MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
Aren't they more prone to depression as well due to all this confusion, surgery reassignment, hormonal supplements, etc.? These costs add up.
They weren't allowed but they did sure serve while in the closet though. I think after Obama allowed it did they come out and then started requesting reassignment surgery or whatnot to be covered by tax payers money.
Don't care what people do with their bodies or what gender they want to be but they can't force people to cover their expenses or call them by whatever they want to be 'specially' called.
Today's the night for Storm night. D:
What channel will this be on?
Guess you didn't read the 9/11 report. It was orchestrated by those in Saudi Arabia. Majority of the terrorists were Saudi's. There was bill or motion that wanted to be put forth to sue said country but Saudi Arabia threatened to sell off US assets if they did so so it never came to pass.
And there are idiots out there who insist a backwards desert dwelling jihadist halfway across the world is capable of orchestrating an massive attack on the most protected nation with the most powerful military in the world, be able to hijack 4 passenger airliners of different airports all bound for California and be able to hit both towers and the pentagon without any air fighter scramble to take down said deviated planes.
Not much anymore.
Hah! That gave me a chuckle there Sandoz.
I heard she stuffed all the gathered jizz from the gangbang she had down her snatch hole and watched the seamen soldiers battle it out on who gets to her ovaries first. Few months by we find her puking down some alleyway with a round belly and had to get an illegal birth extract from some shady non-licensed doctor to keep this affair a secret. The doc wanted to give her the name of Laquisha or Sha’Nay Nay or Latoya or La’Taniana’Bo’Vanashrianiqualiquanice but that would've triggered the husband too much so they just gave her a white name instead.
To be continued...
Agreed. There is some stigmatization of the past but to equate it in todays time is just nonsense. Sure there is still some places that still do that but most of the country has been better off. People that mostly complain are those that just want handouts and don't want to do shit but go on social media and complain about the wealthy people. If you hate wealthy people so much, stop fucking paying them like that fucking iphone you're using. They're only rich because you yourself voluntarily gave it away then wonder why you're still so fucking poor.
Also, tell me something, has any successful black person ever went to help poor white kids? I can't think of any. I mostly see them build schools and other stuff in Africa instead. You know... ever since I was a kid, I used to see on TV the give a $1 a day to help these needy kids in Africa and they'll send you pictures of them as they grow up and stuff. Fast forward 20 years or so and I am still seeing that same shit on TV. It's like a never ending struggle there. Do they even bother trying over there anymore? They just keep shitting out kids, get ebola or some other disease and western nations have to clean up after the mess. Yes, colonialism happened, but that doesn't mean you can't just rebuild after they left with billions pouring in from western nations to try to help it recover. 20+ years and that situation over there has not improved much. I know Bill Gates handled the malaria stuff well though. Just what I see anyway.
Another thing, Asians build the railroad but you don't seem them complaining about shit. They study hard and work hard and are successful with strict tiger mom like parenting. Not your oh shii dad left me when I was young or he's in jail.
Wrong. 500 million+ for this movie. There's a fucking Gundam and so much other game nostalgia in this movie. Going to be many gamers seeing this for sure.
If only you saw A Wrinkle in Time... oh boy.
Can't blame her for holding back. Deep inside she knows Enid really wanted Carl's cawk in her mouth and other holes so she's just really pissed she didn't get that chance with a boy as cool dur durr durr as him.
Melania is only staying because she's not smart enough to go solo for her career in life. She married into wealth so no matter what Trump has done, she'll stay. Though if she did divorce, I wonder how much money she would get because she could I guess go that direction. Not possible while she's First Lady though since that would make the president look bad and bad for America.
All I can say is this. Record everything what every republican or Fox news has said about Obama then compare them to what Trump has said. Next, when a democratic president becomes elected again, compare again and see where they stand on the same issues that have been raised/said with Trump. Make a compilation video and boom you got the hypocrisy in action.
To be fair, no collusion on Trump himself but those around him, I wouldn't really call it a basket of good eggs. Trump may act dumb and say dumb things but he's smart enough to know or get people to help him do things that are just at the borderline of the law. He won't break them, but he gets close to be it loopholes or whatnot. Ethical? No. But that's just him. Most businessmen are more or less like him or similar to some degree.
I wonder how much Joel Edgerton got paid. BUT BUT ZEH EQUAL PAY.
Isn't the main or one of the main characters black? Of course it'll be a crowd pleaser. It'll be like OMG BLACK PANTHER all over again.
"About 80% of it has neither giant robots or giant monsters. Just people, having not-that-interesting interactions. Plain Godzilla syndrome. And for all that, the characters are still less engaging and developped than in the first movie.
Believe or not, there isn't a SINGLE Robot/Monster fight before the last 20 minutes. And's bland. It takes place in broad delight, in plain sight, while the night atmosphere was so quintessential in the first movie. Similarly, a single Jaeger defeated multiple Kaijus in Pacific Rim. Here, four of them charge together, and they're just...bad. Can't kill a single ennemy.
As for the final move that eventually kills the super-Kaiju (pretty rad, I have to say), it is both quite anti-climatic and very dumb (a smaller Kaiju survived a direct nuclear explosion, this one is killed by a falling robot, really ?).
Uprising fails in everything that made Pacific Rim great. By comparison, there's almost no giant fighting, and what little there is is bad. I guess it's somewhat okay as a sci-fi movie that is marginally about giant monsters (which, again, you don't see for most of the movie) and (pretty bad) giant robots. As a sequel, it's a major letdown."
From one of the reviews... so basically like a different kind of Transformers The Last Knight movie which that one also did bad.
Any movie with a China pander usually ends bad. Majorly bad if not majority bad. Take Independence Day 2 for instance. These world come together scenes where oh US wouldn't have been able to do this without China cooperation or leading in some way.
It'll be hilarious if people just didn't have enough of the diverse cash to spend it on Infinity War after splurging on BP multiple runs. XD