MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are good looking people stuck up or is t...

Are good looking people stuck up or is that just your preception?

Where I work, the good looking ones are actually stuck up and not very friendly. Trying to have a conversation with them is hard work and they're not really that interesting. Reminds me of the song 'you're so beautiful, but all so boring.'


I'm about a 6/10 in stuck-upness.


Or how about Carly Simon's, "You're so vain....I'll bet you think this song is about you..."?


Stupidest song ever written!!!!

OF COURSE he thinks the song is about him... because IT IS!!!!

Every damn word of the song is describing him, so of course it's about him.... stupid damn song!


Oh you must be very beautiful.


Well that's a pointless response, isn't it.


Didn't mean to inadvertently push your button but your username seems to be a clue to your extreme reaction.


So you're not bothered by blindingly stupid song lyrics? Or do you just not understand why those lyrics are duhh dumb? Come on man!


Rumor has it she was singing about Warren Beatty.


That's what I've read, too.


Generally. And i'm of the opinion that beautiful people don't develop personalities cause they don't have to.


Sometimes I wonder if they just don’t think they need to be social to others.


They must have really awful midlife crises when things start going south. 🤣


It's just personality type I think. I've known some not so pretty people who think they are God's gift, and attractive people who are lovely.

I see your point though. Both men and women who only talk about their gym workout and which clothes to buy etc are boring.


Even if we are, so what?!


Good answer! 😀




Some are, some aren't. Perhaps they're just insecure.





Okay then.



Just seemed like the best answer!


Fair enough, carry on.



I don't know enough good looking people to be able to say one way or the other. On second thoughts maybe the reason I don't know many good looking people is because they conspire to shun me because they are stuck up. But then that may just be me precepting. Come to think of it I don't know any rich people either...


Identical female twins that I know are stunning. One has a warm, friendly personality, almost as if she's unaware how hot she is. The other is completely self-obsessed, with all the depth of a litter tray. Go figure.


Cool story bro...


... Okay


Yet another "new" sock puppet.


How do you detect this stuff?


Over a decade of experience on the IMDb Message Boards and here at Moviechat and a lifetime's experience of smelling rats.


Wanted to make some kind a of joke about Rat Smelling being an odd avocation or something, but I get your meaning.
I responded to some Dolly Parton post - and heck, I don't even like country music - and sincerely / naively responded. Next thing I saw, people are calling this person out to be some kind of Sock.
It seemed harmless to me, so why does anyone need to keep making Sock accounts?


Different reasons. Teenage boys will use sock accounts to say outrageous things for the fun of it. Older people will use multiple sock accounts for more serious and often malicious purposes.

There is at least one person here at Moviechat who is a real piece of work and may have dozens or even hundreds of sock accounts. I had a few nasty arguments here with Tim74 who from what I have gathered was probably known as Forsaken before the username change to Tim74. Different username but the same persona of a SJW white knight defending the LGBTHQIA community with hints that the person themself might be a transsexual with "issues". Personally I suspect that was all bullshit and it was just a fake persona that allowed the person to easily pick fights, escalate them and then fling vicious abuse at people because that is what they get off on.

Since that time I have been on various boards here at Moviechat where someone starts a thread stating something that most reasonable people would disagree with. Being the argumentative person I am I have given a contrary opinion only to find out of the blue half a dozen other "people" barging in on the side of the original poster and escalating the thread into a nasty brawl. That is one of the uses of multiple sock accounts which is to become a gang instead of just being a lone poster.


That's an interesting insight. Thanks. I bang my head against the wall over on the politics board, and if their motivation is to make me beat my own brains in, I'd like to know this. (Haha)


Well then there are the conspiracy theories about armies of "professional" trolls and sock puppets who are paid to patrol message boards and sabotage them with trivial posts and generally shut down any possibility of genuine discussion by flooding threads with their nonsense. I could believe that is what happened at IMDB before it was closed down.


Are they "conspiracy theories" or are they fact?
From my point of view, you shouldn't have put quotes around the word Professional, because there's no irony there.
I'm thinking these people aren't motivated by home-grown inspiration and initiative, they are either paid or brain-washed to where they don't have a toe on the planet. They are so far out there, we don't know how to deal with it in a compassionate and forgiving society.
They're just effed up, and we don't know how to deal with them properly.
Takes time, but we'll figure it out because we are smart and we want to.


Bullshit Quasi. I am Tim74 and I have had a few accounts in the past but NEVER more than one at the same time. Also, I am not and never have been Foresaken, it was revealed by the mods recently that Artisan is the artist formerly known as Foresaken (who, from what I remember was extremely right wing and did little but bitch and moan about women - two things that don’t exactly fit into your imagined scenario you’re trying to hang on me, wouldn’t you say?). Get your facts straight before shooting your mouth off.

