CowherPower4Ever's Replies

There just isn't any evidence of that. The guy was trolling Trump on multiple occasions, once even in person. I'm not sure how you twist that in he's a supporter of his. I've noticed this on Amazon a lot. You need to weed through paid/fake reviews to get an informed review. I usually like to decide for myself, but pretty much everything has reviews online. Even foods from Walmart for example. I'm sure the issue is about consumer safety more than anything. Which I do support even as a moderate libertarian myself. I literally quoted the source you used. If anyone is in denial it's clearly you!! You aren't even making sense. You couldn't provide any answers to my questions, so you spew hatred towards me. Grow up. You lose again "As noted by NBC News, the suspect's online posting did not overtly reference politics or political figures, except for two posts about Trump." The two political post that they did find did not show any pro Trump support whatsoever. That is from your own source 😂😂 That is kind of an odd question, wouldn't you agree? How do we make informed decisions now? Look at buying a car for example. We look at websites with reviews from people who have actually drove the cars we are looking into. Chicago wanna be rapper/gang banger. Can't wait til the phony liberals would have prevented this one. Be glad you can protest like you feel like you need to. Because in other so called free nations they don't have a broad freedom of speech like we do. Balances change, the Supreme Court has 5 solid right wingers in their corner. Clarence Thomas isn't getting any younger and neither is Alito, Roberts has even had health issues. We could very well see a swing back the other way in the next decade. That is not what you did in your comment. You claimed this author wrote a good book about this topic, then go on to explain that he is one sided in his attacks. Unless of course your description was wrong. If its not and he fails to blame our two party system, why should I read it based on what you've said to be? We don't need hyper partisanship like that and I want nothing to do with it. "I'm pro life, but rape and incest is a grey area, and those should be personal decisions". What!! Only a Karen would go in front of a national audience and say something so dumb. Not only can you not type properly, you cannot form a thought either. We somewhat agree here, but you're so off the wall insane you cannot see it. You haven't addressed anything I've said, all you do is deflect. Waste happens in all aspects of our government. Road projects was only one aspect, I even mentioned covid money being stolen above. You did not demonstrate how there isn't large scale waste, only that other nations for profit is either nonexistent or extremely low compared to our system. The US system is flawed, but under our current leaders, from both parties, I do not trust them to handle a universal system. We have a similar system for our veterans and that isn't going so well. What do you think will happen when you add another 300 million people to that system? It is certainly not the fault of a private company when the funds, that were collected by taxes, were wasted away before any project could actually start. I agree on your second point, however, under no circumstances will the US ever rid themselves of for profit care. Not even if they started using a universal system. You haven't turned any tables on me, you're now deflecting. Case in point you have absolutely no clue what health system I actually support, you just assumed. That is a totally worthless read unless the author is willing to admit both sides do and have done this. That is a good example, but it doesn't help your cause. I live just outside Pittsburgh, PA and funds to fix the roads are often wasted away. Government waste is a huge problem. Hell, we even seen it with the covid funds. So, I'll turn the tables on you and ask who will prevent large scale waste under the universal system you want? Every state already offers free care to low income families among many other resources. Yes, I'm sure this will mean those cost will increase with each passing year and that must be taken care of by the legislatures. We will likely also see these "brave women" murdered their own baby or toss it into a dumpster much more often. Everyone will soon show their true colors. See, I knew someone like yourself would twist what I said. My question is valid unless other facts are brought to the table. At what point did she tell an adult about her rape and was she given a pregnancy test before that 6 weeks. Those are both valid questions that we don't have answers to in this case. I'm not trying to be rude at all here, but how didn't she know she was pregnant before 6 weeks? This seems like something that should have been monitored right after the rape. Please note I fully support exceptions for rape and incest, not to mention abortion in general since it should fall under privacy laws. Something the Roberts court has fought against since he was placed on the bench. This is totally meaningless unless Pascrell and or yourself tell us what was in the bill. Because I highly doubt it does anything to actually lower prices.