean challenges him to possess him again ala the priest in The Exorcist. I wonder if Jack will continue to get sicker based on Michaels stolen grace.If they have done away with Michael like Dean said to Walt and Roy - Imma gonna be pissed. It looks like they may be setting things up for Lucifer to come back - then you better bring back Deans favorite Archangel! Damn it. So Snake Boy can see the future but didn’t see that machete ending? I thought the Gorgon was weak with a bunch of gore to cover how thinly written the character really was. And why? Why would he throw everyone around, leave Dean in a near coma and then waltz out? Seriously? These are the men who have been dogging his every step! Plus how yummy would Winchester stew be with a side of Angel Food cake? Such a waste of a perfect opportunity dude! Gotta wonder what’s gonna happen based on those pics of this episode. Do you think they will cliffhang with Dean in the box by end of season? I’m curious if we will ever hear any feedback from the people who run the Bacchus Krewe as to how Jensen was accepted. There was one live feed where these two older guys were rather insulting and dismissive of him. They didn’t know who he was and never bothered to do their job to find out. Then another live feed with these two younger people covering it who kept butchering his name, didn’t have a clue as to what they were talking about and were phony as all get out. Claiming Supernatural was their favorite show, they watch it all the time.. There were better interviews but the live streams left something to be desired. At the afterparty he appeared to have a blast and everyone loved that he partied with them not just staying in the VIP area. One poster said he stayed until they turned the lights on which was 3 a.m. Danneel was there with him (and looked beautiful) and his friends. Jensen was classy, grateful, humble, gracious, entertaining and sexy as Hell as Bacchus King. He did himself and everyone associated with him (and the Supernatural family!) proud. There’s one vid where the singer of the band that played at the coronation was performing and he walked up from behind her and while she sang he did a little shimmy and the look he gave her I am amazed she didn’t spontaneously combust. I would have died on the spot. That Danneel is a lucky, lucky woman. Wow. Just... wow. Who blocked them? They are on multiple websites. Pictures, instas, videos... What an awesome King Bacchus Jensen was. Absolutely gorgeous too. Of course. Once in a lifetime opportunity and it looked like he loved every minute of it. No problem. The snarky comment from that poster was hardly called for. Spelling/grammar/noun know it all? Life is short, the need to reinforce the belief that you are superior over another like this? So not necessary. I hope you are getting a chance to see all these short videos of Jensen doing his pre Bacchus thing. Idea’s reads as - Idea is. Ideas for a spin-off. He was just pointing out the error. Or being a smart ass about it. Hard to tell. In this day and age of text speak where auto correct causes posts to be made incorrectly - either by spelling or meaning... it seems silly to correct posters when their initial intent is obviously there. If you are anything like me unless it’s a horrible mistake I just let it go. I know how to spell. Choose. Chose. Your. You’re. Seriously tho with emojis and text speak taking over the written word I’m surprised people care anymore. The one thing you can call me out on is sentence structure. Not spelling. But don’t do it cause I’ll just blame it on auto correct. :). It’s part of Mardi Gra. I believe the parade is the night prior to. It’s a long going tradition. Each year someone is picked to be the Bacchus King. Each year there’s a theme. This one has to do with movies and tv shows that have filmed in Louisiana? tho I don’t get exactly where Jensen fits in that. I think Danneel and Holly the PR person for CW? may have somewhat elevated him for consideration tho only the people who run the Krewe of Bacchus know how a King is chosen. The King rides in the main float that leads the parade. We are talking huge floats. Various bands play music. People watch the parade and catch the goods that are thrown by members of the Krewe. The King throws coins (necklaces, toys...are thrown from the floats as well tho I don’t know if the King throws anything else but the coins with his image on it.). It’s an honor to be chosen. The King comes up with his own royal wardrobe. The King can choose to have his wife (family?) ride along in his float or they follow behind in the next. Danneel was there. She got off the bus along with JJ and her mom and dad and Gino, Steve and other friends. They were just following behind a bit. The focus is mainly on the King. And a sexy King he is! I’d rather have the twenty they are bestowing on us. Shorter season with these writers and Showrunner does not necessarily guarantee a great season made. I don’t understand this obsession with shorter seasons. I generally dislike them.