"My Boyfriend Left Me A Text In the Morning, 'You're a Princess.' It's the Least I Deserve."
Is a message I just saw a woman post online.
No doubt certain posters here (or should I say *a* certain poster) would gaslight the rest of us into believing that anything less is 'abuse,' and that expecting one's significant other to tell one that they are 'SOO SOO *SPECIAL*' every fucking morning isn't 'picky' or 'demanding.'
NO ONE ELSE is responsible for your self-esteem. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and consideration. Any man who cheats on his partner, and certainly any man who shouts at and raises a hand to them, is a POS, and needs to go, but I'm 'sorry' (NOT sorry), but this "I need to be told how wonderful I am every waking moment" BULLSHIT is *needy* and *deranged*. If you need that validation all the fucking time, SEE A THERAPIST!
NO ONE is your crutch. Derive your self-esteem from your own actions and sense of self, and don't expect anyone else to make you *feel special*.
If I'm placing *you* on a pedestal, where do you expect *me* to go? A fucking ditch?
NO!! We should all walk on equal ground, because, guess what dummies? NO ONE is more 'special' than anyone else.