Dude...yeah, hell yeah. I blame the Dems and Hillary herself for Trump's winning the election, why they chose to put up someone with so much baggage, a politician's politician, and why she chose to help throw Sanders under the bus, its anyone's guess. I just hope she goes the hell away forever, just please God, let Hillary fade into history before she does any more damage lol
Yep, she didn't say shit, right? Her speeches, "We're going to be here for the LITTLE GUY, guys!"...she yeah, exactly, she wasn't saying anything, it was like she was running on the premise of not being Donald and being a woman. Jesus what a choice we had last cycle, huh?
But that is exactly where I'm at as far as bias goes...its one thing to be soft, its a whole other ballgame to tell bold, bald-faced lies and mislead an entire sect of the American population. Screw liberal bias, because it hurts everybody, especially when its something that can be pointed to for ensconcing yourself in an alternate reality where the fact that Trump has an issue with telling the truth would come as a complete shock lol
Yeah well played man, and you know...that's kind of hackery in itself, isn't it? The, "Yeah well they're all bad, brah. Duh" as a means to seem elevated while belittling your point...only to have your own agenda going on behind the scenes. So much for enlightenment lol