MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump guilty verdict reveals a Democrat ...

Trump guilty verdict reveals a Democrat Party that will do almost anything to win"

Gee? Sounds reminiscent of the 2020 Election where the Democrats would do almost anything to win, including concocting a Pandemic with China so they could rig the mail in ballot system along with voting in general and unfortunately for this Party, they don't have that for 2024 and the American people have seen right through this as of yesterday with this bogus verdict.. Once this Judge gave the so called "Special Instructions" you knew it was over and he was going to be found guilty.. The instructions probably read "You either find this man Guilty of all charges or risk your livelihood & employment and being blacklisted for the rest of your life"

TRUMP 2024


Trump is a traitor and a convicted felon. Take your lips off Trump's ample ass and look around. Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead, he's been convicted of 34 felonies and the GOP wants little to do with him. Explain exactly how Trump will be president again, dumbshit. 🤣🖕🏻


"Most Americans hate Trump,..." 🙄

That's why he's been leading in the polls, in spite of all his legal woes, even more so than the first time he ran for POTUS. Speaking of which, back then he was routinely accused of being racist. Blacks are flipping in favor of him in droves now. You're clearly the dumb shit!


Aw... You're really upset that your orange master is now a convicted felon. I hope you'll recover someday. It's funny because when a poll favors a Democrat you cry that the polls are fake but now you believe in polls where Trump leads by just a few points? The only poll that matters is on election day. Trump is through. Yes, Most Americans hate Trump and will not vote for a felon.


You're an extremely arrogant prick, presuming to speak for most Americans. Are you psychic or maybe a prophet? You're presuming to be able to read my mind when I follow the news. Why is it that The Constitution still allows for a convicted felon to run for POTUS? You're blinded by irrational hatred. Your obsessive use of the descriptor of "orange" indicates what a dumb, brainwashed sheeple you are.


I suggest that you find someone to help you with whatever mental illness you have where you think it's okay that Trump can break the law and not be held accountable for his illegal actions. I almost feel sorry for you. You should pick your heroes more carefully because the orange shitgibbon is not a hero. For now have a tissue. 🧻 Better now?


I don't consider suggestions coming from arrogant, presumptuous pricks. How many laws have you broken and gotten away with? There's that trite "orange" reference again, because your mind is desperate and dulled to logic. My stance on Trump is most closely expressed by this guy:


Dude, Trump wasn't convicted of jay-walking. He was convicted of 34 counts of felony fraud to cover up his affair weigh a porn star in an effort to avoid campaign finance laws and illegally affect the presidential election. Go take a walk or something. You sound ridiculous and unhinged


"...weigh a porn star..."? And I sound unhinged? Speaking of which, what did her unnecessarily detailed testimony of condom brands have to do with alleged violation of campaign laws, but the ultimate, expert witness for the defense on that issue wasn't allowed to testify? YOU sound ridiculous, have no sense of logic or reality! And btw, it was never an "affair", dumb shit, it was a one time thing. It WAS an affair with Karen McDougal, 10 months into the making. And the reason the prosecution never called her as a witness following Daniels, although she was on the list, was because it would have damaged their case. She openly admitted in interviews that Trump was very decent with her and that she had genuine feelings for him.


What the hell would his adultress's feelings for him have to do against the evidence of fraudulent use of campaign funds to cover up a "one time thing"?

Do you realise how dementedly hopeful that thinking sounds. "Oh his adultress said nice things about hm. That means the jury would have just ignored anything relevant to the charges that have been brought. Because anyone whose mistress says nice things about them is incapable of dishonesty."

You guys live in the fucking twilight zone. Isn't the jury supposed to be all democrat controlled robots who didn't listen to the evidence anyway?

Try another one, loser.


Only an unhinged person with no legitimate arguments makes a big deal out of an autofill typo.

You can credit Ms Daniels' detailed accounts of her sexual affair with Trump, to Trump himself, who most likely ordered his lawyer to adamantly deny that the defendant did not have an affair with Daniels. That was an invitation to put Daniels on the stand to refute the defense's claim.


