MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies

Padeen's Replies

That rings a bell. Netflix or movie channel? I've seen it previewed somewhere. You had to have balls of steel to be a submariner back in the day. It's really sad about that Argentinian Sub that went missing last month. The families have stated that it was a piece of junk. I know, I know. It was on Netflix for a while too and I still missed it. Stalingrad is made my the same director as 9th Company. Good movies. I'm kind of ashamed I haven't seen Das Boot. "Children of Men" comes to mind. Like another poster said, I would need to do some digging. Haha ya it's pretty bad even though I saw it many times as a kid. Me too. Command and Conquer series and the original Sim City. I just got Fallout 4 on PS4. Never experienced it on a PC. Check out Assassins Creed: Black Flag. Definitely the best game I've played in a while. I haven't seen it, but Hardcore Henry looks pretty bad. Bahaha! You were brave to even have started it. Instagram Youtube ICMAG Reddit & a couple local forums/blogs. I just noticed Askel Hennie is in it. Same guy from Nobel. He's also in the new Cloverfield movie, "God Particle". Sauna sounds interesting. I don't think I've ever seen a Finnish movie. Both excellent. The book Kon Tiki is worth reading too. They took lots of pictures during their journey. Will definitely check it out since war movies are on of my favorite genres. Have you seen any on that list? I just updated and added TV Show or Movie next to the title. Unfortunately, many people get motion sickness from "found footage" movies. Ya, I added Dead Snow and a few others. Decided to add movies to this thread as well. That cocktail of drugs his doctors had him on was ridiculous, even for someone in severe pain. IMO, fentanyl should only be used in a hospital setting. Are there Mod's here? Maybe there should be a separate political section, outside of General Discussion? Nothing good ever comes from politics on an anonymous forum.