GolfnGuitars's Replies

Merry Christmas! Hi again, ecarle...I loved reading your response. I'll try to address your points as best I can: 1) Robert Forster: I'm not really qualified to address this one, because I've only seen Forster in "Jackie Brown." And, yes, I agree that he's great in it...a very interesting character and a great performance. 2) Johnny Cash: He was such an interesting figure in real life...a very flawed, but very talented performer. His voice was just so unique and amazing. I agree that he comes off as friendly and charming at times in this episode. From what I've read and heard about Cash, that was how he mostly was in real life. I thought he did a very good job in this episode...but I liked Cash a lot, so I do have a bias there. 3) Dick Van Dyke: Yes, you nailed it with him. He seemed so cold-hearted in his episode and it was so satisfying to see Columbo nail him in the end. I do think Van Dyke is/was a better actor than Cash. Dick Van Dyke also played a corrupt judge on the old TV show "Matlock," which was one of the more memorable episodes of that show. For someone who seems to be nice and pleasant in real life, he did have a gift for playing SOBs..very talented actor. 4) The spouses (and lover, in Cash's case): Yes, I get that Cash's spouse was "shrewish," so I did have some understanding for him in that regard. I think if she had been the only one to die on the plane, then he would've been one of the more "sympathetic killers." But, yes, I think the way he killed his lover was pretty heartless...that crossed the"sympathy line" for me. As to Van Dyke's character...I didn't have any sympathy for him and was so glad to see Columbo nail him. Yes, his wife was a shrew also, but the way he killed her was so cold and calculating...he pretty much tortured her physically and (especially) emotionally before he killed her. The ex-con killing was pretty cold-hearted as well. He really seemed like an evil man inside (and credit to Van Dyke for his portrayal). Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas! Yes, I agree this is a great scene. I kind of empathize with Neal here (and I bet Steve Martin did as well, given what a great banjo player/musician he is in real life)..."Three Coins In A Fountain" is such a beautiful song, but the way the people looked at him like, "What's wrong with you?" I can definitely relate to that, with my musical tastes! 😃 Then Del starts singing "The Flintstones" theme (and, yes, it's a great song also, one that everyone on the bus related to...Neal should have chosen something along those lines, IMO)...kind of a summary in song of what Neal and Del were actually like. It's such a funny scene, but I think there's a poignancy to it as well. The role the watches play in the movie. With cell phones being so prevalent anymore, most people (including myself) don't wear watches anymore. I used to have a very similar attitude to this movie that you just seemed like such a boring, dull, unrealistic movie to me (FYI, this movie was made well before I was born...I'm 53). However, a few years ago, I finally sat down to watch this movie...and, this time, I loved it. I just "got it" this time...the movie didn't change, I did. It's turned into one of those movies I have to see at least once during The Holidays. I don't think you're necessarily wrong in your criticism...except for "the music not being that remarkable." The song "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby was a juggernaut...I believe it held the record at time for most records sold. Something about Bing Crosby's voice just fits this time of year, IMO. I think the music (and dancing) in this film is great, "dated" or not. I think what appeals to me is something you alluded to in your post...the world that this movie was created in no longer exists, the actors/actresses are all long gone, etc. It's almost like a "time capsule" of the early 1950s in many ways. I find it very interesting...and there's a part of me that wishes I had been around then as well. I agree about the ending being "less than satisfying." I feel like this movie "coulda/woulda/shoulda" been a "Holiday classic," but the ending doesn't do it for me either. I really liked what someone wrote about Jack waking up on the plane and deciding to come back home as an alternate ending. I think that would have worked better than the actual ending. I think there was a missed opportunity for this movie to be a classic. He was great on "Emergency!" I had an "Emergency!" lunch box when I was a kid...loved that show! I loved him as Bob on the TV sitcom "The Middle." I wish they would have brought him back in the last season for one final appearance. They took Communion...but the churches we attended (mostly Baptist denomination) all substituted grape juice instead of alcohol. That reminded me that I did take Communion in a Lutheran church once that used real alcohol.. I wasn't expecting that! We're pretty much stuck at home with this weather. I will probably watch "It's A Wonderful Life" on TV (assuming it's still on). Also, being a guitar player, I love to play Christmas carols on the guitar, so I will be doing that today as well. Yes...a real music legend. I love The Spinners and Bell had a hand in their big 70s hits. RIP. I was so saddened to see this. One of the dumbest decisions I've ever made was to switch my allegiance as a fan from the Pittsburgh Steelers to the Cincinnati Bengals, back when the Bengals made the Super Bowl in 1981. Those 70s Steeler teams were legendary and so much fun to watch. Regarding the "Immaculate Reception"...I'm a fan of Ohio State in college football. Two former OSU players were involved in that play...Jack Tatum, who made the hit on Frenchy Fuqua; and Neal Colzie, whose tackle attempt Franco broke to score. All 3 guys are gone now and that makes me sad. RIP, Franco Harris. 😢 No. I had a pretty strict, religious upbringing growing up. Neither of my parents drank. I am the same...another Spring fan here, for the reasons you mentioned! (plus the longer hours of daylight...I hate it when it gets dark at 5:00-5:30!). I have friends and relatives that live in Florida and they all said the same thing you did about the humidity. They all seem to love November to about March, but then the heat/humidity gets to be too much again. My family and I went to Sarasota for vacation in early June of last year. We really liked the area, but it really got hot in the afternoons. The sun was just so intense! And you are right about the thunderstorms also...when we were in Miami several years ago, people down there talked about them when we were talking about the weather (Yes, I talk about the weather a lot...I do find weather fascinating! 😃). I'm getting ready to go to bed. I've enjoyed corresponding with you very much. Have a great night and hope you stay warm & healthy! This is one of my favorite "Columbo" episodes. I'm a Johnny Cash fan and I think it's cool to see him here playing a "bad guy." I understand why he killed his wife...but I thought killing his lover like he did was pretty heartless. He almost got away with it...but for Columbo! 😃 Probably a lot of truth to that! 😃 Interesting that you lived in AZ...I don't know how people live there with the heat! 😃 I'm not a fan of excessive heat either. Not just the heat, but the humidity as well. Here in Columbus, we probably have our nicest weather in the Fall. However, I find the Fall depressing (especially the second half, after the time change) because of the decreasing hours of daylight and the boys being back in school. I love the Spring and Summer...but we get a lot of rainy/cool weather in the Spring and a lot of humidity in the Summer. But I will take that over this extreme cold weather we're going to have the next few days! Yes...this one is a doozy! We will get some nasty weather at times here in Columbus, but not like Cleveland (which is only about a 2 1/2 hour drive north...about 150 miles) or where you live in Minnesota. I don't know how you deal with it, to be honest! 😃 I don't mind "Winter weather" too much during December, January, and February, but when March rolls around, I'm ready for Spring. But we still have some cold weather during March and even April here at times. Winter is my least favorite season...but I would miss it if I moved somewhere that didn't get "typical Winter weather." Fortunately, I don't have to go to work in this and did all my errands today, so I can just hibernate for a few days until this passes (praying that no one around here loses power). Hope you can stay safe and healthy during this nasty weather! Columbus, OH and sister are in southern OH (near WV border). Yes...I was going to take my boys and visit my brother and sister before Christmas (about a 2-hour drive south), but it's just going to be too cold and "wintry" to chance it. Fortunately, we can just wait until after Christmas next week and go visit them...sounds like we're supposed to have temperatures in the 50s next week, so definitely looking forward to that!