Word salad, trying to appear intelligent. 🙄


cover up his affair weigh a porn star in an effort to avoid campaign finance laws and illegally affect the presidential election

I've never understood this.
What exactly did he do ?
Is there some rule that all election candidates must declare all porn star affairs before an election?
What was the actual campaign finance law broken?
Did he use his own hush money or the campaign funds?


You can clearly see on the checks he signed that the letterhead is

It was meant to be confusing from the onset.


The hush money was paid to help his campaign, which was on crisis. After the "Pussy grabber" tape the RNC was seriously considering removing Trump from the ticket. One more sex incident could have forced their hand. Testimony at trial confirmed this concern in the Trump camp.

So, catch and kill Stormy's story. THAT wan't illegal. But conspiring to cover it up but making illegal contributions to Trump Campaign (if the money came from Cohen or Trump, it exceeded donation limits and needed to be filed as a contribution. If the Trump Org paid it, or was an illegal corporate donation) and creating false business records to cover it up and taking it as a business expense on tax filings is illegal.


So the issue is that its inferred DT wanted Stormy to stfu for the sake of his campaign ( as opposed to marriage ) and therefore the money used do that must be considered campaign money regardless of whose bank account it came from?

And this exceeded donation limits? wasnt it about 100k? I thought prospective presidents spent 100s of millions on the campaign?

Whats all this got to do with him writing "Lawyer costs" instead of "Stormy stfu costs" in his bookkeeping - which seems to be the main thrust of the case


Try reading about the testimony in the case. I'm not going to write out a transcript for you. If you want to understand you'll look into it. I suspect you don't and you only want to misrepresent the case and the law.


" only want to misrepresent the case and the law." Hah! That's exactly what you're doing. He's expressing a healthy criticism of the case, legitimately questioning confusing aspects of it, which is what the jurors should have done. And you're doing exactly what the corrupt judge kept doing, that is, to systematically suppress testimony, evidence that would have exonerated Trump.


"He's expressing a healthy criticism of the case, legitimately questioning confusing aspects of it, which is what the jurors should have done."

The jurors weren't confused. I they were, they would have taken more than a day and a half to reach a unanimous verdict. They were in the courtroom paying attention, they weren't listening to what Trump allies were claiming about the case.


db20db (16325) SAID 2 hours ago>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

" "Most Americans hate Trump,..." 🙄

That's why he's been leading in the polls, in spite of all his legal woes, even more so than the first time he ran for POTUS. Speaking of which, back then he was routinely accused of being racist. Blacks are flipping in favor of him in droves now. You're clearly the dumb shit!"
On the set of "The Apprentice", Trump used the N-word about the possibility of a black person winning the first season. Blacks are in favor of Trump calling this person a N-word? Blacks like that sort of rhetoric from Trump? Trump is a racist pig and you know it. Read about it........


That story was already debunked in 2016 and now it's being resurrected by dumb shits like you, trying to throw more fuel onto the 'hate Trump' bonfire. 🙄


Disclaimer : I am not American.
The elephant in the room here is the lefties turning Trump onto a martyr for everything the American forefathers stood for : truth, justice, freedom and the rest. The far left made George Floyd into an icon of injustice and put up a fucking statue of him. Trump bangs a porn star when
not president and it's Armageddon. Bill Clinton gets a BJ off an intern when he IS president and that's ok.
Your justice system is fubar. What a bunch of silly wankers.


You’re missing so much here


When the cops shoot an unarmed "suspect" or do anything that "libs" consider an abuse of their authority, they don't cry about the GOP beating up, entrapping or brutalising people.

But when the justice system does it's job and secures a conviction based on the evidence, Trump bootlicks can only resort to "the democrats" among other comforting fantasies.

Have a nice life growing up, some day.


President Trump is unflappable. This lawfare will backfire.



Trump looked flapped after he was found guilty of 34 felonies. 🤣


This case is over and in the history books forever


It wasnt the Democrat party it was a jury of his peers.

I sure hope those jurors have anonymity given the rabid Qanon MAGA cap wearing cult members that will be coming after them


These Trump supporting morons belive that Biden is directly responsible for Trump's 34 felony convictions. There is no hope for these people.


