WandererFromYs's Replies

It’s 2022 now. That gay cashier would likely be the only one working, and all of the 80 year old homophobes would be lined up to have him handle their potatoes, because they don’t want to learn how to use self checkout. “Or going out with pals and someone gets separated and having no means to message them.” The easy way around this was to designate a time and place to meet, in case you got separated, or if the group decided to break off for some reason. I don’t think the conspiracy theorists realize there were multiple moon landings. Even Candace here refers to it as a singular event. Bobby wasn’t the worst, he was the only one of them that showed any remorse. He was the one that tried to convince Johnny that Daniel had enough during the Halloween beating, and he apologized profusely after kicking Daniels leg. Also Daniel shouldn’t hold a grudge over that, because he wouldn’t know it was intentional. Bobby was easily the most redeemable in the original movie. I would pick Kim Basinger over Madonna in any era. Context Matters. Immigrant is not an offensive word, but when you call someone a “fucking immigrant loser”, you are using using their immigration status as a way to insult them. I don’t think anyone is arguing that he used it as a slur. But he still used it in a way that expresses negative sentiments towards immigrants. Imagine kicking people out of your life because they disagree with you. But there already was a mean girls 2. I don’t think the moderation team should get involved. There are definitely troll woke/racist topics, but it’s also a legitimate problem. I don’t think the subject should be off limits, and I don’t trust the moderators to be the arbiters of which ones are legit and which ones aren’t. The article seems to be trying to blame Arnold, but that Red Prius is on the wrong side of the road. “ I'm sorry that so many men are forced to feel ashamed by society to the point where they don't report it.” Shame is part of it, but the deck is completely stacked against men when it comes to domestic violence. Men are always seen as the aggressor, and women are seen as the victims by default. Even by the police. In a he said she said situation all it takes is is for the other person to say that you hit them to get a charge. Also keep in mind the societal stigma of of being a domestic abuser. It’s a pretty bad label for a man, but there aren’t really any negative consequences for a woman. Most people seem to think it’s acceptable. Also consider that most of the victim services are set up for women only. So it’s a little more than shame, if a man is being attacked, and wants to call the police, he he risks being labeled a domestic abusers himself. Even if everything goes right, the woman doesn’t face the same consequences. Or make a topic questioning something you don’t understand on a superficial Netflix show, and act surprised when someone tries to discuss it. My post isn’t even a deep analysis, it’s common sense for anyone that grew up before the social media era. If you don’t want your views challenged, then don’t make a topic. As time goes by, we forget about some of the drama that went on, and we look back at things fondly, providing that the good outweighed the bad. Johnny and Ali dated, so they probably were close at one point before the events of KK1. Also if you are 25, you grew up in the social media era, and you don’t understand what it’s like to lose contact with people from your past. For people Johnny’s age, when you graduate high school, you never see or hear about the majority of your classmates after graduating. Especially if you weren’t really on speaking terms. Lots of older people got on Facebook to look up people from their youth. I’ve friended, and been friended by people I have talked to in close to 30 years. Also girls may be a dime a dozen, but you always remember a child hood crush It’s a racial slur, but it also doesn’t have any power because the target group doesn’t get offended. They are more likely to get upset over the double standard. Wasn’t she a dish? When they introduced Kreese he was living in a homeless shelter. I can’t imagine Silver would allow that happen if they were as close as they were in KK3. They needed to have some sort of falling out just to explain that. Besides a lot can happen in 30+ years This particular group of women didn’t sell movies based on their looks when they were in their primes. To expect people to see the movie based on their looks now is laughable. These are not top tier actresses past their prime, it’s a group of never was women. The expendables worked because it was a who’s who of past action movies, this cast has none of that. That’s incorrect. If a fighter is hit with an illegal blow and can’t continue, it usually results in a no contest. Disqualifications only happen if it’s done repeatedly, or if it’s particularly egregious. Didn’t he work at a Home Depot or Loews? I don’t he can afford a house like that on his own