MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump pulls poll numbers out of his ass

T-rump pulls poll numbers out of his ass

On Sunday night, when the nation turned its attention to the passing of McCain, T-rump told reporters he had a “52%” overall approval rating in the national polls. “Not bad”, he claimed.

Problem is, not one of more than 100 polls reviewed showed him above 45% -and those were the “ conservative” pollsters like Rasmussen. Other polls showed him averaging 42% or less. Not one had 52%, this past week or ever.

Neither T-rump nor the White House would say which polls he was referring to in his announcement.


He doesn't understand numbers. He doesn't understand percentages. He doesn't understand time zones or how telephones work.

And speaking of telephones - Five Deferment Don uses an unsecured cell phone.
