Lost my respect

I used to like this guy.

Now I think he is a fucking moron, like any other anti-vaxer defiling MY planet.


Did you lose your respect because of his perfect analogy comparing if the cartels did the exact same thing as the covid thugs?


I did not lose my respect, you imbecile...


Then why is the title of your OP "Lost my respect"?


Because HE lost my respect.


He lost your respect for being right? That’s weird.


boost up 💉☠☠☠


Free French fries! Cmon lemmings, what have you got to loose. It’ll make ya smile.


All antivaxers belong in the gulag! How have we not rid our planet of these dangerous people already?


You'd think they would just get covid and die already.
Unfortunately no, they usually get it and kill others.


I know. How do they expect the vaccine to work if they keep infecting the vaccinated? Ugh.


Yeah, right?
That's the same attitude an idiot (like you) with a bulletproof vest would have in a war.


What kind of half baked, cockamamie analogy is that?! You do know that the vaccinated can still transmit COVID, right?

The vaccine will not keep you from getting COVID, the vaccine will not keep you from dying from COVID and the vaccine will not prevent you from giving someone else COVID. The unvaxed are no more dangerous than the vaxed. Imbecile.


The analogy is perfect and easy to understand to idiots making claims like yours.
A bulletproof vest is very useful for stopping bullets and saving your life. That does not mean you will be safe if surrounded by idiots shooting bullets all around them.
It also does not mean that the vest does not work, and in all probability the vest wearer will last longer and better than a non wearer.


Nope. Vamanos, leftist.


You're a complete fucking retard. You don't deserve the Heisenberg name.


lol, yeah, he should definitely go for the next batch that they are preparing; it's a killer life changer.

FDA Reveals Rare, Possibly Fatal Neurological Disorder Is A “Potential Risk” With New Pfizer Vaccine

People around the globe have suffered serious adverse reactions resulting from COVID vaccines, especially from the Pfizer shot.

Now the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tells us another Pfizer vaccine can cause serious complications in recipients. After receiving Pfizer’s Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) shot during a clinical trial, two older individuals contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome.

This was enough for the FDA to flag the disease as “an important potential risk” from the RSV shot. Yet Pfizer is still seeking approval for general public use.


gained mine


Even the guy who once tied himself to a bridge to protest meat gets it.


Hello my fellow angry Moviechat users. Dont mind me i just here to let everyone know that i havent taken the covid vaccination.

As for my political beliefs i am an extreme radical centrist pro capitalist with strong socialist work ethics and hedonistic life style.

Come at me bro!


How dare you steal their dreams.


Woody “T” Harrelson


Yeah. Like Woody is a total conspiracy theorist. When has the Government EVER deliberately exposed its own citizens to a brand new substance when that substance was not 100% guaranteed to be harmless??? How ridiculous... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWSMoE3A5DI


Who the fuck has EVER claimed that these vaccines (or any other medicine in history) to be 100% guaranteed to be harmless????


The entire democrat party media and idiots like you for starters.

Any questions dumbass?


No, no questions, you will just spew out some more LIES.

But I will set the record straight just in case somebody reads your bullshit:
NOBODY has ever claimed that these vaccines (or any other medicine in history) are 100% guaranteed to be harmless.
