mikeflatley's Replies

U 4got acquisition of fox and so X-men and fan 4 meanz mo charz. They never. I watched it wid an unaffected audience, zombies actually. It’s true but then we wud not need all those avengerz and some1 2 sacrifice which is not really a plan. Hulk is supposedly most powerful and he wuz injured badly by stonez. I’m not sure cap marvel wud fare better. But it made sense 2 me bec why commit suicide when u don’t have 2? Tony did it bec he had no choice. There were many wayz 2 defeat thanos and they almost did in IW if quill didn’t mess up ze plan. Also why dint strange put thanos in a time loop like he did wid Dormammu? Dis wud alwayz work but wud not make interestin moviez. I do agree mid of movie wuz borin. Cap vs cap wuz borin as wid all stories 2 retrieve ze stonez. But I’m fine wid Hemsworth or any panderin 2 minority or underrepresented groupz tho Paltrow in an iron suit is a bit too much. Nebula is a grate character and I’m glad we get 2 see mo on her. Beginnin and epic battle were ze best part of film. I thought it wuz silly 4 him 2 think of Peggy all dis time when there r so many hot babez in da avengerz like dat blue robot chick who is way hotter than Peggy Oh man I been waitin 4 so long but had 2 go 2 bathroom at beginnin of epic battle! Exactly. Why even watch movie when at ze end of day, u’ll be back in bed? Just stay in bed all day. I thought maybe Clint say he’ll give up porn and poof comez soul stone I forgive him bec he got a cool haircut I wuz bout 2 say but who sez tony can’t come up wid portal after watchin b2df wid her daughter? As cap sed, it’s time 2 move on I wuz kinda bored hear Nah even better endin is ant man able 2 make hulk as big as Godzilla and Hulk just stomp on Thanos and ze baddies She dunno wat she talkin bout plus her haircut is lousy He 4got hoz and stripaz MCU have him and Favreau 2 thank. Iron Man is a B hero in comix and they made him an a-lister surpassin both Spider-Man and cap They can only bring back ppl lost from the stonez. Will dat explain da Joker as most popular villain ever in all of comicdom? He also looked like shrek. Wuz surprised he didn’t talk in a scot accent. But then why u buy tix 4 3 nitez?