Miles Morales Spider-Man Comic Canceled By Marvel
Marvel’s “Fresh Star” comic intiative has resurrected the classic Wolverine, and the original Thor Odinson will be stepping back into the spotlight. X-23 will be abandoning the Wolverine mantle (somewhat more understandably, given that Logan’s back), Jane Foster’s Thor is being killed off, and now both Falcon and Spider-Man are being cancelled.
Brian Bendis has been writing Miles’s story for years, but he’s now left Marvel exclusively for DC Comics. < - Watch him screw up some established hero on the DC end, lawl.
Just goes to show replacing established white heroes doesn't go well. Established black heroes like Black Panther is great however. Marvel should focus more on making new black heroes instead of just replacing already established white ones imo. To be fair though black spider-man seemed to be doing decently so the cancellation was strange at best.