Check out this analysis-

A kangaroo court. This sham trial will not stop Donald Trump or MAGA.

Donations are skyrocketing. Trump still leads in polls in swing states.

Get on the Trump Train moviechatterer. I'll save you a seat. Toot, toot! All aboard!

TRUMP 2024


Trump is through. Do you really believe that most Americans will vote for a convicted felon? The Trump train derailed long ago but you are very stupid to not see that.

Trump claims that he is a billionaire so why does he beg for money from his clueless supporters? But hurry! Send Trump your hard earned money because his private jet doesn't refill itself. Yeah, Trump is just like you. 🤣


Much as I'd rather see Trump in prison than in the White house , yes - i do believe many Americans will vote for a felon . They voted for movie stars after all .

Even though I find Trump repulsive and offensive to look at let alone listen to , he seems to have struck a chord with some people


The 'chord' he has struck is that he gives people the excuse to hate immigrants and minorities.


These aren't immigrants, dumb shit, they're aggressive, violent invaders, many of which come from countries that hate America.


Biden wants to restrict the border. Trump doesn't want him to get the credit for it so he's influencing the Republicans in the house to sabotage the border bill that would help the issue so that he can run on how bad the border is for his campaign for presidency.


Whoop-de doo! Now, in the 11th hour, he wants to do something about the border problem, when he's been deliberately ignoring it for the past 3&1/2 years! 🙄 It's a classic example of "locking the barn door after the horse has already been stolen", and pos Biden is the one that deliberately unlocked it to begin with.


Newsmax? Come on bro.

"Trump, who has decried the jury's decision, sent his supporters multiple messages linking to his donation pages in the hours after the verdict."

Any chance he can grift he'll take!


That article was a stupid test. Don't fail the exam by believing it. Trump is not a political prisoner. He is not in jail or even out on bail.


Newsmax propaganda again?


moviechatterer SAID (13722) an hour ago >>>>>>>>>>>>>

"It wasn't the Democrat party it was a jury of his peers."
Agree. If Trump's defense team approved all democrats to be on the jury, Trump should have fired every one of his defense team and hired another legal defense team. Anyone who believes the jury was made up of all democrats is not very bright.


>Gee? Sounds reminiscent of the 2020 Election where the Democrats would do almost anything to win, including concocting a Pandemic with China so they could rig the mail in ballot system

Any evidence for this claim whatsoever?


Your wasting your time with the OP. He believes to his core that Biden created the COVID-19 virus which killed millions of Americans just to make Trump look bad. You will never see evidence from a Trump supporter because they have none.


wow , that was so out there I assumed it must be TVfan , but on searching its revealed its BKB . He must be making a title bid for "Craziest Maga mf on the site" .
Obviously theres a lot of extremely stiff competition , but he's in with a chance , he could at least be silver medal runner up - I think TVfans on a roll what with his talk of "energy weapons" , he's only a couple of steps short of "Lizard people disguised as politicians"


didn't the defense participate in choosing the jurors? didn't they have the power to veto jurors based on background?


No, the prosecution did and this jury was specifically hand selected based on their like or dislike of this man


Bingo! Supported by this, one of the most esteemed law professors in the country.


yodavid (72) a day ago SAID>>>>>>>>>>>

"Didn't the defense participate in choosing the jurors? didn't they have the power to veto jurors based on background?"
Of course the defense participated in jury selection. They would be dead between the ears if they approved any juror who was a Republican. I would bet money that jury was split down the


They will and are doing anything to keep power. They’ve always been this way. On the inside they’re scumbag communists whose only concern is their own power.

Don’t believe me? Look at every city and state they run. Any questions?


What I find amusing is, the drones on the Left truly think this was a just and lawful conviction. Every part of this trial and the other charges stinks, and the stench is coming directly from Washington. Evidently nobody has ever taught the lefties how to know a kangaroo court when they see one. They were all the rage in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, and they're still used in places like China, North Korea, and many shitty 3rd world countries run by dictators.


You have Alan Dershowitz who's been in Law for decades and he's never seen anything like this in the 60 years of service and that's coming from a guy who wouldn't vote for Trump too!!


Gotta love cultural Marxism in full swing, right?
