Lost my respect

I used to like this guy.

Now I think he is a fucking moron, like any other anti-vaxer defiling MY planet.


Yeah. Lost mine too. It's sad when you realize you used to like people that are actually nut jobs.


Yeah me too


Jesus, I'll bet he's fucking heartbroken!


You do?
I don't think so, but it's allright anyway.






Is he just another washed-up actor looking to get attention?


Washed up? He still constantly puts out movies, and has one coming out soon.


Well, so does Bruce Willis so...


Except Bruce was putting out straight to video movies, and Woody is doing blockbuster theater movies. Not remotely comparable, as I'm sure you know.


I didn't make that nuance. I do agree with your point.


No. I think he truly believes in his nutty views. He's a far-leftist/radical who distrusts government agencies in general, which is how he ends up coming to the same extremist conclusions as a lot of far-right types.

The funny thing is, I am generally a Libertarian Socialist, yet I am also a rationalist, and I can see how important vaccines, and public health drives and policies, including vaccine mandates, are to keeping the majority of the population safe.


Libertarian socialist?

Isn’t that an oxymoron?



Woody appears to be one, and so am I (although, funnily enough, we seem to be at odds on this issue, which goes to show how wide the Libertarian Socialist bracket is).

Anyway, here's a link:


I'm instinctively anti-State, but I also believe that some form of big government is a necessary evil in guaranteeing society decent social welfare, education and health services. My issue is where the State unnecessarily interferes in our private lives (i.e. tells us what to eat, drink and smoke etc), but not when it comes to ensuring that each individual abides by basic laws designed to protect one another from bad faith actors and people who'd otherwise harm us. Also, I support progressive taxation, because that is the only means we can (1) pay for the aforementioned public services and (2) create a more cohesive and less divisive social fabric.


What you have written is what a Democrat is, particularly one who is over 35 years of age with broader range of established viewpoints. No need to pretend otherwise. Join the ACLU and find out for yourself.


It is (at least for Marx based socialists) but people are too stupid to realize it.

Per Marx:



Yes, it is an oxymoron, but as you can see from the wiki, these cretins have reinvented the English language by inverting, twisting, and mixing shit from opposite sides of the spectrum.

There is also another one called "progressive conservatism".


The covid vaccine mandate did nothing to keep people safe. In fact, the covid therapeutic doesn't even deserve to be called a vaccine. Up until recently it was understood that any vaccine always significantly reduced the likelihood of contracting a virus. No thinking person considered a vaccine as providing 100% immunity, which was the CDC's bogus justification for changing their definition. A "vaccine" was never regarded as something that merely reduced the severity of a contracted virus. This is why the flu shot is called what it is and not a "flu vaccine."


Washed up???.....lmao


Why does it bother you? The Covid shot isn't like any other vaccine, and one person choosing not to take it doesn't affect anyone else. This isn't like someone refusing to vaccinate their children against measles or polio. The Covid shot doesn't prevent its recipient from getting Covid or spreading Covid, and Covid itself isn't particularly dangerous. Shouldn't it be up to each individual to choose whether or not to get the shot?


one person choosing not to take it doesn't affect anyone else

Tell that to the overworked doctors and nurses who are still dealing with unvaccinated people getting severe covid.


If such a person existed, I would. Even during the height of the pandemic, hospitals were not at capacity. Remember the 250-bed hospital built in Seattle in 2020, in preparation for the onslaught of patients to come? It never received a single patient, and was eventually dismantled. During the pandemic, I regularly asked my 3 close friends who are doctors how their hospitals were holding up-- in 3 different major American cities-- and heard the same answer every time. "We have plenty of space for patients."

Covid is barely more dangerous than any other strain of the cold, or the flu. The overall death rate from covid-19 has been estimated at 0.66%. Among people aged over 80 the death rate is 7.8%, but keep in mind the average life expectancy is 72. Meanwhile, the rate is only 0.0016% in children aged 9 and under.

So again, by all means, if you are afraid of covid-19, get that shot. Get regular boosters. No one is stopping you. Just don't expect everyone to feel the same fear that you've allowed your television to instill in you.




You're in major denial. Doctors and nurses were begging people to get vaccinated, mask-up and social distance because they were seeing so much death. Covid death was epidemic where I reside. Bodies piled outside in freezer trucks because the morgue ran out of room.

