MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > 1 reason to be a Republican.

1 reason to be a Republican.

1. America


1 reason not to be a Trump supporter:

1. America


Do you want Trump to fail or succeed?


I want him GONE!


Then you get Pence.


There are evil men and there are evil fools. Trump is an evil fool which makes him TWICE as dangerous. I'll live with Pence if I have to.


This is what I don't understand, what would make Hillary a better President than Trump?


You Trumpers are growing tiresome with this "But HIllary and Obama!" crap. Seriously.

First of all, I had no love for Hillary either.

Secondly, she wasn't fit to be president either.

Third, what would make her a better president than Trump? Sanity. Then again--MOST people could be better than Trump on that basis. Sanity is an important factor. Trump is missing several marbles, is irrational and acts like someone who is on the verge of a breakdown. I'll take anyone who is SANE over Trump at this point.


So, you don't like Hillary and think she was unfit to be President but you think she was sane. We don't know what kind of President she would be because she is not President. Half the Country disliked Obama for 8 years so whats the difference now? Its just politics my dear.


You asked me what would make Hillary a better president and I answered: sanity. And yes, I think she's sane. You can be twisted, corrupt and embroiled in criminality and still be sane.

And no--we don't know how she would have been as president but I don't have the slightest doubt she would have been better than Trump. I still think she would have been terrible but I will say this: all my life I've never had constant/major complaints for the presidents of my lifetime: Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Jr, Obama...

What do they all have in common? They act like sane individuals. They don't fly off the handle and act like someone who belongs in a nuthouse. I'm not a political person. I don't give a damn about most presidents. It took a psycho like Trump to catch my attention.

This is why, if Trump were impeached and replaced with Pence, I probably wouldn't regard Pence much at all. Why? Because he isn't an insane moron who flies off the handle.

I just want a sane person in the White House at this point.


She knows how to be diplomatic. She knows foreign policy. The reason a bunch of far-wrong haters hate her is because she's a Democrat and a woman. They've been told to hate so they follow the script. It's that simple. They are just like Trump, certain in their mis-guidedness, smug in their knee-jerk, thoughtless patriotism, ranting and raving just so people notice them.
This whole country suffered from Bush and Clinton fatigue and someone had to shake things up. One thing we can learn from Trump is how badly and quickly our democracy can go off the rails in the hands of an amateur.


He's been there 2 yrs. He's changed many regulations. I wonder what he'll do in 6 more years. When he leaves office we're gonna hurt. That tax cut ends the cooperate deal keeps on. Our paychecks will be decreased to pay for the cooperate deal.


Liberals want Trump to fail so they can say "I told you so."


Do you want America to fail or succeed?


He already HAS failed. You and your ilk, of course, don't see it that way so there is no way I could open your eyes up to this argument. He failed before he even became president and he spends every day failing.

And succeed? Succeed at what? Succeed at his campaign goals? If that is what you're asking then NO--I don't want him to succeed in his goals. His goals harm the American people and our country's economy/reputation. His FAILURES also harm us. He is a no-win parasite who is dragging us down into the depths with him. Everything he DOES leads to failure. It's why he bankrupted his businesses AT LEAST six times. He's a failure.

Like the other guy said--I want him gone. That's what I want.


Failed at what? Is this one his failures? Can you name at least one of his failures? I just posted one of his successes.

North Korea repatriated the remains of 200 U.S. soldiers missing from the Korean War on Wednesday, according to President Trump, a week after the issue was raised at a landmark summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.


Several reasons NEVER To Become a Republican

Trumputin criticizes American institutions and values and praises Putin. That display in Helsinki was vile.

Republican politicians are also spineless. Cruz's wife was insulted by Trumputin and all he can do is suck up to him. If a husband can't defend his wife's honor, then what good is he? His wife must have lost respect for him.

Many Republican politicians clearly don't like Trumputin, but instead of being public about it, they speak to the media off the record anonymously like the cowards they are. I wouldn't join a party with such spineless wimps in it.


That's true.

Every village needs an idiot and Trump supporters threw themselves on that grenade for the rest of us.


And Hillary was that grenade.


Hillary was a nightmare indeed.

Of course It was only the Cracker Barrel crowd of people desperate for someone to blame for their bad life choices who thought the best way to diffuse a grenade was to drop napalm on it.

Because they’re not smart people.


Grenade or napalm, keep the status quo or go against it, I would rather have someone shake things up then to just keep things the exact same way.


You sound ridiculous. Making things worse is not better than the status quo.


You sound ridiculous. Because you like to keep things exactly like they are. No Change!


Worse is not better ackbarthebutthurt.



Not smart people.



Not smart people here.


It took you more than a week to come up with THAT??

My point is proven.


Some of us Ackbars have to work for living.


1 reason to be a Republican.

Because when you watch "It's a Wonderful Life" you root for that scurvy little spider, Old Man Potter.



Another reason NOT to be a Republican.

Whenever a politician says something stupid and/or hateful, it turns out he/she is a Republican.


I know, Madonna, who is a Republican has said some hateful stuff. I am glad we agree.

those darn Republicans!


Keelai said "Whenever a politician says something stupid". Annoying though she is, Madonna is not a politician.


Oh my bad. Whenever a politician says something stupid and/or hateful, it turns out he/she is a Democrat. Also Democrats cannot be trusted cause they will force you to buy Healthcare and then double the national debt and then leave office.


I live in Massachusetts and it was our Republican governor (Mitt Romney) who forced us to buy healthcare in the program (then known as Romneycare) that would later become the template for "Obamacare".

Also, what was the starting and ending points of the national debt when George W. Bush (a Republican) was in office? How about Bill Clinton (a Democrat)?


I thought it was optional in Massachusetts? I think there is a huge difference between state level insurance and US government insurance.


When Romney was governor his program started the mandate for Massachusetts residents. I had gotten laid off at the end of 2008 and was without health insurance for 6 months and got dinged for it when I filed my taxes the following year. Ironically for all the hate it receives from Republicans, Obamacare's template was for the most part created by a Republican think tank.

What's the huge difference between the two (other than the size of the population involved)?


Here's a good breakdown of national debt by President. From the article:

"Donald Trump: As projected in the FY 2019 budget, Trump plans to add $8.282 trillion, a 41-percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. He will add almost as much in four years as Obama did in eight. That would also make him the second-biggest contributor to the debt in history in just one term."

Just curious, do you concern yourself with facts in the slightest before you post?


He clearly doesn't. This thread is all the proof you need, but there are plenty of other examples.

Bubba posts irrespective of facts and ends up making himself look ignorant. It's his calling card, sort of like the president he idolizes.


"Whenever a politician says something stupid and/or hateful, it turns out he/she is a Democrat"

Oh, so the president's a Democrat now?


To be specific, I was talking about the latest racist political incident with that idiot in Florida who is race-baiting.


Not recently. One of many examples, Alyssa Milano keeps putting her foot in her mouth. I'm NOT saying REPs don't say stupid shit today or in the past(let's not play the blame game)(dumbest talking point ever) but these days the DEMS are winning hands down. It's not even close.


Yes recently. Ron DeSantis.

Milano isn't a politician.


I am pretty sure the DEMS are not winning.


The DEMS have never won, they are great at losing.


reason to be republican in 2018 - i aint a cuck.


Wow - you have only one reason to be a Republican, while there's an infinity of reasons not to be one.