If anyone is interested I have visited this site as bananaman, silverstone and Tim74 previous to my current account. All my unused accounts have been deleted.


There you go again talking as though you have any credibility at all, as though anyone should believe a single word you say.


Who cares if anyone believes me? I am merely correcting your gossipy post so you know you just can’t say whatever lies you want about people without going unchecked. There are several more rational users here who can corroborate my identity, but if you want to continue being the loudmouth finger pointer here, by all means, have at it.


I'm sure you have access to countless "rational" users here who can "corroborate" anything at all if you want them to.


I think you'll find that Artisan was apparently Forsaken / Trussrod according to the Mods. I note that he hasn't posted since the great reveal.

As for bananaman / silverstone / Tim74 / ThetaSigma, I'm happy to vouch that he only has one account at a time.

I'm also, not a sock, but then again a sock would say that wouldn't they, lol.


Okay, I'm not a sock. I've never posted here before. I used to post a lot on IMDb. I'm still on IMDb for reviews, ratings, and lists. I guess the only thing that might convince you is my continued presence and conduct here.

I hope that one day someone who's so quick to throw around the accusation will be just as quick to apologise (but I won't hold my breath). I'm starting to remember the downside of the IMDb message boards.


It's deja vu all over again.


To be fair to DoctorThirteen, I've not seen anything untoward so far.


"Identical female twins that I know are stunning. One has a warm, friendly personality, almost as if she's unaware how hot she is. The other is completely self-obsessed, with all the depth of a litter tray. Go figure."

That post from DoctorThirteen ( see above ) doesn't strike you as being extremely unlikely to be true and therefore untoward ?


I do know a lot of siblings that appear to have opposite traits, so maybe not untrue. Plus, it's not exactly inflammatory either (imho).


Okay I'll break it down for you.

How to read between the lines of DoctorThirteen's post and unmask a sock puppet:

Unlikely element #1. The identical twins are stunningly good looking.

Unlikely element #2. One of the twins is a paragon of virtue.

Unlikely element #3. The other twin is a narcissist so contemptible that their personality has the depth of a pet's toilet.

The third element of the post is the clincher and the actual reason for the post as it is a straight out insult. And where was this comment posted ? Directly beneath mine.

Also this is not the first time I have seen the exact same insult and the exact same tactic used in the same way here at Moviechat although not by this particular sock puppet.


I’m still not convinced in this instance (and I’m not trying to be argumentative), it’s just that, whilst there’s no real evidence either way, the post seems fairly inoffensive to me. I can’t see any insults being aimed at any posters. Maybe I’ll be proved wrong given time.


I can’t see any insults being aimed at any posters.

Well you wouldn't because you're not the object of the exercise.

When Tim74 declared he was leaving Moviechat in fake high dudgeon he dramatically warned everyone to BEWARE OF QUASIMODO !!! Then soon after he reappeared as ThetaSigma pretending to be a new poster until I outed him and he admitted he was Tim74.

Since that time Moviechat has been flooded with "new" posters and the quality of the content of posts here has gone downhill very noticeably. At the beginning of this sock puppet invasion I was subjected to many "piling in" brawls but they have subsided since I stopped reacting to them. Now I mostly get the oblique individual jibes.

In my opinion there are many more sock puppets here at Moviechat than genuine posters.


Again, bullshit. You never outed me because I was never hiding. And yes, people should be careful around you. You’re clearly nuts.


You are such a bare faced liar. If you weren't hiding why did you pretend to leave and come back with a different username and not say who you had been ?

I had to goad you and corner you into admitting you were previously Tim74 by pointing out all the similarities between Tim74 and ThetaSigma. Then after you finally admitted it and a little more insulting back and forth you said that you enjoyed creating mayhem. And I'm the one who is supposed to be nuts !

I told you before I have a very good memory but you seem to be a slow learner. Either that or you just don't give a shit.


Evidence dickwad. Show me a direct quote where I said I enjoy creating mayhem. Of course you can’t because you’re scrambling now and just creating more humongous lies. This is all as believable as your imagined Stygnatti, whatever that is supposed to mean in your conspiracy-addled brain.


And here we go again with the flat out denial and then the attempted escalation by using personal abuse. Seen it all before so many times.

Have a nice day whoever you really are.


My name is Tim. I thought we had established this. Care to share yours? Yeah, I thought not.

So still standing by your original assertion that I am the same user as your right wing chum Forsaken? Or have you dropped that after other users telling you you’re talking out your arse?


Well if people want to waste their time with numerous, simultaneous accounts, then that’s up to them. In the meantime, one way to improve the quality of the posts to come up with something that will engage others.


So basically your just going to bully any new users that show up until they leave , hurt and confused, thinking "wtf is going on on that site??"


So basically you have just outed yourself as another sock puppet.


ooh thats excitong i wonder who my sectret identity is!