If Woody were concerned about his health, he wouldn't be smoking marijuana.


You're a fucking complete sheep-head jackass. Doctors and nurses want people to get the "clot shot" b/c it will eventually make people very sick, and that will benefit the hospitals' bottom line. You fell for that freezer truck scam? lmao! That was faker than fuck!
Check this video, and see for yourself you gullible asswiper!

Man, there really are some really stupid people out there. I am willing to bet that CONvidiots like you are some of the stupidest people to have ever existed! And, now you want us to lose our jobs and benefits if we don't follow you into insanity?! Yeah, that's grounds for us to start wishing you take yourself out with more jabs. Go ahead man! Take all the boosters you can! I hope you do b/c now you dumb fucking sheep-heads are trying to fuck with my ability to feed myself.


You're QAnon?


Keelai. Come on.
You are talking to a complete moron.
That is most obvious.
Why do you need to label him? Would that seal the glaring notion that he is a complete moron? If he were not qanon, would he seem any less completely moronic?

Just don't waste your time expecting any logic or intelligence from a complete moron like fzane.


fzane = complete moron

I agree.


You're a fucking complete sheep-head jackass. Doctors and nurses want people to get the "clot shot" b/c it will eventually make people Doctors and nurses want people to get, and that will benefit the hospitals' bottom line. You fell for that freezer truck scam? lmao! That was faker than fuck!
Check this video, and see for yourself you gullible asswiper!

and that right there folks is what a deluded qAnon conspiracy moron looks like.

"Doctors and nurses want people to get very sick?"
fuck off!

If thats the case then your country has much bigger problems than covid and/or its vaccine.


You're one of the dumbest TV watching news believing morons who has ever existed! Time for your 5th booster jackass! Don't forget your doctor loves you (while he sells more pills, and never offers a natural cure).


Did you actually see bodies piled outside or in freezer trucks? Do you personally know anyone who died from covid? Or even anyone who became very, very sick? The media did a great job scaring people, but what they claim in no way reflects reality. The same goes for the covid shot, which has proven utterly ineffective, while simultaneously dangerous.


Yes, many people on my job died.


How many bodies did you see piled up?


Interesting. In the 3+ years since covid-19 became known I've yet to know a single person who has died from the disease, nor even one person who experienced serious consequences from having caught it. That we've seen different things doesn't mean much in the bigger picture sense, but perhaps it explains why we have different outlooks on it.


In the 3+ years since covid-19 became known I've yet to know a single person who has died from the disease, nor even one person who experienced serious consequences from having caught it.

You are very much in the minority with that statement. Just look at the data!


Am I? We know the data is fudged. Remember the day New York arbitrarily added thousands to the death toll because "it felt right?" For 2+ years, anyone who died was listed as a covid-19 death if there was any evidence that they had ever contracted the disease. Died in a plane crash 6 months after you had covid-19? Add another death to the toll.

I firmly believe I'm very much in the majority in this regard.


Died in a plane crash 6 months after you had covid-19? Add another death to the toll.

I'd like to see the documentation supporting this. Almost everyone I know, knows someone who has died directly as a result of COVID, and I personally know two people who recovered but were in the ICU for days. I'm a pro-VAX conservative, so I'm not going to call you a wacko out loud, but I might think it :).

I don't believe all of the Climate Change science (renamed from Global Warming b/c the Earth is no longer warming, WHOOPS!), but I have to side with the pharm industry and CDC science on this one, and not be so cynical or conspiratorial. I think if Trump had remained in office, there would be far fewer sceptics on The Right.

Prior to COVID, The Right ridiculed leftist anti-VAXer Jenny McCarthy and others. I don't understand the hypocrisy in shifting their tune with COVID.


I'm very pro-vaccination, and believe that most shots should be legally required. The covid-19 shot is completely different. It isn't a vaccine-- it doesn't prevent you from contracting or spreading covid-19 the way, say, the measles shot does. On top of that, it's untested, and it has serious side effects.

If covid-19 were more dangerous, then perhaps I could see merit in people risking their lives with an untested shot, and hoping it is effective, but to repeat what I wrote to someone else here, look at the death rate: the overall death rate from covid-19 has been estimated at 0.66%. Among people aged over 80 the death rate is 7.8%, but keep in mind the average life expectancy is 72. Meanwhile, the rate is only 0.0016% in children aged 9 and under.

