
asom (6892)


Ending KInda boring Good but Who writes this shit? EP3: Who the f Not too bad The real reason Superman has so many problems Why are the Democrats upset that he paid a porn star A better season 2. Questions after seeing it View all posts >


Sounds about right ... According to data, 56% of hetero marriages end in divorce with women initiating about 70% of all divorces in the US. The divorce rate among lesbians is 78% while gay men divorce at a rate of 14%. This guy, Data, I think I saw a movie with him, must be really misogynistic ... yeah, but when they got there we only saw like 4 of them, or something. They seemed to be a lot only when escalading the walls. And I guess that it kept happening before the 2 of them were there. So most of them should had been dead by now. Another thing: They were not surprised at all when they first saw the monsters? No WTF are those? Loved how she looked skinny. But being from East Europe skinny girls are the norm, not the chubby Americans ... Not just moved but used as a bait and trap. So totally intelligence ... And I was wondering how/why there are so many humans in the gorge ... Still have a lot of questions, like: what are they eating? Some were still alive after 80 years, how? Etc. And usually when it comes to women. Has no problem showing Thor's dick on screen. i think he/she is a paid shill. Or has awful taste. Judging by the posting style that IS a possibility ... Imagine someone posting and praising a show they didn't even see. One thing about Trump is that, good or bad, he does what what he has promised. Or he tries to. And he ended the Gaza war even before getting in the office, lol. yup In the game with the rooms and the groups he kinda disappears and then comes out of nowhere without an explanation ... A bit fishy .. View all replies >