Terry Silver

I only seen the first half of the first episode but its already very confusing. Silver and Kreese were great buddies in Karate Kid 3. Now when Kreese is visiting him, Terry is not at all friendly with him. He even hung up on him in the opening scene. This makes no sense. Did the writers forget they were pals in Karate Kid 3?


Is it a plot hole, Millsey?


The only plot holes I have found so far is no one is wearing face masks as well as zero Covid restrictions anywhere


That's already been covered. This takes place before Covid hit.


covid ... does ... not ... exist ... in this ... dojo


"covid ... does ... not ... exist ... in this ... dojo"

Lol. Why would it? There's also no concussions, peanut allergies, etc.


If you payed more attention you would realize that Silver cut Kreese out of his life because he believed Kreese to be a bad influence.


When they introduced Kreese he was living in a homeless shelter. I can’t imagine Silver would allow that happen if they were as close as they were in KK3. They needed to have some sort of falling out just to explain that.

Besides a lot can happen in 30+ years


The show explained that following the events of Part 3 Kreese took off and left Silver. The show also established that during the events of Part 3 Silver had a cocaine issue, but got clean and got his ass into therapy.


Oh ok, thanks. I skipped over a few episodes because they were boring


Then you have nothing to complain about.
