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Atarimaster's Replies
As far as I understand, with Bran being new to the three-eyed-raven-business he currently still has problems to pick out details from the mass of information (basically, ALL there is to know) he gets. So, if you tell him: "Hey, have if look if Rhaegar Targaryen ever married Lyanna Stark", or: "Could you please take a peek what the Night King is doing right now", or: "Did, by any chance, Cersei hire Bronn to kill her brothers", then he’ll be able to switch to the appropriate channel and tell you what’s up.
But if he doesn’t concentrate on a specific event, he may miss important information because of all the noise.
As I’ve said, that’s the way I got it, I might be wrong.
[quote]Bronn should be taking that gold and sailing East.[/quote]
Well, with Army-of-Dead-thingie going on, maybe sailing South is a better choice. Naath sounds nice.
Would you want him to?
No, absolutely not.
I think he seems much more threatening when he doesn’t talk. Making him talk would be as if the Alien had said: "Hello, Ripley, how are you? Sorry that I have to try to kill you now, but hey, that’s the way we do things so please don’t be mad."
Well, she did kill women before. I don’t see any hint that she changed her mind in that regard.
And she was talking with Missandei about DYING at the moment when she said "we are not men", not about KILLING. It may have been a bold statement like to emphasize that she thinks she will live through all the wars ahead; it may have been an assurance that she’s going to protect Missandei as best as she can.
To interpret that sentence in that situation as "I’m not going to kill women anymore" is… VERY far-fetched.
Daenerys should spare Cersei. After all, she's a woman.
Sorry, but … Nonsense.
She didn’t spare Doreah or Mirri Maz Duur.
If you cross her, she’s gonna kill you, doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. She’s very in for equal rights of men and women on that account.
As you probably have noticed before ;-) the english word "men" does not only mean "males" but "people" as well. When you google a bit, you’ll find the assertion that many Valyrian words are gender neutral as well. I don’t know if that’s true, but since Jaqen H'ghar at one point says "Valar dohaeris" to point out that Arya has to serve, it’s safe to assume that Valar refers to "people".
So, when Daenerys says: "All men must die. But we are not men." it’s [i]her[/i] feministic interpretation. Of course she knows that the phrase refers to both men and women, but at that moment, the deliberate misinterpretation suits her well to make a point.
[quote]If he thinks Cersei will end up winning, it would make sense.[/quote]
As Littlefinger said: "Money buys a man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever."
Of course Bronn wasn’t there when Littlefinger said this. But he’s not stupid when it comes to survival and should know that Cersei will be interested in keeping the killer of her brothers silent. Forever.
Umm, isn’t the home of the Reeds south of Winterfell?
Edit: Ooops, TexasJack beat me by a few seconds.
It’s really surprising.
For seven seasons, we’ve seen a world where girls are married off to have children the [i]moment[/i] they’ve menstruated for the first time. But when we see a young women having consensual sex, people go: "Ewww, gross!"
[quote]a) Without her advisors she would be a slave by now.
b) When she listens to her advisors she gets the wrong advice most of the time![/quote]
Well, I have to say I don’t agree with either opinion.
In my opinion she’d already be queen now if she hadn’t listened to her advisors. But most likely, the "Queen of Ashes". She is rather impulsive and always ready to strike out against her enemies, which probably is good when you’re at war, but bad if you aim to "build a world that’s different from the shit one they’ve always known", as Jon put it.
She always has a good nose for gaining power – and on that account, she’s better than her advisors –, but she also has the tendency to be ruthless and cruel, and in those moments, it’s good that she has advisors who calm her down. That’s the way I see it.
Daenerys ought to have a word with Arya (provided both of them survive the fight against the Army of the Dead). Arya’s capable of conducting a surgical strike by sneaking up on Cercei and killing her. Or at least, to try it. There’s still a Mountain in her way…
Good point.
Maybe the Night King will not appear in the Godswood to meet Bran… instead, he sends Hodor.
At first I thought that would be kind of wasted in the "that other main characters knew and loved" sense since Bran is emotionless these days. BUT Theon is there to protect Bran. Maybe seeing Hodor will make him hesitate for a crucial second.
[quote]and nowhere near as nice as she likes to think she is.[/quote]
How many times now her advisors kept her from doing something "madqueenish"?
How many times DID she do something madqueenish?
I like her a lot, but I wouldn’t want her to be [i]my[/i] queen.
I’d hate to see Davos die now, too… but without experience, he already survived two major battles. Which makes me think that this time, the writers said that he can’t be so lucky again.
I’m quite sure that Brienne will die now and either Greyworm or Missandei or both of them. Having happy moments or planning for the future always is a bad idea in fiction.
Sansa’s and Arya’s final battle simply HAS to be with Cercei. I’d be VERY disappointed if they died before that.
Sibel is actually an actress in the adult entertainment industry
Not "is". Has been.
Almost a decade before she got hired for GoT. And in 2017, she guest starred in the German edition of Sesame Street.
Sansa is the one keeping House Stark alive. (…)
And Arya hasn't the discipline and focus to have the best interests of Winterfell.
Yes, but Arya seems to be willing to support Sansa in any way she can.
By the way … In S08E01, the scene in the Godswood when Arya and Jon met, Jon said: "I'm her family too." (with "her" being Sansa) and Arya replied: "Don't forget that." …
Well, she was hugging Jon at that moment, and we all know that she loves Jon deeply. Nonetheless, to me, it sounded like a warning. I may be wrong, but that was my impression.
Hmm, I have to say I don’t agree here.
After a few the centuries, even the people of House Starks didn’t believe the storys about the White Walkers anymore, or at least thought that they have ceased to exist. Maester Luwin told Bran that there is no magic in the world. When Ned Stark beheaded the renegade from the Night’s Watch who said he had seen White Walkers, he didn’t go: "Arrghhh, they are back? We have to prepare for their attack!", he said: "A mad man sees what he sees."
He didn’t even try to find out if there’s some truth about what the renegade claimed.
In my opinion, their warning "Winter is Coming" probably referred to the White Walker originally, but at the time the story started, even the Starks themselves interpreted it as a warning regarding the natural hardships of winter: Deep cold, no harvest etc.
You’re absolutely right. Moreover, even IF somebody hat claimed the bodies, I doubt Walder Frey would have granted the request. After all, that requires a little bit of honor and decency.
But what about Lyanna Stark?
We know her remains are in the crypt. She died when Jon was born, so depending on the climate in the crypt and the way the sarcophagi are sealed, there might be a "fully intact" skeleton. As for Ned… well, if GoT would be more "z-nationesque", a headless skeleton would rise and grab its skull to put it back in place. This probably won’t happen, but – do the wights even need a head to be able to fight? As far as I remember, we’ve never seen a headless wight, but that doesn’t mean that it’s an impossible thing…
Still, I don’t believe that this is what will happen in the crypt. It’s a bit too obvious, a thing that will make half the audience cry: "SEE? You’re not safe in there, told you so!"
But something [i]will[/i] happen…
[quote]Am I correct in assuming that he already received his chests “brimming over with gold” as Qyburn stated?[/quote]
At least, that’s the way I got it, too.
As for the rest: My thoughts exactly.
I agree.
Also, either Grey Worm or Missandei is going to die. Or both.