Shows end all the time

There are many people who are like emotionally upset about Supernatural ending and I get it, but lets be grown ups about this. I found a YouTube video where this person is basically telling all of us to let J2 know that we are still interested in the show and "fuel" them to keep doing it, but isn't that almost "attacking" them in some way? Is it THAT difficult for him to not see J2 are people too and might have thought, this is a good time to end the show. They have families and put a lot of heart and time into this show. Shouldn't fans be respectful to their decision?

We as fans are lucky we got as many seasons and stories as we did. 15 Seasons and over 300 episodes. WOW and still have 2-3 of the main characters IN the show? That's HUGE in my eyes. If Criminal Minds or Charmed was that lucky to keep the same actors and get to come back and not have any issues and not lose the quality...that would've been great to see.


To me it feels a bit like emotional blackmail. They want it so badly they would try anything. Its their decision to pack up, and their decision is final as brutal as that is. We've all felt the end coming, and some day it would come unless you were in denial that it would never come. After reading a number of comments this week it feels like this family is grieving, and can understand this. It depends I think on how invested you are in the whole make-up of the show, the family the fandom the convention circuits the whole caboodle. A number are talking about the respectful side, and on the whole this family is very respectful. It's just the odd ones who slip by. 15 years is a hell of a long run and as fans we are happy its lasted when you consider its journey. I wouldn't take it too much to heart. As long as we are content with their decision that's all that matters.

J2 know what family time means, and their kids are growing up so damned fast when she see pictures on the net. No wonder they feel guilty when on the road about missing out on their time growing up. This decision must have been horrendous when you see how red their eyes were and they were in bits about telling us all. I hope they are just not eating themselves up about it, and trying to move on. Even though it kills us and them.


I've read a few rumors about its end.
Someone thinks it is an April Fools joke, which I think would be cruel if that's the case, but if so the show wouldnt be ending.

There is a show that is ending, because a main Character wanted to leave and is going to be killed off. Someone said this has to be Supernatural...but I think its Criminal Minds.


Me? I’m glad it’s ending. Overjoyed. Why you ask? Is it because of the lousy job that Dabb has done keeping the Lamborghini from driving off the cliff? No... Is it because I’m so tired of having Jensen’s storylines for Dean ripped out from underneath him and either unceremoniouslyended or handed off to another character? Could be, but not quite... Is it because these two wonderful actors who have given the show and us their blood, sweat and tears, sacrificing family time above and beyond the call of duty to bring us Sam and Dean week after week after week? That should be it but as much as I appreciate all they have done, it isn’t. It is simply this. 15 years. Fifteen years. It feels like it takes 15 years to do a damn rewatch. And there is so much goodness to be found that I have to start from the beginning. And it’s exhausting. But oh so wonderful. When they wrap for the last time and the lights go off and the sets are scavenged and Jensen arranges for Baby to be shipped back home to Austin we will have been left with a wonderful gift. A world we can revisit again and again where the Winchesters can live on forever. Unless of course they are killed off at the very end. But you know... :)

Speaking of scavenging sets... I would love to know what the guys have their eyes on. Con question anybody???


I know what you mean about the hours they've given. And no word can describe it because we care and we understand to a point. Those long late evening shots in the rain, snow, hail, boiling temperatures in the sun wearing layers and layers of clothing. We adore them for it. We wet it and soak it up, but this summer will be the hell of all helatuses because next year we won't have one. Gone, no more. I think this is what freaks you out. You know about the seven stages of grief and we touched about this remember when Sam drove off, hit the dog and met horrible Amelia. Well this feels similar, but its not a fantasy its real and its gonna hit us up our arrases with the biggest smack we've ever had.

I remember when I was a kid around 9ish and I fell in love with The Tomorrow People and the 70's original. Not many programs have left me feeling empty like that show did when it ended. It was the first ever show I had been drawn into because of its legacy and cast that I ran home from school wanting to watch the next episode. I couldn't wait to turn on the TV at quarter to five every Monday teatime. It left a real impression on me. And that summer I ached inside like I never have before and have never since my days since watching Robin of Sherwood. It takes a lot for me to invest in a programme which is what I am trying to say, and feel for its characters, which is why I am dreading my show ending. The hurt and residue it will leave behind in its wake will bury deep in my soul, not just a couple of years after but years after its ending. This proves what an impact a show ending can have on someone. So I can imagine what this fandom presently must be feeling.

