MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > SPOILERS! Why was Tony Stark the only on...

SPOILERS! Why was Tony Stark the only one willing to do what was necessary?

You know, one thing has been puzzling me... Why the hell didn't anyone use the stones sooner to eliminate Thanos and his army?

During all that fighting at the end, Hawkeye had the gauntlet, then Black Panther and then Spider-Man, and then finally Captain Marvel... But no one dared to use the damn thing? Why? Were they just not willing to die? I mean, I know it's not an easy thing to give up your life, but if Tony had the will to do it then why didn't the others. I mean, Captain Marvel seemed so strong she'd probably have survived using the stones, anyway.

All the time the whole plan just seemed to be to get the stones into the past and away from Thanos. But why? They weren't beating him and his army without the stones, that seemed to be clear.

Maybe I missed something, but I'm just wondering why literally no one even suggested using the stones to kill Thanos.


Tony has to do it because it was a part of Dr. Strange plan.


I get that. But Strange only saw what was possible in that reality. If another character (Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, etc) had been willing to do it, Strange would have seen that as another outcome. I'm just wondering why they didn't even attempt to use the stones and snap before Thanos got hold of it.


I think they tried to take the gauntlet to the van but then Thanos managed to get it and Tony was the closest to him and did what he did , but yeah you are right , i don't understand why Captain Marvel didn't snap when she had the gauntlet , but other that i can only say that it was aplot device to make Tony die because RDJ contract with Marvel ended , yeah dumb and lazy but that's what the writers did.


Captain Marvel doing it would have annoyed me, though, to be honest. She already seemed like a big plot device so having her do it would have been wrong. That's why I would never have had her get near the Gauntlet in the first place, because it does leave you wondering why she didn't just put the damn thing on and finish the job. A definite mistake on the writers part. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED, LOVED this movie. It's the reason why I'm running through it in my mind again and again. I just found this one part a little hard to understand. Someone should have at least mentioned the possibility of using the Gauntlet instead of just hiding it from Thanos.


1) They had no time to formulate a plan or gauge which hero (besides Hulk) could use the Gauntlet without being instantly vaporised.

2) Tony built the Gauntlet, allowing him to sneak the stones from Thanos and use them in his suit.

3) Presumably, his armour gave him some measure of protection.


1) Fair enough, but that's not my point. My point is, knowing Clint's personality, I don't think he would have cared about being vaporised in the moment. He would still have attempted to do it, I think. The only thing I can think of is he (and the others) were worried about putting the Gauntlet on and then being temporarily out of it for a bit (overwhelmed with power and stuff), allowing Thanos to swoop in. That's the best I can think of.

2) Yes, I know, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about before Thanos got his hands on it and they were still playing pass the Gauntlet.

3) Definitely. It's the only reason he could remain stoic enough to deliver his epic last line. I loved that part so no complaints from me here. I also think it makes sense that his suit was protecting him.


It wasn't the plan to defeat Thanos with the gauntlet as much as it was to keep Thanos from getting it which is why no one attempted it. When Thanos finally got it, Iron Man knew that taking the stones was the only way to defeat him because there was no getting the gauntlet back off Thanos.


I’ll go you one better: why didn’t they use the time machine to go back to a point in time before Thanos had any stones or the gauntlet and kill him? Problem solved. No need to bother gathering the infinity stones at all.


Rhodes and Lang literally suggest that exact thing

Banner shuts them down, because "Back to the Future is BS"

Changing the past creates an alternate timeline, but cannot change the time traveler's own timeline.

In a sense, they're traveling sideways in time, not backwards.

I suppose the time traveler could continue to live in the alternate timeline, but where's the satisfaction in that, knowing everyone's still screwed in the timeline you left?

That's why old Steve Rogers returned to his own time after having lived out a normal life with (we presume) Peggy.


As Rhodey himself suggested... why not just go back in time and eliminate Baby Thanos? XXDD

He had a solid plan. But like Banner said, it doesn’t work that way.


That was a good idea but you go back and kill Thanos before he gets the stones and you accomplish nothing because without Thanos you can't free the ones who he killed. You're just gonna return to a point in time where Thanos doesn't exist and neither do the superheros who he "killed".


It’s true but then we wud not need all those avengerz and some1 2 sacrifice which is not really a plan. Hulk is supposedly most powerful and he wuz injured badly by stonez. I’m not sure cap marvel wud fare better. But it made sense 2 me bec why commit suicide when u don’t have 2? Tony did it bec he had no choice.

There were many wayz 2 defeat thanos and they almost did in IW if quill didn’t mess up ze plan. Also why dint strange put thanos in a time loop like he did wid Dormammu? Dis wud alwayz work but wud not make interestin moviez.


Jesus christ what the hell did i just read.


I don't know, but its shockingly close to going on ignore, no-one needs to type like a retarded teen with adhd.


You just read a 3rd grade writing level from someone who is most certainly waaaay past the 3rd grade.


the loop would not have worked on thanos... dormammu is an entity beyond time ( that is he is not affected by time) so he knew he was in a time loop thanos is affected by time so resetting time will also reset him and his memory so he will not remember he had already performed a certain action before and will continue doing it even if time is reset a billion times


Honestly tony did it because he had no choice. thanos had the stones and the van was already destroyed... before then the plan was to get it into the van


I suppose that's probably right. I just don't get why the plan wasn't to use the stones rather than get rid of them, you know what I mean? Why wasn't the plan for someone strong (Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel) to use the Gauntlet and kill Thanos? I don't think the Avengers would have won without it, anyway. On paper they should have, but not from what we were seeing on screen.


Because Ironman is the GOAT
