MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are good looking people stuck up or is t...

Are good looking people stuck up or is that just your preception?

Where I work, the good looking ones are actually stuck up and not very friendly. Trying to have a conversation with them is hard work and they're not really that interesting. Reminds me of the song 'you're so beautiful, but all so boring.'


We really should treat people as individuals. I've met some really attractive women who seemed to appreciate I spoke to them like a regular person.


No that’s clearly YOUR perception, which you’ve framed in your title to insinuate that everyone else shares your hang ups. Are your questions ever not rhetorical?

Try not prejudging people based on their appearance and perhaps let their words and actions be your guide. I think you’ll find there’s a fairly even ratio of nice people and tools across every beauty demographic. You also might consider that being ‘stuck up’ is essentially just someone thinking they are better than other people, something you yourself do quite regularly here with your valued judgements on entire groups of people. Don’t like stuck up people? Have a chat with the mirror then mate.


Someone is butt hurt.


Give your butt a rest then, the pain will settle in time.


I've found people of all ranges of attractiveness to be stuck up. I've also known some really attractive people to be incredibly smart, driven, and humble.

These types of posts are ridiculous. I like Intothenight, but some of these posts are just pointless, stupid, drivel. So much like moviebuff.


At least MovieBuff sounds honest. Looks like he's really just a whiny person. This guy on the other hand... He claimed he can use his mind power to make birds fly. He almost got molested in a swimming pool. He once stopped a kidnapping attempt in a strip mall. He wanted to pay little boys to do dogwalking, but only little boys. Go figure.


I think that's why I've never taken him seriously. Perhaps that isn't the smartest.


No, they are just like other people.

Keep in mind, most people hate them because of that. So, they have to bring some defense system.


i think people are a$$holes in general despite their looks.


I live with the assumption that all women look at you like an asshole. It's much easier to get through life and you don't give the so called beautiful women the ego boost that they can play all men for fools.


I wouldn't say I'm stuck up per say, but dealing with the passive aggressiveness gets taxing after awhile and I just avoid interactions unless the other person is on the same level of attractiveness. I'll also use self-deprecation to deflect the passive aggressiveness if need be.


You have more problems than MovieBuff ! 🙄


Most of the people I know who are stuck up think they're beautiful, regardless of objective standards. So I would say it has a lot to do with other people's perception rather than my own or even their looks.
