Atarimaster's Replies

She might die [i]trying[/i] to complete her task. [i]It's not like she carefully looked through the Frey family roster to carefully figure out who did what at the Red Wedding[/i] While she was impersonating Walder Frey, she said: »You're my family, the men who helped me slaughter the Starks at the Red Wedding«, the crowd cheered, which makes it likely they all were there. Although admittedly, if there was someone among them who wasn’t involved in the slaughter, he probably wouldn’t have raised his hand to say: »Oh, sorry, I didn’t do that, I was gone fishing at that time. So you go on partying and I’ll leave because I have no right to be here…« … but it is quite likely that they all were there at the Red Wedding – there was a lot of killing to do. However, Arya spared the women’s lifes which still makes her less a remorseless killer than Tywin Lannister was. So I still don’t agree with you so far BUT that might change next episode. The Lannister soldiers were nice to her and judging from the stories they told, they didn’t have any part in killing Starks. If she kills them nonetheless just because they are in the Lannister army, I guess you were right after all. If she lets them live, I still won’t agree that she’s a »far-gone remorseless killer«. There is, of course, a third possibility: She decides not to kill them, but then someone says something stupid like: »I really laughed my ass off when they beheaded that Stark idiot« and thereby signs his own and his companions’ death warrant… I’d vote for #2 – the WW really needed the superwinter. After all, the ice has to be thick enough so that an army of thousands of wights can cross. And probably, the WW’s power to manipulate the local weather isn’t strong enough for that on a »normal« winter. Ummm, you event forget his most important move: It was Baelish who convinced Lysa to poison Jon Arryn and to write a letter to Catelyn Stark claiming the Lannisters were behind this. It’s no wonder that GoT started with Jon Arryn’s death, because… hey, think about it, most of the plots emerged from the events that were set in motion by his death, arranged by Baelish. Well, the Non-Daenerys plots at least. As far as we know, he wasn’t involved in anything that has to do with Daenerysstormbornofthehousetargaryen-firstofhernametheunburnt-queenoftheandalsandthefirstmen-khaleesiofthegreatgrasssea-breakerofchainsandmotherofdragons. Hey, but Varys was! So, in the end, it all might be about who of those two guys were better at the game of thrones. ;-) I’ve read the books, but it’s a while ago… If it’s mentioned there, I’ve forgotten about it. I don’t think tearing down the doors does the trick. After all, Benjen said he couldn’t pass and that was probably assuming they would open the doors for him. »7. Was letting Bran through the Wall a big mistake?« I guess so. After all, I don’t think that the White Walkers will arrive and go: »Geez, we forgot there’s a giant wall in our way… Damn!« and then, sit in front of the wall until summer arrives and they go home again, waving good-bye and calling: »See you next wiiiin-ter!« That would be a trifle less exciting than them having a way to get past the wall. ;-) And on that account, the Bran ticket seems likely to me. I’m not sure anymore, but as far as I remember, there were some villages on the island, too (in the books). However, I don’t think they were ever mentioned in the TV show so I guess that this is one of the changes they did. Well, I imagine that Stannis just said: »I’ll take the north or die trying« – and either way, he didn’t have any use for Dragonstone anymore. And if he had taken the north, his next move probably would’ve been to go straightly for King’s Landing. After winter. As for the servants and other non-combatants… Hmmm, to me, Dragonstone seemed nothing than just a bare rock with a castle. That’s not a good place to survive winter – probably, without supply ships arriving, there’s not even enough wood to burn. So sending away all the servants etc. to find a new life on the main land would actually be (or at least, offering them the chance to move away instead of ordering them to remain) actually seems the decent thing to do. On the other hand, it seems logical (to me) that at least a few of them would’ve stayed anyway to at least try to survive there… I think that what the Faceless Men do is much more than just disguise: There’s some kind of magic which lets them take over a complete personality. Why wouldn’t he leave it empty? He obviously didn’t plan to return, at least not before winter has arrived (and surely not [i]during[/i] winter). Then, wo would want to take the castle? The Lannisters? With winter at the doorstep, they’d have better things to do, too. Looters? Well, it didn’t look as if there was anything left worth looting. Or maybe it was this empty because it already has been looted… but I guess Stannis just didn’t care. I seem to remember that he more or less hated Dragonstone (although I don’t remember where and when he said something that makes me think so, so maybe I’m remembering it wrong), and he probably would have burned it down (scorched earth policy), but then again, burning castles down is a hard thing to do (as long as you have no drangos whose fire can melt stone) so it wasn’t even worth the effort. So basically, my interpretation is that Stannis didn’t give a sh*t about Dragonstone, which also would be, in my opinion, absolutely in character. (I hope that’s the right expression – English isn’t my native language…) Above, I wrote: »I haven’t seen any hint that she is going to extend that beyond the circle of carefully selected persons« Welllllllllll… Maybe the circle isn’t as carefully selected as I thought, because [spoiler]being Frey and male seems to be enough to get added. Nonetheless, no real random killing so far…[/spoiler] Wow, a week? You’re on vacation? I needed a week _per_season_. Well, I watched the audio commentary for many episodes, too, so basically I had to watch about 80 or 90 episodes instead of 60, but still you were a LOT faster than me… Hmmm, I don’t agree. I don’t see any sign yet that Arya will murder anyone who didn’t harm her family or who she has to kill in order to protect herself (like the waif). Remember, she refused to kill Lady Crane (and that was right before she left Braavos) – if she was a psychopathic monster, why’d she even care? Jon killing Janos Slynt was (in my eyes) actually about revenge for what he did to the Stark family, too. If it had been about removing a possible future threat to Jon, Alliser Thorne would have been the better choice, which was very clear even before we saw Thorne stabbing Jon – after all, Stannis did warn Jon about Thorne. Jon nearly kills Ramsey with his bare hands… and probably, he would have, if he hadn’t been stopped by Sansa’s shocked look (shocked at Jon running rampant, of course, not shocked at Ramsey being punched). Hey, maybe Jon’s going to be the next big bad guy? – Just kidding, but come to think of that, it’d be that kind of surprise that many people seemed to miss during the last two or three seasons… Admittedly, Arya takes an awful pleasure in killing those she had planned to kill which IS quite a psychopathic thing. But as I’ve said above, I haven’t seen any hint that she is going to extend that beyond the circle of carefully selected persons. But of course, it’s perfectly possible that I’m wrong and you’re right. Yes, Podrick is decent, honorable AND probably the best lover we’ve seen on a TV show EVER. Ear Worm? Wasn’t that dude named "Grey Worm"?!? ;-) The day before yesterday, I finished re-watching seasons 1 to 6. So yes, I’m ready! :-) Well, my guess is that Lyanna Mormont will scare all the White Walkers away, then she’ll marry Podrick Payne and take the Iron Throne. ;-) Well, since this is GoT, there’s a good chance she’ll be losing her life. »Charles Dance (played Tywin Lannister on GoT) would have been perfect for the role.« I completely agree here! I watched Rogue One again yesterday, and I think that the CGI Tarkin made it painfully obvious that a great actor like Peter Cushing is more than the movement of his facial muscles. And yes, Charles Dance would’ve made a perfect replacement. Too bad they decided to use CGI instead.