HarveyManFredSin's Replies

Good for you, but too many men are frankly behaving and looking like a bunch of saps. I'm very much in agreement here. I regard myself as a feminist, and, of course, we live in a patriarchy in which men mostly set the rules and have the most power, BUT, as you say, depending on the individual man and individual woman, there may be certain circumstances and situations, where it's in fact better to be a woman. Women have historically been marginalised and shut out of top careers and positions, but there is also a lot of pressure on individual men to reach certain standards, particularly in the workplace. Also, when we keep hearing/reading that 'men have had their day' that can be very dispiriting, whereas, as tough as things may be for women, there must also be a sense of excitement that things can only improve for women (give or take the odd step backwards, like the repeal of Roe v Wade, and the election of Trump). For the most part, society is progressing and women are achieving more milestones. That's great and exciting, but it also means that some men can feel that they have nothing to add (this isn't envy or resentment towards women, but simply anxiety, and a sense of feeling lost and uncertain). Halle Berry is 57 and still a stunner! "which BTW is not necessarily true*... ...I've known of women having surprise pregnancies in their mid-forties." We are in agreement on this one, Otter! 👍🏼 Where I do take disagree with you slightly, is the part about 'whining'. Many men *and* women, including, arguably, this 43-year-old woman, are inclined to 'whine' about their singledom. Instead of taking a sexist view on this matter, I prefer to see both lonely men and lonely women as more alike than either misogynists or female supremacists would care to admit. They're 'incels', but not in the way the word has been appropriated and perverted by misogynists. They're simply lonely people who are bitter and angry at the world, because of their loneliness, but not necessarily bitter and angry with people of the opposite sex; just bitter and angry with the world in general, and not necessarily in a *violent* or *aggressive* way. In fact, depressed and frustrated may be a better way of putting it. Like this 43-year-old woman, there may be many men, and indeed many other women, who are fundamentally decent people, but no-one is looking beyond their tendency to whine/feel sorry for themselves, and so they are sadly caught in a spiral. Maybe this 43-year-old woman is a secret beauty, but no-one is willing to give her chance. And, like I say, that may also apply to some of the men you're arguably deriding here. Maybe some of these women and men *are* trying, but they can't help but 'whine', as you put it, because things still haven't fallen into place for them. I suspect HelloSidney1996 wasn't being serious or literal in making this 'suggestion'. Of course it would be VERY extreme, were it to be advocated as a *serious* soultion. Well, that will never happen, so let's try to work on some more realistic and practical solutions. Men need to be SHAMED for how pathetic they are by OTHER MEN. Men need to be SHAMED in order to force them to take pride in themselves, and up their game. Do they want to be second best to women? And I say this as an EGALITARIAN feminist. Not as a 'misogynist'. And I say this as a man who wants other men to be admirable. NOT pervs, abusers, simps and losers. If they're lusting/simping over OnlyFan models, they are precisely the type of men I'm complaining about. 😠 They're only a couple of notches above the saddos who habitually visit lap dancing clubs. There's NOTHING wrong in being sexual/finding women, or indeed men, sexually attractive, but to be a sad simp who spends their days masturbating to OnlyFan models who are raking it in, whilst these pathetic male specimens continue to throw their money at them, is a sad indictment of manhood, assuming these people can even be described as 'men'. "Pretty much" Although he's keeping some actors for the reboot (i.e. the actors he's worked with on The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker...). I'd prefer if he rebooted entirely. His argument is that The Flash rebooted parts of the universe, but if he had any sense, he'd reboot ENTIRELY, especially in view of how bad The Flash is flopping. Not enough people will have seen The Flash to understand Gunn's rationale. 'Allows'? TBF, it's *her* choice. Her husband isn't, and shouldn't be, her keeper. Whether it's a wise choice on her part, is another matter, but that's for her to decide, and find out. LOL! Indeed. Do these simps realise how pathetic they are? They're contributing to a misogynist patriarchal narrative that sexually and physically demeans women, and emotionally and intellectually demeans men (and, one might argue that emotional and intellectual degredation is even worse, although in this case, the men/boys are doing it to themselves...) If it's at least as good as Temple, and superior to KOTCS, then I'll be satisfied. Raiders and Last Crusade are classics, and Temple is underrated. Is there a photo of the 43-year-old woman? Maybe she *is* still hot. https://culturemixonline.com/review-no-hard-feelings-2023-starring-jennifer-lawrence/ I never saw Hiroshima either, but I'm pretty sure it was bad. Does one have to see something with their own eyes to KNOW that it's a travety? I believe they're a market research company that poll cinemagoers about their experience watching a movie at the theater, and tally those reactions via a grading system. Very possibly, but in this instance, they have a point (whether it was intentional/thoughtful or an inadvertent consequence of trolling). 🤦‍♂️ "Blah Blah Blah Equality...Blah Blah Blah No, actually, we *don't* believe in equality and equal rights/treatment between men and women" MAKE YOUR FUCKING MIND UP! I know Cosmo tells women "you can have everything" but that ain't how the real world works for ANYBODY! Good for you if *you* were 'more ready for sex as a teenager.' Actually, the REALITY, is that women *supposedly* reach their 'maturity' quicker than men...but then we're told the COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY story that women reach their *sexual* maturity *after* men... Seems like someone in charge is making the fucking rules up as they go along...I wonder for what end...hmmm... 🤔 Clearly, the *BOY* in this film *isn't* ready for sex. And, thus, he's being sexually *exploited*. But, hey, what does one expect from a society that treats the sexual abuse of underage BOYS as a JOKE? And don't give me that PC 'power dynamic' CRAP. That's just gaslighting 'woke' BULLSHIT designed to EXCUSE and APOLOGISE for the ABUSE of underage boys. FWIW, I've been ASSAULTED by a woman. It was NOT a joke. FUCK THE FEMINISTS and their EVIL defence of female-on-male ABUSE. How dare they defend ABUSE! 😠 Nice 'work' if you can get it. FUCK the male SIMPS who keep giving these people such large amounts of money for DOING NOTHING. SHAME ON YOU. I think they need to reboot the DC Universe entirely. That's not a knock on Gal Gadot; just to say that in view of how generally disliked the DCEU is, and how confused audiences can get, it makes sense to completely distance the new DC Universe from what came before. The '78 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a very good shout, and is arguably the film that kicked off the 80s horror remake trend (which resulted in some classics, like the aforementioned The Thing and The Fly). Do The Three Musketeers films count as *remakes* or simply new adaptations of the same source material? In any case, I am inclined to agree that the 70s Musketeers films are among the best versions of the Dumas novel. I don't know whether they're definitively *the best* but certainly among the best. And I think we might be in agreement on Little Shop of Horrors (1986) being the best late 20th century musical. Ditto.