MovieChat Forums > HarveyManFredSin > Replies
HarveyManFredSin's Replies
FredBurroughs is now joining kowalski in his erroneous theory.
But thank you for understanding where I am coming from. 👍🏼
I'm sorry that you inferred it that way, but that wasn't my intention.
Quite honestly, I'm getting a little tired with some of the cliques on this site, who seem to feed into each other's prejudices, because this was precisely NOT what I'm doing, and kowalski, for all his smug "I'm such a hip cool guy" posturing is frankly a fucking ASSHOLE for planting that LIE in your head.
Even if my intentions were negative (and they weren't), would it even matter? I'm asking about FILMS FFS.
But you just admitted in your OP that these films *aren't* appealing to modern audiences, and Lucas was quite critical of Episodes VII - IX.
Presumably they mean to qualify as an officer.
You're missing the point.
If Alien 3 is to be regarded as canon with Aliens, and most people do regard it as such, the film, whilst by no means bad on its *own* terms, dumps on the characters who survived Aliens, including a frickin child FFS.
On the contrary. I'm actually looking for some ray of light, and hoping some of these films have been successful, because right now, the buzz seems to be so negative, save, for perhaps, GOTG3 and Spider-Man (and of course, Mario, but that was arguably pre-summer).
There are many things I'm negative about, sometimes unreasonably so, but movies are not one of them. I'm a cinephile, and whilst BO is never a reflection of a film's quality, a healthy domestic and global BO is often a sign of a healthy and robust industry (esp. speaking as someone who still loves seeing films on the big screen, whenever possible).
I'd strongly argue that Alien 3 ruined Aliens.
He's a fascinating interviewee. He's clearly a very thoughtful individual.
I can imagine Ed Begley Jr. being a genuinely decent guy. Without wanting to seem like I'm judging either you or Ed (I'm definitely not), it's still a shame to read that he's attending AA meetings (presumably as an addict/alcoholic).
People already do that.
I've seen GOTG3 and the new Spider-Verse film, and have my opinions, and hope to see Elemental when it's released in the UK (it's not out over here until July), but I can still discuss and analyse the BO/feedback for these films, because it matters in terms of the types of movies we get in future.
New films that are being roundly slated for the most part...
And they're fucking up the franchise, and, on occasion, ruining the entire OP by retrospectively tarnishing what came before.
As an aside, that's why I don't despise Ghostbusters 2016 as much as many (whilst still regarding it as a bad film). It's NOT canon, so it doesn't retrospectively ruin anything.
Why is she controversial?
Because she's Israeli? Because she did a crappy version of 'Imagine' during lockdown?
I don't think she's a great actor, and I think she's been seriously miscast in some stuff (esp. the recent Death on the Nile adaptation), but she seems sweet and well-meaning enough. I can't imagine anyone sincerely hating her (unless they were a militant anti-Semite/anti-Israel zealot).
I have a massive amount of respect for lesbians, but the irony is that some of the least soft and non-violent women, in my experience, are often lesbians...
I like women who stand up for themselves, and aren't dainty and weak, BUT I've seen so many stories of lesbian couples who've abused/killed their own children, especially when they were boys...
I don't want to be one of those '#notallmen' guys, but, honestly, not all men... 🤷♂️
Is it 'misogynist' of me to suggest that maybe these women aren't looking hard enough, assuming they're straight?
Thanks for the analysis.
The idea of a Keaton Batman film and a Ford Indiana Jones film flopping in the same summer makes me sad. Although I was only a kid at the time, and thus too young to see Batman 89 on the big screen, I'm still old enough to recall the summer of 89 (when I *did* see Last Crusade at the cinema). I have immense affection for these films, and it pisses me off to see modern movie execs and directors fuck them up.
I'm also sad about Elemental, and surprised about Fast X. I assumed the latter was a hit.
I've got ZERO issue with more female content. On the contrary, I think female action heroes are generally more interesting and compelling than male ones, for the most part.
But I do have an issue with the likes of Kathleen Kennedy and others hijacking IPs in order to force their own agenda on it (for example, when they killed off John Connor in the last Terminator film, simply so they could make a woman the de facto hero). It's so egregious and blatant, and displays a degree of resentment and insecurity on the part of some women ("How dare creative men have successful franchises!" Well, why the fuck don't you make your OWN?!)
Like you, I'm also bemused by the default criticism of cishet men for choosing not to see certain movies, whether the leads are female or gay (like that recent 'comedy' Bros), as if it's their intrinsic responsibility to prop up an unappealing movie, rather than other demographics, including those specifically aimed at via those aforementioned films.
I do however see that POC, particularly Black people, DON'T have this issue. In my experience, Black audiences are now the most reliable in showing up to movies (white people seem to increasingly be staying at home and streaming Netflix etc), and although they've hitherto been overlooked by most filmmakers, I think we're going to see more Black Panthers, Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerses, and Fast and the Furious movies, because those racially diverse IPs are actually making money (admittedly through both Black *and* whtie audiences, but, as I say, the former are particularly reliable).
But if white women want films focused on white women to succeed, guess what? They also need to start showing up to these films themselves, rather than simply relying on men.
I don't think it will happen in my lifetime, but I do think future generations will look back at this era with some sense of bemusement.
At the moment, there's a desire to 'correct the patriarchy' (although, as you've noted, it seems to be favouring rich, white and classically attractive women, rather than less advantaged women and/or minorities), but I think future generations may feel that the pendulum swung too far, and that in the process of correcting the patriarchy *other* *more* oppressed people (such as WOC, working-class women, and even Black/minority men) were overlooked.
I would NEVER pay for the services of a sex worker, and I'm instantly inclined to judge any man who does, BUT once again, it's a gross generalisation to assume that all sex workers have the same, or even similar, stories.
However, yes, it's true that MANY sex workers are exploited and only go into that type of work because they have few other options.
That said, there are also other women, and men, who like to be valued for their bodies, although in their case, modelling is arguably a far better and safer option, if they are eligible.
I didn't watch the video, but if there are any attractive 43-year-old women out there, I'd happily date them. Although I do want kids, assuming they are still capable of giving birth, I'm not going to judge them for being in their forties.