MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Remaining objective when character favor...

Remaining objective when character favorites are on the line

This tends to happen with great shows (e.g., The Sopranos, The Shield, Breaking Bad), where over the years, we become so emotionally invested in our favorite characters, that the uncertainty of their fates leave us both excited and afraid at the same time.

Next episode is going to be rough for many people. It will be exhilarating, sure, but it will inevitably leave people disappointed that their favorite characters ended in such an unfulfilling way.

All we can hope for is that the show-runners do everyone justice.


I would prefer that Jon survives but it may be unlikely:(


After dying once and being brought back to life, I really hope they don't kill him again.

Jon has been my favorite character since Season 1 and it seems that he has a destiny and it's not to simply be killed off. I hope that proves to be true.


Hope you're right
Sunday's show should be a real heartbreaker by the looks of things!


Whoever now dies, they will die with honour, and their death will have a purpose.

That said, I'm not sure who my favourites are. Apart from maybe Davos, I don't really have a favourite, but there are various characters I feel some type of affection and affinity for like Sam, Ed, Jon to some extent (although if he dies, it will be doubly emphasised that he'll die with honour), and now Theon who has done such a huge 180 in terms of my sympathies.

In fact, it's characters like Stannis, who ultimately died ignobly, that I feel worst for, as well as poor Shireen, who deserved so much better, and to some extent Baelish, because although he was a rotter, there was something delicious about his deviousness that almost made me want to see him go the distance. Also, genuinely heroic and decent characters like Ned, Catelyn and Robb, who died pretty much for nothing. 😞


Sadly I've come to feel some sort of affection for all of the characters that have congregated at Winterfell. There's no one that their death won't affect me somewhat..But there's also some I'd like to see make it to the end (at the very least) if not more...

I would think Jon, Daernerys, Arya, Sansa, Sam and Gilly, Tyrion and the Hound will make it to Kings Landing but Theon, Greyworm, Jorah and Poderick seem a sure bet to die at Winterfell...probably along with Brienne. Beric, Tormund, Gendry..and possibly Bran.
..There's also Jaime, Davos, Vary's, the Red Witch in the running.. But I am hoping for Jaime and Davos to make it at least a few more episodes.

There's also a couple of direwolfs and dragons to consider..I'd hope some would make it but am not hopeful..


I’d hate to see Davos die now, too… but without experience, he already survived two major battles. Which makes me think that this time, the writers said that he can’t be so lucky again.

I’m quite sure that Brienne will die now and either Greyworm or Missandei or both of them. Having happy moments or planning for the future always is a bad idea in fiction.

Sansa’s and Arya’s final battle simply HAS to be with Cercei. I’d be VERY disappointed if they died before that.