People 10 years older than the average age at which people die are still more than 92% likely to survive a bout with covid-19. To me, that is not worth the risk of an experimental shot.


Bullshit he's in the majority. One guy, repeat one guy from my neighborhood died (supposedly) from covid and he was an older man.


Go re-read his statement:

I've yet to know a single person who has died from the disease, nor even one person who experienced serious consequences from having caught it.

You know someone. I know someone. Very anecdotal data, I know, but I stand by my claim that only an EXTREME MINORITY of people can state the above. You cannot. And I cannot. And nobody that I know can.


I'm going to start asking around among friends and see if I'm really the only one. So far it's 3 out 3 of us who don't know anyone personally who has died of covid-19.


wow that's a pretty convincing statistical data sample size: 3 people, when the data you're questioning has a sample size in the 100s of millions.

No offense, but I think you need to go take a statistics class. I also think you're a BS Troll, so there's that.


You've missed the point of the discussion. We were talking specifically about knowing people who have died from covid-19, and how common it is to have known someone who did. We're not talking about statistics. We're discussing individual experience, hence me relating my individual experience.


Ask your medical doctor how many people he/she knows who died with Covid.


All through the pandemic I asked 3 close friends who are MDs, working in three different major American cities. They all said their hospital was never even close to at capacity.


I don't believe you.


Of course not, you’ve been programmed to disregard the truth, that’s the point.


People died from cancer because cancer treatments were stopped in order for doctors to treat only covid. I know of two people who died this way.


I'll assume you live in a rural area of the country or you don't know many people?

Covid hit very, very hard where I am. My job sent everyone home when the first person became sick. He died. Then, others after him died or were hospitalized for months on a respirator. Everyone around me knows people who died or were hospitalized. I was shell-shocked the first couple of months because there was so much death around me and I knew some of them. I stayed inside most days for safety. My area was very deserted with practically everything shutdown and people remaining home. There were makeshift memorials in the parks. Very depressing.


I've lived in two cities since the pandemic began, both of which are in the top 10 most populated cities in the U.S.


Nope. I don't believe you. Covid was ugliest in a number of populated states especially in the cities where people live on top of each other.

The latest variants appear to be weaker. That and so many people were vaccinated and/or caught it building up an immunity. But, there are still hundreds dying each day.


You are one of the dumbest fucks on the planet.



"You're a complete fucking retard. You don't deserve the Heisenberg name."
"You're a fucking retard. Save everybody some time and don't reply to a post if you have nothing useful to add."
"Half a fookin retard ova here ... "



Get a life loser. Don't forget to take your mask with you before you leave the house today.




FilmBuff, you are so right. And when people were being honest about "capacity," very often they were talking about staffing. Then hospitals took the next logical step to fire all staff that had worked through the worst of it to make the staffing crunch that much worse.


If such a person existed [overworked doctor], I would [go ask them].

Wow FilmBuff you are so out of your lane. I know plenty of overworked doctors and nurses. Any "exposure", and they're sent home for 10 days. Do the math and figure out what a strain that puts on medical resources.

I'm hoping for the sake of humanity that you're just a troll, because I cannot imagine anyone being as ignorant as you are. Please go talk to some hospital administrators (like my neighbor) about the burden that COVID has placed on our healthcare system!

As I scroll back up, I realize two things:

1) You're just a troll looking for attention because Mommy hasn't come downstairs to the basement with dinner yet

2) I just wasted my time responding and arguing with you.


Why is it that so many here have to resort to insults rather than having a civil conversation?

When it comes down to it, you are putting blind faith in what your television tells you to think. You have no idea what did or didn't happen. You claim you know "plenty" such people, but in truth, how many is it really? One friend from high school you follow on Facebook? A couple people? Is it five people? Was it at one hospital, or perhaps in one region that was particularly hard hit during the pandemic?

The discussion is about a comedian's joke about the pharmaceutical companies being given carte blanche to do as the please, with no legal ramifications, and pull in billions of dollars by more or less forcing an untested shot on the public. I've pointed out what I believe to be an imbalance in the actual danger of covid-19 vs. the perceived danger, and the response, using data from the CDC website.

Your response? Insult me.


My normal style is not to insult people on this board, so yeah I deserve to be called out for that.

