HarveyManFredSin's Posts

Bernie Bros and Male Socialists Versus 'Meritocrats' (i.e. fantasists) and Establishment Democrats Message to Right-Wing Populists: The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost Happy... Do you like them apples? Why Do So Many Democrats Get So Offended When You Call Them Out On Their Bigotry? "Welcome to the White House Queer People" "My Boyfriend Left Me A Text In the Morning, 'You're a Princess.' It's the Least I Deserve." Learning To Love Yourself What Do you Do When There's An Insect In Your Bathtub/Shower? I Usually Finish Off People's Sentences In My Head, Before They've Finished Speaking Your Annual Summer Playlist Do You Think Art Occasionally Dehumanises the Uneducated? He's Great I'm Making Him Trend TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP Boromir's Guess The Famous game #1030 - Vocalist and guitarist David Byrne of Talking Heads - Congrats to hownos Berlusconi: One dickhead down Perfect Trilogy