MovieChat Forums > Politics > "Racist tirade" at smoothie store

"Racist tirade" at smoothie store

This lowlife ASSAULTED a teenage girl. He threw something at her. He then proceeded to try and break into the kitchen; seemingly to try and hurt them.

You know what the media wants to talk about? His "racist tirade". He assaulted a GIRL and all that matters is that he called her an "immigrants".


teenage girls can handle having smoothes be thrown at them. They tried to kill his sun with peanut oil.


Fuck off. Both of you.


*throws a smoothie at Kuatorises*


The girl deserved it,


I'm not sure I have a sympathy square to spare here... idiots all around.


Yeah the man didn't specifically tell us the reason he didn't want peanut butter in the shake was because his son has severe peanut allergies, thus it's all okay right?


Had he remained calm, and used adult words... this story would be a lot different right now. Probably wouldn't have even made the news. He'd still be employed, and calling a lawyer.


he did use "adult words" rated MA.

why sue when you can make a fool of yourself on national TV?


He used the words of a 12 year old gamer that will never know the touch of a woman.


if he has a son he probably already knows the touch of a woman.


Read the comment you responded to again. Really take your time.




Read the comment you responded to again. Really take your time.


stop copying me


stop copying me


Solastine is a monkey features


the guy is an A-grade sack of shit,
but yeah, pretty much every headline i've seen for this video/story highlights "racism" when it's probably the least offensive thing about the incident


It's fucking unreal. Throws a cup at a girl, which hits her right in the head, and then proceeded to try and break into the kitchen to get at her and all we hear about is that he called her an immigrant?! Our species has gone full retard.


He attacked her because she wasn't white.


You are mentally ill.


You're in denial and defending that racist customer.

Similar racist behavior from the white cop who murdered George Floyd.

Racists mistreat people. Slavery, discrimination, lynchings, epithets, assaults, Jim Crow and similar racists laws, etc.


"defending that racist customer"

I made the OP, you fucking psycho, LOL!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


You stupidly don't understand his physical assault is connected to his racism.


Zero evidence of this. ZERO. He assaulted a girl and you're upset about a word. Go to therapy, Keelai. BEG them for meds.


Authorities who charged him agree with me re: bigotry.

"He was charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias in the second-degree, second-degree breach of peace and first-degree trespassing, police said."

I told you so.


"He was charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias in the second-degree, second-degree breach of peace and first-degree trespassing, police said."

I told you so.


Your idiocy never ceases to astound me.


Keelai is legitimately insane.


Either that or purposefully trying to make leftists look bad, not that they need any help.


No He attacked her because she stupidly was pouring gasoline on the fire and getting in his face. Before she was hiding behind the door and shouting at him, then she decided to go up to his face and start shouting at him.

His son nearly died because these kids couldn't fill an order correctly. he had a right to be angry at them.


Fuck off. Seriously. Keelai is mentally ill and a race baiter, but you're defending a grown man who assaulted a girl. A. GIRL. You've achieved Keelai level of scumbaggery.


he threw a smothe, trying to make that sound bigger than it is doesn't change that. Unlike his son, she isn't going to the hospital over it.


""Racist tirade" at smoothie store"

Your racist topic makes YOU the race baiter!

"He was charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias in the second-degree, second-degree breach of peace and first-degree trespassing, police said."

You can't stand that I'm right and you're wrong.


Keelai: He attacked her because she wasn't white.

you have got to be fucking kidding right?
I'm generally somewhere on your side of whatever you're ranting about and overstating ,
but that just takes the cake .
Thats the dumbest thing i've seen you write on here (and theres plenty to choose from) , given the clear cut nature of the incident.

He might well be a racist
He's certainly an asshole ,
But the reason he attacked her is obviously because of what happened to his son.


I'm not questioning if he was upset. I'm saying his behavior was influenced by what the workers were. I work with the public and I see it all the time. Some individuals will behave like that if they smell weakness or an inferior status.

Be 100% honest, if all the workers were 6"5 very muscular young men his behavior would've been different likely just asking to speak to the manager and filing a complaint or suing.

I'm not limiting his behavior to only racism because gender and classism are involved, too. He was clearly talking DOWN to them. The police charged him with intimidation based on bigotry and bias.

BTW, we don't have to agree all the time.Exchanging opinions and ideas is what Politics is about.


I'm glad he was fired. That's the best justice of all.