But for you to claim that hospitals are not stretched thin as a result of COVID is just so untrue, that it's not worth any more effort arguing with you further. Yes I know many people from many hospitals in many states and they all tell the same story. And even today hospitals are still stretched thin because of the strict "exposed, go home" rule.


I'm basing this on a few things:

1. The military hospital that was built outside Seattle early in the pandemic that sat empty and was finally dismantled without ever having seen a patient.

2. My visits to hospitals, in two of the 10 largest cities in the U.S., during the pandemic. Every visit was to a calm, near-empty hospital. Even on a trip to the ER at the literal height of the pandemic, we were seen right away, no one else in site, calm doctors, several of whom were available to attend to the person I brought in.

3. Discussions throughout the past 3+ years with 3 close friends who are doctors, in 3 different major American cities, who said roughly the same thing: things aren't as crazy as the media is making it out to be. We've never been even close to "at capacity."

4. I have a large social circle, made even larger through social media where I'm in some form of contact with literally thousands of people I've met throughout my life. To my knowledge, not a single person I know died from covid-19.

Does any of the above definitively prove anything? No. But it suggests to me that maybe politicians, billionaire pharmaceutical CEOs, and members of the media are lying to us. It wouldn't be the first time.




I had forgotten about this thread, but it seems he never responded. I hope he didn't die of covid.


Blame this website for the "crickets', not because I didn't have a further argument. I wish this website had a "subscribe" button to posts. Because the reply was not directed at me, I never saw it.

To deny that the vaccine helped lesson the spread of the disease is purely incomprehensible. Someone please go look at data.


My reply was directly to your post, though since the site doesn't notify beyond the little bell icon in the upper right, it's easy to miss a reply.


FilmBuff - even during the height of the pandemic, hospitals were not at capacity.

Do you have facts to back this up? Here in Virginia I have many friends who work at hospitals and they were completely full and understaffed. Not sure where you're getting your data from.


Well I mean, if you have friends who told you that, who am I to say otherwise?

I outlined above my thoughts. I, too, have friends. Among them a doctor in Los Angeles, a doctor in Atlanta, and a doctor in Boston. I lived in two different major cities during the pandemic, neither of which was Boston, L.A., or Atlanta.

I'm not speaking as an expert, or claiming what I'm saying is gospel. I pointed out four reasons I believe the burden on hospitals was overstated.


I guess we can agree to disagree, and call it a draw. Until someone can produce data, there are three sides to every story.

I tend to debunk the "scientists" who claim we are doomed by Global Warming, which isn't really even happening anymore (on land), which is why "they" renamed it "Climate Change".

So I'm not always "with" the scientists. I am very "anti" Main-Stream media, and their praising of BLM terrorists, for example. But I have no reason to doubt the media's coverage of COVID.


Right on the money, xanthas


The REAL problem are not the unvaccinated.

Are the obese people (which are around 90% of the severe cases).

If a fucker doesn't care about his health and allows him to be in that position WHY should I get a vaccine to protect his (oversized, obese) ass?

No, I will not take the vaccine, yes I had covid and I was NOT in hospital, thank you.

Forcing everyone to take the vaccine regardless of situation, INCLUDING those with natural immunity which are already protected, is moronic and anti-science. It's just profit based "medicine" ...

Oh, and btw, at the start of the pandemic I was pretty much pro "everybody should have to take the vaccine" until I started to see how unscientific the whole thing was ...


one person choosing not to take it doesn't affect anyone else.



Incorrect. They put themselves at higher risk to contract the disease. Which puts others at risk. And so on, and so on, and so on.

It's not so much SCIENCE as it is simple MATH.


Which puts others at risk.

What others? The vaccinated? How is that possible????????


I'm not sure if the vaccine is as effective for people who are immunocompromised.


If the vaccine works, how are people who chose to get the vaccine at risk from those who don't?



He mentioned "simple MATH" but his common sense went out the window.


Statistically, the vaccine works in keeping the infection rate down, but due to multiple strains (because it originated from the animal world, and it's ability to mutate), it's not 100% perfect. In fact, no vaccine is ever 100%.

It also lessens the severity of the disease if you contract it, thus lessening the stress on hospitals.

Again it's not SCIENCE, it's MATH. I stand firmly behind that claim.


