no JL sequels says head of WBros

The campaign for #ReleaseTheSnyderCut has moved into a new phase. It’s now #RestoreTheSnyderVerse. What’s your reaction to this new campaign?

I appreciate that they love Zack’s work and we are very thankful for his many contributions to DC. We’re just so happy that he could bring his cut of the “Justice League” to life because that wasn’t in the plan until about a year ago. With that comes the completion of his trilogy. We’re very happy we’ve done this, but we’re very excited about the plans we have for all the multi-dimensional DC characters that are being developed right now.






One is fine. There's no need for any sequel.


It seems this was always their plan. They never imagined the film would have the huge popularity it is achieving atm. Whiel it has only been less than a week, if the numbers and returns are substantial, I can't imagine they'll walk away from a money maker like this so easily. Although that is appearing to be the case

