Sansa's speeches

Something that could be a problem for her, she *says* "Loyal to the North" in reference to their sworn Northern allies, but she *means* "Loyal to the Starks," like they're one and the same, and while they do usually go together, not necessarily the case. The North was still the North when the Boltons held Winterfell, and those who followed were just following how life goes.


When you're around Sansa, you'd damn well better used "Loyal to the North" and "Loyal to the Starks" as if they meant exactly the same thing!

She won't refer to the time when they didn't, but that doesn't mean she's forgotten it.


Sansa is the one keeping House Stark alive.

Her parents and eldest brother are dead. Jon is preoccupied with the North at large rather than Winterfell, where he's always felt like something of an outcast. Bran's head is off with the fairies. And Arya hasn't the discipline and focus to have the best interests of Winterfell.


Sansa is the one keeping House Stark alive. (…)
And Arya hasn't the discipline and focus to have the best interests of Winterfell.

Yes, but Arya seems to be willing to support Sansa in any way she can.
By the way … In S08E01, the scene in the Godswood when Arya and Jon met, Jon said: "I'm her family too." (with "her" being Sansa) and Arya replied: "Don't forget that." …

Well, she was hugging Jon at that moment, and we all know that she loves Jon deeply. Nonetheless, to me, it sounded like a warning. I may be wrong, but that was my impression.


She's reminding him to be a pack wolf, not a lone wolf.
