MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Plotlines not resolved after endgame.

Plotlines not resolved after endgame.

What hasn't been resolved yet? I'll start:
1) Justin Hammer
2) Mandarin
3) Jane Foster + Thor


1) Went to prison in Iron Man 2. I'm not sure what else needs to be said.

2) They mentioned a "real" Mandarin in one of the one-shots but how canon those are remain to be seen. I just go with what was shown in Iron Man 3: Mandarin was a decoy villain and everyone involved with that whole thing are either dead or in prison.

3) They broke up between the second and third Thor movies and both moved on with their lives. Again, what needs to be resolved?


Yeah, went to prison, but surely got out. And the mandarin one-shot basically established the real mandarin is out there. I want to know what happens. And endgame kind of suggests thor and jane might get back together.


I doubt Hammer got out of prison considering all the charges against him. If he did, I doubt he would go after Tony again. He wasn't a standard super villain.

As for the one-shot, like I said, it remains to eb seen how canon those are. Until something happens in a movie or TV show, it's best to ignore it. Especially since they stopped making them.

I didn't get the impression Thor and Jane were gonna get back together in Endgame. Jane didn't even speak or see Thor. Meanwhile, he was more interested in seeing his mom again.


Nothing will happen , Iron Man is dead = no Mandarin vs Iron Man , the end

By the the way you should thank Shane Black how he wasted such a villain making him into a joke


As cap sed, it’s time 2 move on
