MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies

Padeen's Replies

Please tell me Peach Fuzz makes an appearance in Creep 2??? Gummo (1997) Lonely residents of a tornado-stricken Ohio town wander the deserted landscape trying to fulfill their boring, nihilistic lives. --- The Director, Harmony Korine is definitely talented, but I think he has a few loose screws in his head. All of his movies are pretty twisted. Wild Turkey population is at an all time high. I'm all for responsible, ethical hunting of all animals, even though I'm not a hunter myself. Saltwater fishing is more my thing. Here in MA they are a menace. A couple years time the mailman had no choice but to pepper spray a particularly aggressive on lol. If you haven't noticed from my User Name, I'm a huge fan of the Aubrey-Maturin book series, so obviously Master and Commander is one of my favorite movies. The ending scene gets me every time... [url][/url] Your right. I asked an acquaintance who's an amateur historian on stuff like this and he said he's heard similar stories. Not trying to get involved in this argument, but for the record, opiated hashish is largely a myth. Anything that comes out of Nepal is usually hand rubbed and referred to as "Charas". if your interested, check out the history of Malana. But ya, weed is NOT a narcotic. It's a drug of course, but a harmless one at that. Technically anything psychoactive is considered a drug, including caffeine. I have a beckers nevus on my back. I used to be self conscious when I was a kid, but couldn't care less anymore. I guess I'm grateful its on my back and not face. Kim Kardashian has had so much work done its like she's not even a real person anymore. I wonder what it would be like staring at a stranger in the mirror. Lucked out and got to work in a local thrift shop. I actually enjoyed my time there. The people who ran it were awesome and I met lots of interesting people from all walks of life. Isn't Everett where the Casino is going? It will be a great thing for the region. I'm a little north of the area. Arrested for weed before it was decriminalized by a few overexcited cops, but they wiped it from my record after some community service. Some people have no shame! I saw this on reddit a couple weeks ago. It's appropriately filed in the "Trashy" section. Don't click if your squeamish. Guy gets fired, this found under his desk. When I was a teenager I failed my first driving test before it started....Forgot the hand signals. Forgot to mention Bison Steaks. Its pretty commonplace in grocery stores nowadays. Most carry this brand. Harvey Weinstein should have been called out many years ago. Shame on the people who kept quit. Larry Nassar is an even bigger disgrace. Prison is not nice to child predators and rightfully so. Have fun, scumbag! Do you prefer to avoid him because of the gerbil incident? I love it but the majority of Horror Movies out there are crap. Finding a good one is rare thing. I definitely lean more towards psychological horror, but do enjoy the occasional gruesome blood fest haha. What kind of horror do you read? I'm not into Stephen King really. A good book I can recommend is The Terror by Dan Simmons. Its now a TV show on AMC which will air March 27th. Here's the trailer. Still haven't seen it! I'm sure I'll like it though. There's not much dialogue, right? Enemies Foreign and Domestic A novel about the cost of freedom in the age of terror by Matthew Bracken I just had a petite sirloin steak for lunch. Pretty good for a cheap cut. Seasoned it last night and vacuum sealed it with olive oil. Seared on both sides for a couple minutes and then put in oven at 425 for about 8 minutes. Perfect medium rare.