JohnBraun604's Posts

Documentary about the the state of California Democrats created? Documentary about the the state of California Democrats created? Documentary about the the state of California Democrats created? Documentary about the the state of California Democrats created? Ending search does not make any sense - why would that change things * SPOILERS I wish there was some actual, real science involved. Please stop making these.... DEI a cautionary tale from the Jedi Order... Finally, rare for these days...A GREAT MOVIE The "virgins"? Who is who? and Who really cares> Overly drawn out and hard to watch There is so much heart in the tv pilot The President in this series...reminds me of Joe Biden! Well you killed the Golden Goose and now expect fans to come back? no thanks. That which does not kill us....anyone else get a Conan the Barbarian 1982 vibe from this? Anyone else make this a must watch on or around the 4th of July? Anyone else make this a must watch on or around the 4th of July? Shooting Stars Please stop making these. Its a dumb premise I don't care what the TV shows are about, they can explore anything. The movies should be an event