And so it begins... but in all seriousness, if you're confused about your gender, just imagine what other things you could be confused about during wartime or intense battle...
Sorry - this is unconstitutional in every respect. There is no way any court in America would allow this to happen. Four federal courts have already blocked the Pentagon from discriminating against transgender individuals, and those decisions are still in place, as firm as ever. The courts found the ban to be 'arbitrary', 'capricious' and 'unjustified infringement'on trans people's constitutional rights.
Let's see his real motive for throwing this out in the wind on Friday afternoon....
Once again, T-rump is trying to divert attention this weekend from the major headlines: The Student March in Washington DC, and the Stormy Daniels Interview on "60 Minutes" Sunday night.
“How come the president has to be born in America? That’s discrimination! Durrr”
Transgenders weren’t allowed in the millitary from 1789 through 2016. Suddenly it’s “unconstitutional in every respect”? The millitary disallows all sorts of groups that you aren’t even aware of.
They weren't allowed but they did sure serve while in the closet though. I think after Obama allowed it did they come out and then started requesting reassignment surgery or whatnot to be covered by tax payers money.
Don't care what people do with their bodies or what gender they want to be but they can't force people to cover their expenses or call them by whatever they want to be 'specially' called.
Karen McDougal is super hot though (google her nude) and she really liked/was attracted to Trump. But he preferred women that looked like his daughter instead. :p
I say she would've been the perfect woman if not faithful to him at least. He tried to pay her off but she said I am not that kind of girl.
You could say Christians have no business serving in uniform, or Jews have no business serving in uniform. In fact, I doubt you would even attempt to back up your statement. You're more likely to spit it out and walk away because you know it's a stupid thing to say no matter which group of people you choose. You're only on board with it because of Trump, but the only reason Trump is against transgenders is because they talk badly about him which causes him to go into full ragebaby mode.
Trump's defense was that transgender surgeries were too expensive to warrant their acceptance into the military, but as usual, reality and Trump don't mix. The amount of money the military will save on transgenders will not be enough to counter the more-prominent loss of transgender soldiers. But like I said, he doesn't like them because they speak words that make him cry.
You know, transgender never used to be controversial. People knew it existed, because of Chaz Bono, and it was simply an unfortunate and rare condition like many others. It’s only controversial now because it’s turned into a special interest that wants us to pay Big Pharma for all their estrogen pills. I’d like to see Trump keep them busy and distracted with whatever he can, because they’re coming after free speech next. Funny you should mention they’re the ones speaking hate.
It's not controversial to anyone but the bigots. Medical science is always improving, making transition more affordable and practical than it was before. If our medical infrastructure had been in the past what it is now, transitioning would've always been as commonplace as it is now. As medical science improves, things continue to get worse for the bigots, and that's why you are calling it a controversy.
What the heck is our “medical infrastructure”? Health care used to be cheap. People paid out of pocket. People didn’t used to be so sick. Everyone is loaded with chronic conditions now from childhood on. Not a thing will ever be done to prevent the causes of transgenderism. That would be bigoted, to Big Pharma’s bottom line.
The current medical infrastructure is our medical technology and knowledge that allows certain surgeries and procedures to become easier to accomplish and more affordable compared to decades past.
As medical science becomes better at it, more people are using them to transition.
A significantly higher percentage of people who have transgender surgery performed have other psychological issues than non trans. There is also a large increase amongst post op patience who are having reversal due to regret. That type of mixed thinking is very dangerous in a war setting.
Notice this lemming is incapable of ever putting forward a persuasive argument for his point of view. It’s either a sentance of nonsense or cut and paste.
Typical lemming. So cliche. Thanks for the laughs.
ThreeTenToYuma- I am female and I do agree with you on that issue. Women simply don't have the physical strength (mainly upper body strength) that most men have. In my younger days I worked out a lot and I was pretty strong. But no way could I carry a 180 lb. or 200 lb. fellow soldier across my back across a battlefield if he was injured.
There is no shame in admitting that there are differences between the genders. The military however, has bent over backwards to accommodate women with physical tests that are easier than the ones that male recruits have to pass, e.g., fewer sit-ups, pull-ups, more time to complete a run.
No doubt that many women have served honorably and well in the military. I admire them. But the women's lib movement has gone goofy with their idea that equality means the SAME! It doesn't.
On a similar note, I used to teach school and never once saw a man who taught preschoolers or kindergarten! I only encountered one male who taught first grade. Men simply don't have the strength to deal with whiny, crying little kids who wet themselves, need their noses wiped and want to be hugged!
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. No shame in admitting that.
