I know what you mean about the hours they've given. And no word can describe it because we care and we understand to a point. Those long late evening shots in the rain, snow, hail, boiling temperatures in the sun wearing layers and layers of clothing. We adore them for it. We wet it and soak it up, but this summer will be the hell of all helatuses because next year we won't have one. Gone, no more. I think this is what freaks you out. You know about the seven stages of grief and we touched about this remember when Sam drove off, hit the dog and met horrible Amelia. Well this feels similar, but its not a fantasy its real and its gonna hit us up our arrases with the biggest smack we've ever had.
I remember when I was a kid around 9ish and I fell in love with The Tomorrow People and the 70's original. Not many programs have left me feeling empty like that show did when it ended. It was the first ever show I had been drawn into because of its legacy and cast that I ran home from school wanting to watch the next episode. I couldn't wait to turn on the TV at quarter to five every Monday teatime. It left a real impression on me. And that summer I ached inside like I never have before and have never since my days since watching Robin of Sherwood. It takes a lot for me to invest in a programme which is what I am trying to say, and feel for its characters, which is why I am dreading my show ending. The hurt and residue it will leave behind in its wake will bury deep in my soul, not just a couple of years after but years after its ending. This proves what an impact a show ending can have on someone. So I can imagine what this fandom presently must be feeling.
I have loved a huge number of writers on this show, and sometimes fans can give them a hard time. As on the whole I think they do a brilliant job. I earlier thought about how the crew film Jared and Jensen and how J2 convey a script and put expressions to a script our writers have written. It fascinates me how our actors can portray words our writers write. The camera never lies, and the skill in which actors convey writers words is a beauty to watch. Its only when you see screencaps of the actors that it puts this thought in perspective. Actors are so damned good at portraying what writers are trying to say. The smiles on their faces, the sadness on their faces, the anger on their faces we've seen every possible emotion in 15 years. And that's down to our writers.