Although, too many other posters are identifying with the racist.


He will just get another job. But really a person with that allergy shouldn't trust anyone to do something for them.


For once we agree.

The racist should have known that peanuts don't have to be in the drink for his kid to have a reaction. There could be residue on the equipment which triggered it.

Don't employers do a thorough google search of their potential employees especially if they're in a sensitive job handling millions and interacting with rich people? Besides the video, he has an arrest record which will pop-up in background checks. He's likely getting death threats, too.


I was never trained about peanuts when I worked food.All that the places had was a card on the wall about how to do a chocking rescue. People here aren't even taught cpr so really a place isn't going into peanut education.


Fear of lawsuits. I remember when Ikea destroyed a ton of chocolate bars because they weren't labeled with a warning about nuts. Still a painful memory since I would've gladly volunteered to take some free bars off their hands. What a waste!


I can bet a bunch of cooks at waffle House don't know about nut allergies. It is your own fault if you eat there if you have that even if you just ask them not to put them in something.I use to get fussed at about toast tasting like onions because I use to use the knife I cut onions to afterward spread butter on toast.Nut oil will stay on a bunch of stuff if you don't really wash the stuff afterwards.He shouldn't have used the language but he also shouldn't gamble that people know or care about nut allergies.


I see cross contamination in food preparation all the time. I started making my own smoothies because of it.

Several of their smoothies are made with peanuts so he should've avoided the place.
Since he didn't, he should've at least watched the preparation and/or tasted a little before giving it to his son.

Instead of throwing the smoothie, he should've taken it to a lab. Now, no one will know if the smoothie contained peanuts or a cross contamination issue.


You're the racist, you want his son to die. He asked for the manager and the racist kids who tried killing his son refused to get their manager.


LOL! I see you're siding with the racist. I'm not surprised.


I am not siding with the racists, you and the kids are the racists.


The racist man you're siding with and defending was arrested and charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias.


So am I, but why are we talking about "rAcIsM" when he assaulted a teenage girl?


His behavior is typical for a racist. They treat people different from themselves disrespectfully including hurling epithets and physical violence which he did.

If the girl had been white, there's a very good chance he wouldn't have assaulted her. Maybe only ask for the manager.

I'll toss in misogyny, too. I'm sure if there had been linebacker-type male workers, he wouldn't have been aggressive.

FYI, your use of quotes is a racist microaggression. Your attempt to deny racism's existence when the story is an obvious example of ongoing racism is sleazy behavior similar to that customer.


If the girl was white he would have thrown a smoothie at her, wasn't she white anyways? She sounded like an ignorant white girl.


I'm also going to add classism to his racism and misogyny. A bonus would be if he can't find another job and his house ends up in foreclosure.


He has a son worth 10 of you. Dumb white girls are always going to be dumb, that's why they work at smoothie joints, they're too dumb to get a good job.


Nothing dumber than the father who bought his son a peanut butter smoothie, got arrested and lost his job.


Nope, the idiots who made the peanut butter smoothie top it all, and that they intentionally poured gasoline on the situation tops it off.


There are around a dozen smoothies with only three containing peanut butter:
800 LB Gorilla; P-Nut Power Plus; Nuts About Protein

I bet the idiot ordered the P-Nut Power Plus. I find it amusing that you're defending his stupidity.


you are defending the racits who tried to kill his son.


Or like me using the chopping knife for everything even sticking the tip into butter and spreading onto toast making it taste like onions after i chopped them with it. I'm sure they used the same blender for all the drinks.


The extreme reaction to the drink may indicate that there were peanuts. I think the father ordered one of the drinks which contains peanuts and the worker forgot to omit them. I say extreme because the son's EpiPen didn't work.

We'll never know 100% because the idiot father threw the drink instead of keeping it for a lab.

You're right about the same blender being used. They use a different one when told about allergies which the father didn't do.


Immigrant is a bad word?

What happens if the guy is 100% correct and she is an immigrant.

Have the left demonized that word.

Kid could have died, emergency hospital stuff.

But immigrant???


You're siding with the racist?


Remember, first they claim "It was just one kid" then it's "so what if kids are dying"


Context Matters. Immigrant is not an offensive word, but when you call someone a “fucking immigrant loser”, you are using using their immigration status as a way to insult them.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that he used it as a slur. But he still used it in a way that expresses negative sentiments towards immigrants.
