MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you masturbate at work?

Do you masturbate at work?

And if so, how often?

According to an article I read, a surprising number of people (men and women) do it. 30 percent or more. I personally don't.

I assume it normally takes place in a locked bathroom but the article didn't delve into this.


Only when it is required of me...


Best answer so far! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘


Renoviatio "Only when it is required of me". LOL I'm guessing that you are a porn actor. haha


LOL, Reno!

"Performs other duties as required." is written into every job description in the universe.



What kind of jobs do these people have where they can masturbate privately (at least I hope privately) at work?


That, and what office jobs make people aroused?! Not mine for sure.


Matt Lauer had one of those jobs. He could lock his office door with a secret button under his desk, and then do pretty much whatever the hell he wanted to do. A real scumbag, and a sexual predator.



Masturbate at work?

I could only hope!

Some of us put in a lot of effort unto just get the job done.

I might take it out at home though!!



My libido is severely overshadowed by caffeine buzz and imposter syndrome on an average workday, and treating my body like it was an amusement park is the last thing on my mind!


Exactly the reason I'm not a daddy to a bunch of brats!

I know what I'm getting involved in prior to it being something which can be queried in a modern way.

I am principled and believe that to be a fundamental principal in how to be.

Have the children you want or choose not to - easy!


Ha! I can certainly relate to a caffeine buzz and imposter syndrome at work.
I spend many a work day feeling like a kid on stilts in a trench coat.
Constantly paranoid that they’re going to notice that I’m not a real grown up any second.
Who can be expected to rub one out under those conditions?


Short answer,no.


Long answer then? Just kidding! πŸ˜‰

I was kinda hoping someone would post a "no, but.. " answer!


I don't have time to masturbate at work or at home...don't recall the last time i did it,though😊


You don't have time or you won't make time?




I can't imagine anyone doing that in the workplace these days! So many cameras are installed everywhere. It would have to be in a locked bathroom, and if that is the case, hope and pray that the cameras aren't rolling in there as well!


Matt Lauer could have. He could lock his door with a secret button under his desk, and then do pretty much anything he wanted to. That of course included being a scumbag and a sexual predator.



Some people have no shame! I saw this on reddit a couple weeks ago. It's appropriately filed in the "Trashy" section. Don't click if your squeamish.

Guy gets fired, this found under his desk.


That's actually in my job description.



Sorry, I'm a freelancer. And I certainly don't need any competition from you!



Lube and cleaning wipes?! Good god, you're such an amateur! If anything's soiled, it's your pants!



If your wrist strength is as weak as that comeback, I wish you a lot of luck with your business. You'll definitely need it!



You've got a long way to go before becoming a pro!🀣



Dude, I'm not a dude. If I need a few extra inches, I just buy them in the naughty store. Might be a solution for you as well...



You're making a fool of yourself. Any guy here on Moviechat can tell you I'm all woman and all natural. And YOUR chance has just passed!



Yeah, I've already scheduled an appointment with the doctor. That thing has been stuck in there for two months now! I can't remember who it belongs to, I was very drunk.



You just declared MovieManCin2 to be sane. Obviously you're the one who should be put in a straight jacket.



Dear lord, I certainly hope so!


LOL, lando!




Thank you. Thankyouverymuch! I look forward to working it in your company.




My basic answer to most of them would be "none of the above".

For the fill in the blanks:

Poe is the biggest: dork.
MaRey Sue is an: unbelievable character.
Rose Tico smells like a: fart.

Rian Johnson: is a big poopy head
JJ Abrams is one of the biggest: mediocre filmmakers of all time.
Gareth Edwards polishes erect: lighthouse lamps at midnight.
Captain Phasma sounds like a woman and dies like: an idiot.




Almost?? Crap! Which one(s) did I miss?




Okay thanks.



LOL, Strtego!



Can one sue oneself for sexual harassment? Someone with multiple personalities could make a good case, and probably get a book deal out of it.

