Should have cast hot chicks instead
Then maybe it wouldn't have bombed.
shareLupita Nyong'o is 38.
Bingbing Fan is 40.
Jessica Chastain is 44.
Diane Kruger is 45.
Penelope Cruz is 47.
What is this ? The M.I.L.Fs of the round table ?
Here's a dream team of under-30s. If the cast was compromised of a handful of these ladies I'd watch it, but as things stand no one from the above list is a pull whatsoever.
Anya Taylor-Joy, Florence Pugh, Thomasin McKenzie, Jodie Comer, Hailee Steinfield, Dakota & Elle Fanning.
Seriously teens these days aren't gonna' go to the cinema to see Cruz & Chastain. If the cast had popular young actresses like Millie Bobby Brown & Zendaya it would have had a better chance.
Uh, seriously? Liam Neeson, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwartznegger are all pushing 70, and they're all still doing action films---yet I don't see you trolling them about their ages. You're the only one whining about the leading ladies' ages, which is really stupid, because nobody gives a damn except trolls like you, and they all looked damn good in the movie, btw. At least most of them except for Kruger, had enough of a box office name to get this movie made in the first place. Quit being sexist as hell about it---either a movie is good, or it isn't. And this one was pretty good as far as spy films go. Unfortunately, I think the recent Covid surge kept a lot of people from going to see the 355, because that and The King's Man, another fast-paced spy action film--didn't do well at the box office. The fact that they both opened right after the latest Spider-Man movie, which was a huge box office hit, didn't help either. Too bad, because the 355 was actually pretty good. Both that and the King's Man probably would have done better as summer releases (which the King's Man was originally supposed to be.)
shareRegardless of their age, they're all attractive women.
shareThey are-----the OP acts like women over 40 can't possibly be attractive, which is complete bull****.
shareThis particular group of women didn’t sell movies based on their looks when they were in their primes. To expect people to see the movie based on their looks now is laughable.
These are not top tier actresses past their prime, it’s a group of never was women. The expendables worked because it was a who’s who of past action movies, this cast has none of that.
Imagine if The Expendables consisted of Michael Dudikoff, Christian Slater, Mark Hamill, Lance Henriksen, Christopher Lambert and Mickey Rourke.
shareyou're going to compare 3 blockbuster action stars with 5 women who mostly make dramas doing an action flick?
this movie is also a big budget hollywood production, which they're trying to sell as cool and hip to the female demographic
The problem is this type of movie caters to an audience that will watch women in the action roles... but the women need to have big titties and be willing to jiggle them at every possible moment preferable without any clothes on... In that case you could get your typical action movie audience... Age wouldn't be the criteria to kill the movie then only the damage that had been done by gravity in turning the fun bags into hacky sacks.
shareat the end of the day, box office money will tell the truth.... that you are correct. and this will always be the case. but whiney SJW feminists think someone wants to see kick ass women.
I know! Lets put Stallone, Van Damme, Swazznegger, Neeson, in "The yup yup brother hood of the traveling jock strap" feel good, emotional, touchy feeling, crying emotions movie. Makes as much sense.
I find Bingbing Fan and Diane Kruger to be quite beautiful myself. Penelope, Lupita, and Jessica aren't bad looking either.
shareAll the actresses are hot. They're just not bankable stars