MovieChat Forums > Politics > Neil Young is a hypocrite.

Neil Young is a hypocrite.

He removed his music from Spotify because of things Joe Rogan has said, but this 1985 interview Neil Young did, is by far worse than anything Joe Rogan has said. I don't recall Neil Young being dropped from his label because if it, or musicians refusing to work with him.


"You go to a supermarket and you see a faggot behind the f***in’ cash register, you don’t want him to handle your potatoes,"


Depends what is meant by potatoes 🥔 lol.


You're here? On the politics board? On purpose?


I post occasionally. It’s funny seeing people taking my posts literally - I guess they’re not used to humour over here.


It’s funny seeing people taking my posts literally

Where do they take them and can you get them back?


🤗 (faggot) + 🍆💦 + 👋🥔🥔 (handling potatoes) = 😏🍠




we got a homosexual here folks, watch out


It’s 2022 now. That gay cashier would likely be the only one working, and all of the 80 year old homophobes would be lined up to have him handle their potatoes, because they don’t want to learn how to use self checkout.


More bored comedians.


Deplatforming Young because of something he said in 1985 is ridiculous.

Rogan has far more skeletons in his closet than that, but this isn't about stuff said in the past and never was.

This is about things Rogan is continuing to say during a pandemic, and Rogan even admitted he should do better.


I wasn't talking about deplatforming Neil Young now. I said that I don't recall him being dropped from his label or artists refusing to work with him.


Because record labels don't drop you for saying "f-ggot" in 1985, a word Rogan has undoubtedly said himself in the past.

Record labels, Spotify, etc, simply don't care about those kind of words spoken decades ago.

If you said it today, then sure you run the chance of being dropped.


Excuses. Always. Excuses.


Drooling on your keyboard. Always. Drooling.


He's only a hypocrite if he still stands by his 85 remarks

wait a minute its a totally different subject .
The controversy *current* over joe rogan is becasue of spreading dangerous medical advice

Saying "Spreading dangerous lies about vaccines is bad"
does not make a homophobe a hypocrite

I dont think I've ever seen the word hypocrite used correctly on this site


He's a hypocrite because he demanded Joe Rogan be removed from Spotify, but he was fine when he made those statements years ago and no one called for him to not be played on the radio.

Joe Rogan is spreading dangerous medical advice, but you don't think that Neil Young saying that he doesn't trust the person working behind cash to handle his potatoes?


once again "different things"
not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality.
Because they are unrelated things the word "Hippocrit" cannot be used
I'm not saying what Neil said is nice - its homophobic, it might even be considered hate speech.
The reason is that its a "different ballpark" is that heeding Rogan's advice might in theory get you killed , whereas buying your potatoes from a different shop will not .

Also , as i said earlier , if they *were* comparable things that would make him a hippocrit , he'd have to still hold those views to be a hippocrite , and I doubt , now that much more is known about HIV , that Neil Y is still afraid of the checkout guy.


Not necessarily.

Bill Cosby: "Roman Polanski is a terrible person who should be in jail".

Roman Polanski: "Same to you."

One raped a child, the other raped countless women.


This makes me so darn mad, I swear if Neil Young was on any of my playlists he would be removed, you better believe it southern man!

And I’ll never handle his potatoes ever again 😤


I'm surprised he ever had those views.


Neil Young is a capitalist. He is using this BS to move his music to other platforms that generate more money-per-play. Spotify has a way lower return rate for plays than other platforms.

For example, to earn $1....a song needs 300 or so plays on Spotify vs 35 plays on Napster for that same dollar.

Its money play wrapped in a virtue signal, and Capitalism remains undefeated.


Yeah, I heard. Apparently Tidal is supposed to give artists the most money compared to other streaming platforms.
