WH counsel McGhan is leaving this Fall
White House counsel Don McGhan, who spoke extensively with federal prosecutors this past year, is leaving his job 'sometime this Fall', according to key sources in the White House. Most sources say right after the November mid-term elections is the most likely date.
McGahn wants his successor to be Emmet Flood, who represented former President Bill Clinton during his impeachment and was recently hired by the Trump White House to deal with the Russia investigation.
The announcement comes less than two weeks it was publicized that McChan sat for more than thirty hours with special investigator Rob Mueller, reportedly being interviewed on FBI director James Comey's firing and the comments and actions by T-rump.
McGhan reportedly threatened to quit when T-rump tried to get him to cooperate in firing Mueller last year. He and others had to convince T-rump his plan was a bad idea, and it would be best to leave Mueller's investigation alone.