The collectivist Left likes to conflate the difference between groups and individuals. So for instance, some particular woman may be stronger than some particular man. Therefore the millitary ought to let in all women. Well, even if the millitary DIDN’T set lower standards for women, it’s still a logistical expense. You have to have twice the infrastructure. They already have seperate housing and still have basic issues with rapes and rape accusations.
The same thing applies for office workers. Male workers can’t even hang Dilbert comics in their cubicles because it might make a hypothetical woman coworker feel uncomfortable for some indescribable reason. That creates a hostile work environment, for the men AND the women who resent each other for the loss of freedom and comradery.
Homogenous groups have tons of advantages and we’ve outlawed them all with civil rights taking the place of freedom of association. There’s no reason why we couldn’t have associations for men, women, both, just people who get along regardless of what they are. If you like men and women together, why isn’t that enough for you? Why do you have to force everyone to fit your business model? I’ll tell you why. You hate competition and know you would lose without special protection. These people can’t even allow the Boy Scouts to be for boys. The intent is to destroy. Make the millitary a big black hole for tax money.
Correct. I think this is a big reason why China is racing ahead of the US economically and militarily. They are one people with one common goal. Lack of diversity hasn't hindered them at all.
Just because you are confused about their gender, does not mean that they are. The vast majority of them appear to be confident that they are living the wrong gender. Confusion is not required for such a belief to take place.
There have been no reports that shows evidence that transgender soldiers are more unstable or depressed than other soldiers. Asking that question is just a way for you to speak a narrative that has no justification.
If transgender soldiers were more unstable or depressed than other soldiers, that would increase the chances of a report existing to either prove or disprove the claim.
It's a safer bet that transgender soldiers are in the same realm of stability and depression as other soldiers, simply because that situation increases the chance of there being no report on the topic.
It's more common to report on something that is happening, rather than reporting the absence of something happening.
I'm not sure how accurate that is though. I know that people who have already changed their gender have a lesser suicide rate than people who want to change their gender but are not able to.
Since we are talking about transgender soldiers using the military to help with their transition, we're pretty much talking about people who are successfully changing their gender.
Still, the suicide rate could easily be higher because of the difficulty transgenders have with finding a suitable mate. But like you said, that may not transfer to a military setting. Although if it did, soldiers who are more willing to die are generally the worst ones to fight against.
Just like there is still some racism in the military, I would surmise there is still some victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system which influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons. With the bill passing or possibly passing, this proves that more so than not this is still the case within military and higher ups.
"Just because you are confused about their gender, does not mean that they are. The vast majority of them appear to be confident that they are living the wrong gender. Confusion is not required for such a belief to take place."
-To 'believe' something you're not born with at birth, I would say that's confusion. I'm not confused about their gender at all since I can easily tell what they are just by seeing how they in combination of look/dress/genitalia (unless they went full hardcore transformation trap mode and demand you address them by their special snowflake alias). I also can tell if a person is gay or has down syndrome.
"transgender soldiers 'using' the military to help with their transition"
-Yeah, people are not happy about them using tax payers dollars to fulfill their transitions.
I dunno... imo I still consider that confusion in the sense that when you're an adult, you know or should know by now your defined gender given at birth based on your sex. Priests on the other hand having nothing to base their confusion on besides a so-called book about an imaginary being that someone wrote ages ago. You got science on one hand and religion on the other so the comparison/analogy is invalid.
"when you're an adult, you know or should know by now your defined gender given at birth based on your sex."
Not really sure what this means. It sounds like you're trying to say adults "should know all genders are based on sex," but that is an opinion rather than a factual statement. So it sounds more like you are calling someone confused because they have a different opinion than you.
Transgenders are REQUIRED to undergo psychiatric treatement, part of why it’s so expensive, and estrogen pills are a surefire way to make them depressed if they aren’t already.
Keep in mind there are “reports” that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than legal citizens, when being poor and Hispanic are both independently correlated with much higher crimes rates. No matter how much suicide transgenders have, it’s going to be ignored denied or blamed on transphobia.
Since transgenders go through psychiatric tests before joining the military, it sounds like everything is in order by the time they join up. In all likelihood, they are more mentally fit to join than others because of those tests.
The problem with the argument is that there's never too many recruits. Transgenders are not taking recruit slots from non-transgenders. The US military needs as many soldiers as they can get. Even if it costs a little extra to hire some than it does others, the military is still better off by having them. By saying no to those extras, you're just reducing the amount of military soldiers with practically no reward except for certain simpletons to say "Haha, Trump won! Suck it, libtards!" which is basically the same thing as admitting you were trolling the whole time.