MovieChat Forums > seal412 > Replies
seal412's Replies
I think it’s meant to make us feel unsure. Short answer maybe she was or maybe she wasn’t. It’s making the audience question who is and isn’t an alien.
For my part, I had never seen this until 2022 and I loved every second lol
It’d be just as silly as humans going to the moon or making plans to go to mars where there is no breathable air.
And here we are 7 years later still waiting, sadly
So the episodes aren’t really 30 mins long. They’re about 25. This would include a recap, a opening title and and intro from Todd McFarlane. Then you had outro credits. So In reality, the show was only 20 mins or so.
What you have, most likely, is where they took all the episodes and made one king 2 hour or so movie out of it.
That’s what I have on dvd as well
Back on 2006 or so they released a teaser with Keith David’s voice for a continuation of the series, but like everything spawn related since 1999, it never came into fruition.
I would take a continuation of this series over a live action attempt
My sister def did. She just saw it and said how incredibly tragic is this show!?!?
So I haven’t watched it in years but I never recalled why they killed him. If he was such a talented killer, why get rid of him. Made no sense. Idk if the comics give a better answer
No STinger says the other side denies the incident. So no WW 3
Imo that was when the show was peak. After season 3 idk they never had the same energy or quality of villains. The Mayor and Angelus were peak villains
I swear the trailers gave it away
It seems this was always their plan. They never imagined the film would have the huge popularity it is achieving atm. Whiel it has only been less than a week, if the numbers and returns are substantial, I can't imagine they'll walk away from a money maker like this so easily. Although that is appearing to be the case
I've actually changed my mind on the F&F movies. Theyre actually pretty fun
Rumor is they stopped production because he wasn't in shape. They took 4 weeks to get him back in shape. He wasn't so they stopped a second time. Reeve is apparently wanting to just do this one film and not do his trilogy. Again rumors.
Well if the rumors about pattinson are true, i wouldn't be surprised if they just stick with Affleck. It seems that ATT has a lot of interest in keeping the Snyder vision going.
Actually no. Look up Zack's panel where he outlines his original Justice League. Also Zack says he estimates only 25% of his film was used. The DP who worked with Snyder and Whedon says only 10% of what Zack shot was used. Essentially there were 3 writers. What Zack wrote, what Geoff Johns rewrote, and what Whedon re wrote. Zack filmed both his and Geoff's stuff. Whedon did a compelte rewrite of the film and wrote another version of the story that condensed ZAck's 214 min version to a 2 hour version. So the JL Theatrical release only had upwards of 30 mins of Zack's footage.
I wouldn't be surprised. At that point Man of Steel was a hit so a BVS movie was uber hyped. Perhaps Marvel did change their plans
I hated the theatrical cut of BVS but the more I watch the extended cut I like it more and more. I'm really excited for the Snyder Cut of JL now
They would have to heavy retcon the ending of Rises. Cuz both Bruce Wayne and Batman are dead. So for Bruce to be walking around and doing press etc etc would make no sense.
yeah he was clearly in his mid 20s. Looked even older than that