MovieChat Forums > Politics > Message to Right-Wing Populists: The Chi...

Message to Right-Wing Populists: The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost

Trump has been indicted, Johnson has been condemned, Berlusconi is dead, Bolsonoro was defeated, Putin increasingly isolated.

Your moment, the peak of which was 2016, is OVER. I'm sure you enjoyed your short run in the sun, but NOW it's time for the grown-ups and law-abiders to return and fix the mess the delinquents left behind.


LMAO, no they aren't.

You can indict a ham sandwich.

You literally cannot back up one of your claims, Bro.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


OK fucking weirdo, which one of his statements is untrue? Just pick one if you can, which you can't, so goodbye and have a nice day!


All of them.

The first sentence isn't a claim lol.

OK fucking weirdo

Looks like we have another troll with Bicksurn Derangement Syndrome. You guys really hate me, almost as much as you hate Trump.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Three mental disorders have afflicted the resident lefties of MC:

-Trump Derangement Syndrome
-Tucker Derangement Syndrome
-B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome



What are democrat voters actually going to do?




And do what?


Woke your butt into the wokisphere.


They're not gonna go down without a fight though. Wouldn't surprise me if some MAGA nutcase literally takes a shot at Jack Smith or blows up an FBI building.


You mean a disguised Antifa terrorist pretending to be MAGA; so they can blame and frame MAGA like they have always done, nice try.

This has always been a typical lefty-handbook strategy from your side.


Life must be so much easier when it's always a false-flag op to make you RWNJ clowns look bad.


Stop the insanity!