Turns out we are better off if we had contracted it. Those that did are better armed against it than the vaccinated, plus they don't have to worry about myocarditis and the multitude of other issues the vaxx caused.


Sparky: Turns out we are better off if we had contracted it.

Said none of the people who died from COVID.


Ask those that died from the vaxx their opinions genius. Ask those that lived but are too damaged to actually live- they aren't represented in the stats. Or how about those that died from immunity issues directly due to the vaxx? Go get the recent booster bozo.


10,000x more died from COVID than the VAX you fool.


Your statement is that there were 10,000 times more that died from Covid than the vaxx. Please substantiate this. Thanks sweetheart.


lol, I was about to ask him the same.


Dave why are you feeding this useless fucking moron?
He likes to spread lies and fake news for whatever evil reason.
So the more you tell him off, the happier he is to show off his bullshit.

No use telling him facts or science. He believes in fairy tales, it's like trying to convince a suicide bomber from 9/11 that he will not go to heaven where 72 virgins await him. He lives in a fantasy world, till he faces reality (which it can happen or not) it's no use telling him.


I know, I should have followed my own advice back on the IMDB boards and stop feeding the trolls. They know they're wrong, they are just bored and like to pick a fight between now and when Mommy brings their dinner down to the basement, along with the cat food for the 10 cats.


Burk48917: If the vaccine works, how are people who chose to get the vaccine at risk from those who don't?

The vaccine is not perfect, and is without guarantee that you can't contract COVID. But the symptoms and severity are greatly reduced. Go do some research! I shouldn't be the one who has to teach you this. (Which is another reason I think most of you Anti-VAXers are Trolls. The data and science are very clear and well-documented on this).

I am actually somewhat of a Climate-Change denier, at least as far as the planet's ability to recover. So I'm not all "swayed by science" with everything The Left pushes. But COVID is mostly apolitical and unbiased, except for the right-wing-wackos and trolls.


"But COVID is mostly apolitical and unbiased, except for the right-wing-wackos and trolls."

After a statement like that, you lose any credibility for a bipartisan reply. Only a clown would suggest that the left didn't politicize covid. And your reply speaks of lefty mentality to a tee. You're trying to play both sides of the fence. Essentially, you're saying "take the vaccine because it works, but also it might not work, so you should put something in your body that you might not need so I can feel better, even though many doctors are now acknowledging the vaccine isn't as safe as they said". Do your own research that isn't from Facebook or whatever liberal news source you follow, before suggesting I need to do mine. Even CNN has acknowledged that it isn't always safe, and their as liberal as it gets.


I promise you I am not a lefty. But I am getting frustrated with my Republican party that condones anti-VAXers and an idiot like Trump. I Loved his policies, but I can't stand the messenger. I can understand the hatred for him; he is a stupid idiot.

"We're going to build a wall, it's going to be great. And Mexico is going to pay for it". O My F Gawd.
Mexico: "The fuck we will"!

"We had a record number. Record number at my inauguration. Huge crowd. Huge crowd. Too many to count". I can't stand Obama but the Obama vs. Trump inauguration photos are very convincing, even the ones shown on Fox News! Of course Obama had a bigger crowd, just from the historical aspect alone. Accept defeat you pompous ass, you won the election but you can't win every competition!


I never said the vaccine would not work. I said it was not completely 100% effective that you would not still get COVID. But the severity of COVID in vaccinated patients was indisputably lower.


The Covid shot doesn't prevent its recipient from getting Covid or spreading Covid, and Covid itself isn't particularly dangerous.

It slows the transmission of COVID, and clinical trials / real world data has shown that COVID vaccines are highly effective to prevent severe illness with COVID. Just in the U.S., there have been 1.13 million deaths linked to COVID.

Individual choice is important, but that is a two-way street. If you are choosing not to vaccinate yourself, bear in mind that others don't share your viewpoint and don't want to be infected by you. Around 81% of the U.S. population has now received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine.


"bear in mind that others don't share your viewpoint and don't want to be infected by you."

Can you realize how stupid this is after you said "real world data has shown that COVID vaccines are highly effective to prevent severe illness with COVID"? Just get your vaccine and you're safe if they are so highly effective. Why do you care about the others if you are so highly protected by the vaccine???

Btw, I got covid before the vaccines were available and had no vacc. This summer my triple vaxed friends got covid and one of them passed it to me.

