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This will backfire

It's radicalized people who didn't even expect to vote for Trump. But seeing Biden turn the country into a Banana Republic was a step too far.


Most of you keep saying "banana republic" as if all of you Trump worshipers receive your marching orders from the same news source. Never a original thought.


I'm hardly a Trump worshiper, but nice try.

We say "Banana Republic" or "Third World Dictatorship" because that's where politicians try to have their opponents jailed. It's not that we don't have an original thought, it's that those are the accepted TERMS for it.


Biden had nothing to do with Trump's trial and conviction. Trump is now a convicted felon and he is solely responsible for that. Trump is through and he will never be president again. Sorry for you.


What was the crime that elevated those misdemeanors to felony status? You guys keep parroting "Trump is a convicted felon," but you don't realize that he was convicted of 34 misdemeanors, as Trey Gowdy said, "dressed in a tuxedo" and called felonies. What was the crime that they used to resurrect the misdemeanors on which the statute of limitations had expired so they could become felonies and Bragg could make good on his political promise?

And if you think Democrat Alvin Bragg and Democrat Judge Juan Merchan weren't working to help Joe Biden beat Trump -- a promise Bragg essentially made in order to get elected -- then you are outrageously naive. The Democrat party was out to hobble Trump to make it easier for the leader of the Democrat party to beat a candidate he's currently losing to. That is the sort of thing they do in tin pot dictatorships and banana republics.


I'm not here to educate you. If you are so stupid that you think Trump is innocent then I can't help you.

Here's the reality. Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies because it was proven in a court of law. No matter how much you cry that will not change. Here, have a tissue. 🧻


There is no reason for you to be so willingly ignorant. Wikipedia has a page on the hush money indictment and trial. The page also contains 480 links for you to read and educate yourself with. The indictment is also a matter of public record. There is no reason for you to appear to be so stupid when you ask "what did Trump do?".

Trial transcripts;

Trump hardly lifted a finger to defend himself against those charges. He showed up in court, managed to stay awake most of the time and whined outside of the court after the trial recessed for the day. Did Trump really not know how trials and the courts work for everyone else? What a pussy!

Trump tells us that taking the 5th is only what mobsters do, but he decided to take the 5th in other proceedings. Then he claimed he would testify in this trial, but he backed down like a little bitch.

Here is a hint, no one should want a little bitch to be their president.


Destinata (2729)SAID 3 hours ago........

"What was the crime that elevated those misdemeanors to felony status?"...................
Those crimes most certainly are felonies. This will explain it to you.............


Of course it will. They set a precedent. This verdict will boost his campaign and gain more voters.

The judge set his own rules to make sure that he got a guilty verdict.

Sooner or later those tables will turn.


It couldn't possibly be that he committed a crime 🙄


Why do you refuse to show your proof that the 2020 election was rigged? I'm sure Trump would appreciate it don't you think? What are you waiting for? Quit being stupid if that's even possible. At least you learned to spell "center" correctly.


tvfan will say it is the deep state and she cannot risk exposing herself.


A Banana Republic has nothing to do with being judged by a jury of your peers.


Trump supporters are claiming the jurors we're all liberal Democrats suffering from TDS. Then they cry that Trump will be vindicated when all of his 34 convictions are overturned on appeal. That will never happen. Trump is through. 🍊🤡


Oh Jesus . . . of COURSE they are claiming that because Trump is claiming that 🙄 I always forget that whatever he says is gospel to them.


So what was the crime that elevated 34 misdemeanors, where the statute of limitations had run out, to the level of a felony so Alvin Bragg could make good on his promise to get Trump?


What are you babbling about? Everything in your post is pure bullshit. This is simple. Trump broke the law and he was convicted of that 34 times. Why do you worship a convicted felon? I thought you Trump supporters were all about law and order.


Bless your heart -- I mean that in the Southern sense -- you don't even understand the case. No point in arguing with you. Enjoy your victory that's probably going to get Trump elected.


Thankfully there is just not enough of you Trump supporting morons to reelect Trump. The MAGA party is about dead and Trump will never be president again.

Remember when at the start of Trump's trial he claimed that millions of his supporters would protest at his criminal trial but only a few showed up. What happened to the 75 million people voted for Trump? You are on the losing side, Cupcake.


Who are you to say the statute of limitations had run out? Can you prove it? Why didn't Trump use that for his defense?

Why are you asking those questions instead of telling us? Wikipedia has a page on the hush money indictment and trial. The page also contains 480 links for you to read and educate yourself with. The indictment is also a matter of public record. There is no reason for you to appear to be so stupid when you ask "what did Trump do?".

Trial transcripts;


It has everything to do with targeting a political opponent with misdemeanors where the statute of limitations had run out for the purpose of hamstringing him in a race Biden can't win unless a judge puts his finger on the scale.
All you people who see nothing wrong with this don't realize it's weaponized the judicial system in a way we have not seen before in a free country. And since this is now the way the game is played, expect the Republicans to do it to you and yours. You don't understand it now, but you'll squeal like stuck pigs when it's you in the dock.


If all that is true then why wasn't it used in Trump's trial to vindicate him. Your stupidity and gullibility is astounding.


The MAGA know things. :) But they are too chicken to actually act on their beliefs and restrict themselves to complaining on an obscure little forum like MovieChat.


Biden has already made comments saying "no one is above the law". Really Joe? Let's talk about how you've ignored the Supreme Court in bailing out entitled brats of their student loans or provided weapons to Isreal for the Genocide in Gaza. It makes me want to puke. Yes I'm hopeful this shame trial and verdict will backfire.




Just out of curiosity, but why do you LOL over this despite obviously hating Trump, but what if the situation were turned around and this is Biden on the stand now with the Judge giving the Jury specific instructions which was obvious what those instructions were and the Jury came back with the same result for Biden as they did Trump and you knew it was bogus from the get go?? How about it?? 🤔


Keep crying, Cupcake. Trump was convicted and Biden had nothing to do with that. Your stupidity and gullibility is palpable. 🤣




Screw Biden. He needs to face the music also.


Yeah! Only wealthy children should be able to go to college without crippling debt! Jesus Biden! Get with the program!


It's like Japan bombing Pearl Harbor and thinking the USA was beaten. How did that turn out. Get ready for Aug. 6, 1945
