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Atarimaster's Replies
I don’t think "on your best day" referred to the time when Jamie still had two hands, but rather to the best day he NOW can have. That’s why the writers added the "one handed fuck" bit.
Sounds great to me.
I wish they had done it your way.
I guess GRRM never would habe agreed to the show if they had suggested to make it an indefinitely ongoing series, inventing new storylines as they go.
I think the user called EloraWood put it perfectly in another thread (
And depending on how you look at it, it is a great death for her: no epic, memorable death, nobody to witness it and retell it, no special treatment; just fear and being buried by what she tried to hold on to the most.
She dies just like one of the commoners she despised so much. Moreover, as a direct consequence of underestimating her enemy, showing brutally that she is nowhere near as smart as her father was.
If she had been given a choice what kind of death she’d have – I bet that’s the last thing she would have chosen. (Well, maybe second to last with the very last being shot dead on the toilet by Tyrion, but they already used that. ;-))
And thus, in my opinion it’s exactly the death she deserved.
Yes, Olenna Tyrell was very smart.
And what was her advice for Dany? – "Be a dragon."
So maybe Dany didn’t go mad after all. She just decided to follow Olenna’s advice, and Missandei’s dying wish ("Dracarys") along with it.
Well, honestly, I don’t believe that myself. Burning down a city and thousands of innocent people is, in my opinion, a sure sign of a diseased mind. I’m just saying that it’s not completely impossible that the writers will explain her rampage like this.
In my interpretation, it’s NOT some kind of "possession" in which some kind of 3ER spirit took over Bran’s body like Illyria took over Fred’s body in "Angel". Bran just took over the role of the 3ER, it’s more like (to use another example from Whedonverse) becoming the Slayer after the previous Slayer died.
However, the "powers" of the Three Eyed Raven come at a price, namely changing your personality, just like any human changes his or hers personality over decades, shaped by their experiences etc.
The ability of knowing virtually everything there is to know kind of IS like taking over the experiences of every human (and even non-human beings, i.e. the Children of the Forest), and the impact of that will change your personality drastically in a jiff.
Sometimes, when people look back at things they’ve done long time ago, they say something like: "That person doesn’t exist anymore", meaning that they’ve changed a lot. It was something like this that made him say "Brandon stark is dead".
As I’ve said, that’s my interpretation. Of course, I may be completely wrong.
[quote]And it clearly implies she'll destroy the throne and city[/quote]
Why would a throne that is NOT destroyed imply that she destroys it?
[quote]why would that be snow and not ashes?[/quote]
Just watch the video you linked to.
I don’t know, maybe you live in a place where it doesn’t snow, but this clearly IS snow. Maybe they did it to mislead us into believing that the White Walkers will win.
That’s not ashes, that’s snow. You can’t really tell whether it’s burned or just fallen into ruin. And the dragon flying over King’s Landing was in Bran’s vision.
I never trusted that vision because it’s quite possible that it was merely conjured up by Pyat Pree. And even if it isn’t, at best it vaguely points at the chance that she might fail. It doesn’t foreshadow her madness or her burning down the city.
I think its safe to say John will have kill her in the final episode.[/quote]
I agree that this is likely… but then?
"Ummm, guys, I know I followed and supported Daenerys, and attacked King’s Landing with her… but I REALLY disapproved her burning all the innocent people and stuff. I actually went 'Oh no, please stop!' all the time. So, I hope you’ll forgive my little error of judgement and accept my apologies. I promise I’ll be a good king, at least until another hot babe comes up to dazzle my senses."
No, it doesn’t feel right anymore to me that he’ll be king. Or that he’d still have the support that he had before Dany’s burn-them-all-act.
It was because Varys was actually attempting to poison Dany[/quote]
He still might poison her. Sort of.
The little girl is, as far as we know, still alive.
[quote]Instead, they had her stay perfectly sane and reasonable until ONE episode before the crackup.[/quote]
I’m not sure I can agree here.
Two years ago, when Season 7 was running, there actually were people who questioned her stability (see, for example or And no, I’m not talking of myself here. To me, she did not seem unstable back then, and yes, I’ve seen that you rejected the idea of "signs of madness" back then, too. But maybe we just didn’t see it or want to see it?
And your real-life experience with mentally ill people isn’t helpful here, because… well, the writers probably don’t have that experience, so they don’t write them as they are in real life.
Jeez, I’ve got the feeling that I’m not putting this right. Sorry, it’s sometimes hard for me to explain what I’m thinking in English (which is not my native language).
Let me try again. Two years ago, some people claimed to see signs of madness. We thought they were wrong. But maybe they weren’t wrong, maybe they were just better in interpreting what the writers THOUGHT to be good hints at Dany going slowly mad.
But I agree that it came too quickly now, which is just another example of D&D rushing things to get out and start working on Star Wars.
Oh well.
Probably there will be a »reboot« anyway in five to ten years. I mean, that’s how they handle things these days: When they run out of ideas, they reboot something that has been a success before. The bad news is, usually they make it worse.
[quote]Keep in mind we never saw Brienne actually kill him, so in TV terms that means he's not dead.[/quote]
But on a later episode, Lord Bolton asked Ramsey if it is known who actually killed Stannis. To me, that’s a sure sign that they found his body. If they hadn’t, Bolton surely hadn’t asked this, but either said something like: "And we still didn’t find Stannis?" or the writers would have simply make him say nothing at all about Stannis’ death.
[quote]Arya kills Cersei[/quote]
I always thought that this would happen.
However, now… She can’t get ALL the good kills, can she?
Maybe his precognition doesn’t work that way. There have been other examples in fiction where the precog could SEE what happens but not CHANGE the course of events. So all he could have told him would’ve been: "Oh, by the way, Theon, thanks for the effort, but you’re going to die in a few minutes."
Thank you, now I know that I didn’t miss it.
[quote]Like a lot of things in this show now, the fire swords / charge into darkness was meant to be a cool, atmospheric visual. And it was.
Logically, not so much.[/quote]
I fully agree on the "atmospheric visual" part. :-)
I do not claim to know anything about warefare on horseback. So this is just a wild guess: If you’re on horseback, maybe you’re losing the advantage if you don’t attack the enemies to mow them down? I mean… simply staying where you’re are and waiting for the enemies to arrive does not seem like a good idea to me. So maybe it was this, plus (as someone said before) that the Dorthraki had never seen the Army of the Dead and didn’t really know what they’re up against.
btw, who gave the command?
Dany & Jon were far away, Jorah seemed to be in command – but I didn’t hear or see him give the order to attack. Did I simply miss that moment?