I have loved a huge number of writers on this show, and sometimes fans can give them a hard time. As on the whole I think they do a brilliant job. I earlier thought about how the crew film Jared and Jensen and how J2 convey a script and put expressions to a script our writers have written. It fascinates me how our actors can portray words our writers write. The camera never lies, and the skill in which actors convey writers words is a beauty to watch. Its only when you see screencaps of the actors that it puts this thought in perspective. Actors are so damned good at portraying what writers are trying to say. The smiles on their faces, the sadness on their faces, the anger on their faces we've seen every possible emotion in 15 years. And that's down to our writers.


While I'm grateful for the extra 10 seasons (most of them, at least), Swan song was a real ending. They will have to pull off something better than that next year.


Honestly, I have no idea how they are going to end the show in an emotionally impactful way. I mean, they've pretty much already brought back every single dead character, so that emotional pull is gone now. I thought John Winchester should have been reunited with the boys in the final episode, but now he's already come back and the magic is now gone if they do something like that in the final season.


That's what I'm saying. Swan song was perfect. There have been some emotional finales since, but none compare. So now...


Honestly, I don't get those people who don't want it to end. Personally, I NEED shows to have an ending and I'm very much an advocate of quality over quantity. I think SPN has lasted way longer than it should have. I mean, 15 seasons is a lot. If they were wrapping up the show around season 4, I could see where these fans were coming from, but expecting J2 to continue after 10+ seasons is just greedy and selfish.

I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it is my favourite show ever and always will be, but I'm glad it ended after 7 seasons. I'd rather something I like end while the quality is still high, then for it to continue until I desperately want them to put the show out of its misery.


I agree with a lot of what you said. Good points.

I personally don't need it to end, or think it needs to put it out of its misery, however THAT is exactly how I Feel about Criminal Minds, I really liked that show, but the last few seasons have been torture to I have to be intoxicated to get through an episode.


That was a really good show. I enjoyed it a lot. I kinda fell out of watching it tho and there's so many seasons now, it's just too much of a chore to catch up on. Also, it sucks that the actor who played Hotch got fired.


That's when the show got really bad. Season 12 = bottom of hell quality.


It’s not greedy and selfish if that’s what the leads chose to do. And they did. And made a damn good living out of it until they decided it was time to hang up the flannel. Enjoying something and wanting it to continue is not greedy nor selfish. The shame is that there was more to explore and stories to be told. What we needed was a decent Showrunner at the helm and a stronger stable of writers. I can’t help but think that Jensen was disappointed in the way his part in the Michael character ended. Another Dean storyline just dropped. And let’s not forget the Malak Box. If I were Jensen and I were toying with the idea of quitting? This would make me give it even more consideration. Jensen sounded slightly less than thrilled with how he went to Dabb to ask him what he, THE SHOWRUNNER, was looking for from him for Michael and he basically got no direction. So many opportunities wasted. That is what Dabbs showrunning has gotten us. It wasn’t all a wreck. We’ve had some fantastic episodes. I was just hoping for more. Especially knowing that we didn’t have many more years left. Now? Dabb at the helm? I’m not expecting much more than same old, same old. I pray he proves me wrong.


I am believer in shows going out on top or better still running for a limited amount of seasons and keeping the quality high. Supernatural has gone on for way longer than it should have. How many more times are these guys going to be possessed or go to hell?

I actually preferred it back in the early days when it was about monster of the week and at least didn't get bogged down in long boring story arcs.


Well the reality is most people toil in a job for 30 or 40 years before they retire. So it really would be a horrible thing if the actor were stuck doing it for another 10 years as given the amount of money they make one would think they should be happy about simply having a job that pays that much for work that provide the amount of time off the get.

I only hope they aren't ending it because they think they are now ready to be movie stars the way some actors do, as the reality is most of the TV actors that do that end up vanishing into obscurity. In the end who care if some goof on Youtube makes a video begging them to go back.. the reality is they will probably never see the video.

As for the show, it probably should have ended several season ago, though I do think the show has probably set a record for the number of times it jumped the shark.
