A GOP political operative’s conviction over steering illegal Russian contributions to former President Trump’s 2016 campaign was upheld by a federal appeals court on Friday.
The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of Jesse Benton, a veteran political operative.
Benton was convicted in late 2022. He had been charged with helping to orchestrate an illegal donation to the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) for a Russian national, Roman Vasilenko.
Benton’s consulting firm received $100,000. The operative created a fake invoice on which he said the fee was for consulting. He then arranged for Vasilenko to meet with Trump at a fundraiser without revealing his nationality to the campaign or the former president, according to court documents
If anything this proves a Benton-Russia connection, and possibly for the only purpose of putting Trump in a bad light. Only the weak-minded hateful would fall for it. Hillary actually did collaborate with Russia in order to sway an election, yet no charges. The FBI admits they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop to sway an election yet no charges. Biden actually broke the law by taking classified materials as VP, completely without the protection of law yet no charges. This fascination is not about seeking justice but to provide an avenue for hatred, and an obvious desire for the destruction of the US.
I think a more obvious question is what would it take for you to recognize the inconsistencies of the way in which these two presidents were treated? Add in the many firsts that have come about as a result of the efforts of the dems and it paints an incriminating picture.
Hard to get anything by you eh? IMO you aren't worth talking to with your active denial of reality. If you want the respect of having your words taken seriously you have to be respectable yourself.
Trump always said he could do anything. Why did Trump not ensure Clinton was brought to justice? Is Trump conspiring with Clinton to keep her out of prison?
Which FBI agent "lied about the Hunter Biden laptop to sway an election"?
I hope that Biden and Pence someday face charges of mishandling classified information. Maybe if they had refused to surrender it upon demand, then they would have been indicted for it like Trump was.
But they behaved like good little boys and turned it in when it was found.
Mueller concluded there was no evidence and the Durham report concluded all the "evidence" presented by Nancy and the dems was fake.
1. Nope!
2. Nope!
Both Barr and Durham buried Trump criminality with their summaries and a final failed investigation by Durham that netted no one. Didn't Mueller's investigation catch a bunch of nerdowells of both the American and Russian variety, (34 with 7 being convicted so far)?
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The facts are:
-Russia DID attempt to help Trump win with a facebook campaign
-Russia did not succeed in making any real difference
-Trump was not in on it.
Nancy and Hillary and millions of other still think Trump stole the election
The facts are:
-Russia DID attempt to help Trump win with a facebook campaign - true, but fake ads is not the same thing as hijacking an election.
-Russia did not succeed in making any real difference - true, more people voted for Trump than Hillary.
-Trump was not in on it. - true, thankfully Mueller investigated the election for 2 years to find this out.
more facts:
the Durham report concluded all the "evidence" presented by Nancy and the dems was fake.
the 2020 election was never investigated.
" true, but fake ads is not the same thing as hijacking an election."
I agree . Had Russia succeeded ( by using even more ads or somethnign) I dont think that would have been grounds for a cancelling the result - peoples votes would still have been counted as for who they cast them
"Nancy and Hillary and millions of other"
I dont think they do .
Certainly you wont find anyone on this website fighting that fight , what does that tell us?
Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
God is never incorrect. Chewing the cub means “raised up whats been swallowed”. What the rabbit does is called refection, which is essentially the same thing as ruminations, another name for the process is cecotrophy.
The rabbit partially eats then poops it out so they can eat it later when they need it...they are eating partly digested food.
So see God was not incorrect, why would He be, He made the rabbit, what creator dont know his own creation.
Human understanding, or the lack thereof is from where the error comes.
I know we all tend to assume that every word in English has an exact corresponding word in every other language that has ever existed. We have a word called “bird” that refers to those feathered things with beaks, so everybody else must have a corresponding word, right? Wrong.
Ancient Hebrew did not have a word that meant “bird.” The closest equivalent was a word that actually meant “that thing with wings,” and it was used to describe birds, bats, flying insects, and pretty much any other living creature that, well, had wings.
Jesus went so far as to say, “I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. But many Israelites—those for whom the Kingdom was prepared—will [not]” (Matthew 8:11-12 NLT). That said, the geographical reach of the Roman Empire never exceeded four percent of the earth’s landmasses. So, what about the other 96 percent? After all, Jesus told His disciples, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NLT).
you do know that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew right?
You copy and pasted this from a Quora answer. I wish you would actually think about it rather than copying an apologists OPINION because these are not your words or your thoughts.
The rabbit does not chew 'cub' or 'cud' and to say that the Bible is the inspired word of God and it was a simple misunderstanding between God and the authors calls the whole book into question! How do we know what parts the writer just misunderstood? It's kind of important.
As far as Hebrew not having not having a word that meant 'bird' that is just absurd. In ancient Hebrew, they didn't just have a word for 'that thing that flies'. That is a lie, which you would know if you bothered to research anything that you copy and pasted from somewhere on the internet.
Then in order to cover your ass for lying you try to imply that I don't know that the Bible was written in Hebrew. Which, yes, in part it was, it was also written in Aramaic and the New Testament (Where your verses are copy/pasted) was originally written in Greek.
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
the writer was God, how could God misunderstand himself?
what is the ancient Hebrew word for bat or bird? do that research thing you talked about and tell everyone.
you just googled and found out that the Old Testament and was written in Hebrew and that the New Testament was written in Greek.
Aramaic came after Greek. if you would have done your research you would have know this. the New Testament was written after 30 AD so it couldnt have been written in Aramaic.
a Semitic language, a Syrian dialect of which was used as a lingua franca in the Near East from the 6th century BC. It gradually replaced Hebrew as the language of the Jewish people in those areas and was itself supplanted by Arabic in the 7th century AD.
Of course faith exists . . . I never said it doesn't. You have faith, defined as strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
"how do you know the Bible stories are made up?
I'm still waiting for anyone in the ENTIRE WORLD to document that they have seen Jesus who was "supposedly" resurrected. To my knowledge, there have been no sightings or photos of proof.
That is just one myth. There are plenty of others.
After writing off all media as "MSM lies" , and all science as "paid shills" we finally find a true reliable source.
To be honest I'm surprised , I really didnt think you could feed 5000 with 5 fish , I guess if it was one of those Trump rally attendance estimates you could.
I've got my suspicions about the whole "Noah ark" story as well.