Rorikon's Replies

There was so much shit going on it was hard to catch most of them. My favorite was the gundam vs mega Godzilla though. Yes, most definitely audience targeting. They don't care as much about US profits but more so on profits that could be made from China if its even worth it since they only get like 10% of the profits if I recall. That or it's one of the requirements from Chinese investors for said movies to pander to China to some degree. US has been losing its relevance since Trump took office but that's a different story. Not anymore stupid than your response to a TV show with literally sex in the title and no doubt dedicated around it so yes, I would say that is quite the number. You're also free to not respond at all or ignore if this topic is stupid. Where'd you hear he didn't pay taxes? If he didn't, the IRS would be hounding him already except they aren't and he's just under continuous so-called audit. The only tax record I remember was his 1995 one where he claimed a 916 million loss which would allow him to legally avoid taxes. Well, a lot for TV standards anyway. :p There will be more as the population grows and people going to the movies. Will be 8 once Infinity War hits. That's true but they must've had some experience throughout all the years they've had before meeting the saviors and before the saviors took their guns away. With how slow the investigation is going, Trump will already be in his 3rd year as president before anything substantial comes to light. Right now more than anything, the impeachment thing is only to stop him from getting re-elected in 2020 since I think he'll finish his 1st term presidency if not come really close to it. [url][/url] I'm not to sure if it will or not but you can somewhat gauge and get an idea of what the numbers will be based on the daily earnings. It's dropped more than half by now. Only pulling in about $2 million a day during the weekdays (bit more on Fridays) and the most pulls coming in from weekend viewings. I'm guessing 7th week may be its final pull. Don't forget that Infinity War is only a month away as well. That said, I think the Good Friday/Easter holidays will pull in as much as the weekend viewings if not less. I'm not threatened by it personally since I am part of the minority though I do sympathize with the whites to some degree on why some of them 'feel' threatened. [url][/url] Just like there is still some racism in the military, I would surmise there is still some victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system which influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons. With the bill passing or possibly passing, this proves that more so than not this is still the case within military and higher ups. "Just because you are confused about their gender, does not mean that they are. The vast majority of them appear to be confident that they are living the wrong gender. Confusion is not required for such a belief to take place." -To 'believe' something you're not born with at birth, I would say that's confusion. I'm not confused about their gender at all since I can easily tell what they are just by seeing how they in combination of look/dress/genitalia (unless they went full hardcore transformation trap mode and demand you address them by their special snowflake alias). I also can tell if a person is gay or has down syndrome. "transgender soldiers 'using' the military to help with their transition" -Yeah, people are not happy about them using tax payers dollars to fulfill their transitions. I wonder how many times Daryl show with his re-used crossbows used on the dead then on some humans from before (I think injuring some of them) yet they never turned. Nope. Dwight saw that ass and was like 'dayum'. He wanted to preserve it so once all this shit is finally over, maybe he can ask her out and slap/bang dat fine ass. [url][/url] Next time, please use google first before asking questions. Most can found with a simple search. [url][/url] lol... typical response of a porn star. Full interview: [url][/url] [url][/url] Karen McDougal is super hot though (google her nude) and she really liked/was attracted to Trump. But he preferred women that looked like his daughter instead. :p I say she would've been the perfect woman if not faithful to him at least. He tried to pay her off but she said I am not that kind of girl. I meant to say once he went to the diverse ult. route did it start going downhill. His previous stories of the established characters were just re-imagined and updated versions of the company's superhero characters from the Ultimate Universe which no one complained about, well maybe a tiny few. There were comics depicting blacks only as villains? Which ones? If anything, they were mostly portrayed as jungle or ghetto stereotypes, and often as sidekicks as opposed to primary characters. On last night’s episode of “Ash vs. Evil Dead,“ titled ‘Unfinished Business,’ Ash was visited by the ghost of Brock Williams, his father. Ash learned through Brock that a member of the Knights of Sumeria once came to his hardware store looking for Ash, the prophesied one from the Book of the Dead. After a struggle, Brock locked the man up in the hardware store’s cellar, where he died after some time; but not before using the Necronomicon’s “lost pages” to open a portal between our world and the netherworld. It was during this It’s a Wonderful Life-inspired sequence that the Knights of Sumeria member revealed Ash’s middle name to us, for the first time in the franchise’s history… Ashley Joanna Williams. “Thanks for that name, by the way,” Ash said to his dad. Brock replied, “That name gave you thick skin.” To which Ash retorted, “Yeah, thick from all the playground beatings.” Highest Grossing Superhero Film of All-Time in US Domestic: $643,503,634 So it has beaten The Avengers. Hmm, I see. Thx for the explanation. I guess some videos were used as mouth pieces to push forth certain agendas. It doesn't bother me of people living together peacefully at all but more so on the loss of culture of what made France, France. The whole mass immigration thing and influx of refugees then you see this high uptick in terror attacks, rapes, destruction of certain sectors in France happening within cause of said situation which would piss anyone off really. Just a few days ago another jihadist attack. [url][/url] Who knows... Trump may use them in Operation Get Behind the Transgendered. [url][/url]