RockAway's Replies

Where is the evidence that the feds ran an operation to cover up Biden's son laptop? How DISGUSTING! Comparing this to 9/11? Are you American? The 'chord' he has struck is that he gives people the excuse to hate immigrants and minorities. Newsmax? Come on bro. "Trump, who has decried the jury's decision, sent his supporters multiple messages linking to his donation pages in the hours after the verdict." Any chance he can grift he'll take! Cheese breaks? Woah, woah, woah, cheese is never stupid. We need cheese breaks in the U.S. Muscle memory lol They knew he wasn't guilty? What?! Anyone who paid any attention whatsoever to the evidence presented knew he was guilty. Why do you think he is not guilty? I am fascinated. Yeah! Only wealthy children should be able to go to college without crippling debt! Jesus Biden! Get with the program! Oh Jesus . . . of COURSE they are claiming that because Trump is claiming that 🙄 I always forget that whatever he says is gospel to them. It couldn't possibly be that he committed a crime 🙄 A Banana Republic has nothing to do with being judged by a jury of your peers. People like tvfan are never going to give their sources and we know why, they are conspiracy bullshit websites. When they get deservedly lambasted for using terrible sources of information, they feel attacked and double down. Its exhausting trying to reason with someone who is fundamentally apposed to reality. It's amazing how far people will go just to keep from being wrong or accepting personal responsibility for poor judgement. Of course faith exists . . . I never said it doesn't. You have faith, defined as strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. You copy and pasted this from a Quora answer. I wish you would actually think about it rather than copying an apologists OPINION because these are not your words or your thoughts. The rabbit does not chew 'cub' or 'cud' and to say that the Bible is the inspired word of God and it was a simple misunderstanding between God and the authors calls the whole book into question! How do we know what parts the writer just misunderstood? It's kind of important. As far as Hebrew not having not having a word that meant 'bird' that is just absurd. In ancient Hebrew, they didn't just have a word for 'that thing that flies'. That is a lie, which you would know if you bothered to research anything that you copy and pasted from somewhere on the internet. Then in order to cover your ass for lying you try to imply that I don't know that the Bible was written in Hebrew. Which, yes, in part it was, it was also written in Aramaic and the New Testament (Where your verses are copy/pasted) was originally written in Greek. Faith is believing without evidence. The Bible says that bats are birds, rabbits chew cud and the earth has ends. Then he has the nerve to bash Senator McCain calling him "not a war hero," and "I like people who weren't captured." as well as all of the stuff he is alleged to have said about fallen soldiers which you can chose not to believe but given his track record, isn't far-fetched. Your language is absolutely repugnant. What a PIG. Seriously. You were WRONG about Nexstar giving more money to Democrats.