All of them had worse symptoms than me ...


"Why do you care about the others if you are so highly protected by the vaccine???"
Sociopaths and psychopaths don't care about others.

So you've had covid twice!


The problem is that he doesn’t care about the others, he cares about himself and wants to force all others to comply with his requests so he doesn’t get sick …

Yes, and I’m still alive and well. Second time was milder than a regular cold, just a cough and running nose for 2 days.

So you can keep injecting those boosters … I don’t need them.

As I said I know people with booster that got it and had it worse than me …


Apparently, you do need the vaccines since you've been sick twice. The vaccine has kept my family and me safe since we've never had Covid.


If the vaccine works, how are people who chose to get the vaccine at risk from those who don't?




Yeah, like always. They ignore facts when it's inconvenient.



Show me on the doll where someone choosing to decide on their own medical decisions has hurt you.




I love the "show me on the doll" comeback. I have to remember to STEAL, I mean USE this in the future!


He and Jenny McCarthy are silly. I got all 3 vacs.


It's funny how before Trump became president, Jenny McCarthy was considered a leftist wacko and completely ridiculed by the Right. Now the Anti-VAX crowd is singing her tune.

Full Disclosure:
I'm a pro-vax, pro-choice fiscally conservative Republican, but I despise the Anti-VAXers, and I think Trump is an idiot, though I agree with his policies.


I’m pro-vax, pro-choice



Why is that funny? I didn't say I'm for FORCED vaccinations. I don't get why that is funny. Enlighten me. I'll wait. I'm a Republican who is for getting to CHOOSE what we as individuals, do with our body.

I'm also pro-euthanasia and I think Jack Kevorkian was a hero. I want to check out as soon as I'm not of sound mind or body. No thanks.

People and families should not have to suffer with dementia. Total bullshit that family members cannot inject a lifeless soul with cyanide. We are more humane to our pets than we are to our elderly. SORRY OFF TOPIC.


2 hours ago?

Where you been the last 2 years.

The so-called Covid vaccine has been a massive failure.


Great failure. That's why life has resumed normally.


Not for those dropping dead of cardiac arrest..


Right.... cardiac arrests didn't exist before the vaccine. What about the millions NOT dead of anything after it. Or how about every one who died in the 24 hours after eating a bowl of Lucky Charms?


How many boosters have you taken since you were “vaccinated”?




How many times have you had Covid since you were “vaccinated”?





3 shots total. Got covid once (after the 3rd) with light symptoms. Still alive and kicking.


Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the definition of the word vaccine.

The pre 2021 definition before they had to change it due to the Covid vaccine being complete sham.


Jfleg: me; 0 shots. Got covid with mild symptoms and mandatory 4 days away from work. Geee, guess those shots saved your life 🤣


What do you want? Some congratulations?? Here you go man: Congratulations !


JFLeg: aaaaaaw, all those flavours, and you chose salty?!


Yup. Love salt. Who doesn't?

(by the way, no need to specify who you're replying to as there's no confusion possible when you do)


Gd5050 The so-called Covid vaccine has been a massive failure.

Everyone it's time to heed some "too late" advice that could've possibly saved the IMDB boards:

Please Don't Feed the Trolls


First, it's not your planet. No one owns it. Second, he is criticizing the pharmaceutical companies. I don't know why you're against him calling them out.

Literally everyone in my family has gotten 2 doses of the vaccine and then got the booster, and they have all gotten COVID twice. I didn't get any doses of the vaccine because I have heart issues, but I'm the only member of my family who hasn't gotten COVID.


It’s really creepy to have seen the same people who ten, twenty years ago were anti-war, -big pharma/business, -censorship, etc. have completely reversed their positions. Somehow I have resisted the brainwashing process.


I don't get it either. Why have we decided to stick up for the big companies and government now?


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


It is strange but really it’s not. They’re Democrat party lemmings. They were always stupid.


From what I have learned, intelligence doesn’t have much to do regarding susceptibility to propaganda. There are some fascinating interviews with Prof. Mattias Desmet on totalitarianism that go in to depth on the subject. My favorite is with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.



Füllmich is like the German Alex Jones. He claimed to sue against the Corona stuff, but the whole thing was just a ruse to get funding for it, which he preferred to spend on his own. Pure crap persona, who I would wish to go down as Alex Jones.
