LaurieGonzalez's Replies

People need to blame someone when things go badly, what better person to blame than the first mutineer in Starfleet? No one but the audience know the Klingons used "we come in peace" as the catalyst. It was also surmised that capturing the Klingon leader, rather than making him a martyr, would stop the war before it began. Michael did two things after the mutiny: 1. Let her captain die 2. Killed the Klingons and made him a martyr. What better person to blame for everything? After all, no one ones that firing first would have prevented the war! Discovery's first officer is male, an alien played by Doug Jones. They have not "rebooted in every franchise". They changed from TOS to TNG, then Enterprise came along and gave us a nice story line that explained it. The creator of this new Star Trek wannabe wanted to put his own spin on things and completely screwed it up. Purely ego on his part. 1. The original series had them basically human with a swarthy complexion. 2. TNG gave them all the ridges, but Worf changed a couple of times before they gave him his final look. 3. Enterprise made them look more like the final version of Worf, then explained how they changed into TOS Klingons. I disagree with the OP saying they kept getting rebooted, they did not. Enterprise tied the changes up into a very nice story line that explained why they changed. This new Star Trek atrocity completely mucked it up. They should look like TOS Klingons. I use the app on my phone. It's not there. Wondering if anyone else is having trouble. One person on the board. 😃 So basically some egotistical dude likes to give his female characters male names and gives Star Trek fans something else to hate about this monstrosity. They diverged too far from Star Trek canon, this is unwatchable. 1. Klingons don't look like this, period 2. Klingons don't talk like two-year-olds. If I had to guess, I'd say they did it so slow readers could keep up with the subtitles. 3. Speaking of which, hate it! When I come home from work and want to settle in with a show I do not want to work it it. 4. There was no respect on the bridge. Michael even shoved the science guy out of the way. 5. Klingons do not save the bodies of the dead. After they send their warrior spirits away by yelling, the body is empty and gets disposed. 6. The technology is way beyond that of TOS, not 10 years before. 7. This looks like it's going to be a serial or continuing story, not stand alone episodes. Another ploy to hook people in and pay a monthly fee? 8. Why would Star Trek fans have a mutineer as a hero? It also makes no sense that she is convicted and sentenced to life in prison, only to somehow end up serving as an officer on the USS Discovery. Since we are obviously curious about how this comes about, CBS is using this bait to get us to pay. NO! 9. This piece of trash should not be included in the Star Trek universe. I for one will not be watching. You are the only one I have seen so far who claims to be a fan of Star Trek and thinks this was good. I have been watching this since I was a kid, every episode of every series at least five times. This show is not worth of the title "Star Trek". I hope it dies a quick and painful death. It wasn't a bomb, I thought so at first too. It was a tracking device of some sort so they could follow it and kidnap the main bad guy. They didn't want to kill him because that would make him a martyr, but they did that anyway. Apparently you didn't watch the first episode. She's human. It doesn't matter what his "explanation" is. The guy screwed up big time. He obviously never watched every episode of every series and every movie. I for one will not be paying to watch this trash. Hate the new Klingons, can't stand subtitles. I read an interview with the guy who created this Star Trek monstrosity and he actually said something like "I hope the fans like subtitles"! Real fans will not be tuning in. The truth is if you want to watch this piece of garbage you have to get the CBS All Access app and pay a minimum of $5.99 per month. I think if they were trying to offend trekies they succeeded. I watched the first two episodes, will not be paying to watch more. A couple of things. First of all, the USS Discovery doesn't show up until episode 3. They made a point at the very beginning that they were helping the indigenous "people" of the planet by getting the water going while not violating General Order 1. Since you are not a trekie, you might not recognize that as the prime directive, which means they avoid lifeforms on the planet. Therefore this was not a missed opportunity for action, just an introduction. I completely agree with you about the Klingons! In TOS they looked mostly human. In TNG they had ridges. The different look was mentioned in Trials and Tribblations (I think that's the title) but Worf would not discuss it. In Enterprise, the Klingons start out the way they look in TNG but a disease ravages them. The cure is a mix of human DNA that causes them to look as they do in TOS. With me so far? So why did they mess with the way Klingons look? They should look as they do in TOS. I'm also not sure if I want to pay six bucks a month to watch this. Especially with subtitles. When I come home from work I don't want to have to read subtitles! I've seen both episodes. I think I'll save my $6 per month, this show is not worth it. I breaks too much with existing Star Trek canon, especially the ridiculous Klingons. I'm also not interested in watching a show where half the dialogue is subtitles I'm on the free week of CBS All Access and the first two episodes do not give me any reason to sign up. For example as mentioned: the Klingons. You did not want to put out something that is "subpar"? Then what do you call the two episodes I just watched?